Timothy Prickett Morgan

Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan

Intel Hints At Future Skylake Xeons As Enterprises Cool

The gap in the appetite for new computing technology between enterprises and hyperscalers and cloud builders is widening, but no one is talking about causality quite yet even though there is probably some link between the rise of clouds and more conservative spending on the part of enterprises.

But there is, perhaps, another cause. It could just be that the growth in traditional computing in the enterprise that is dedicated to things like print, file, web, email, and database serving is now less than the Moore’s Law increases that are enabled by process shrinks at the fabs run by Intel.

Intel Hints At Future Skylake Xeons As Enterprises Cool was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

IBM Overclocks Power8 To Take On “Broadwell” Xeon E7

In the absence of Power8+ processor upgrades this year, and with sales of midrange systems taking a bit of a hit in the third quarter, IBM has to do something to push its iron against Xeon E7 and Sparc M7 systems between now and when the Power9 machines are available in the second half of 2017. It also needs to entice customers who are on older Power7 and Power7+ machinery to upgrade now rather than wait the better part of a year to spend money.

To that end, IBM has launched the Power 850C four-socket server, a companion to

IBM Overclocks Power8 To Take On “Broadwell” Xeon E7 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

A Snapshot Of Big Blue’s Systems Business

It is the job of the chief financial officer and the rest of the top brass of every public company in the world to present the financial results of their firms in the best possible light every thirteen weeks when the numbers are compiled and presented to Wall Street for grading. Money is how we all keep score, and how we decide we will invest and therefore live in our old age, hopefully with a certain amount of peace.

Starting this year, IBM has been presenting its financial results in a new format, which helps it emphasize its cognitive computing

A Snapshot Of Big Blue’s Systems Business was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

AWS And VMware Acquaint As Strange Cloudfellows

What happens when the world’s largest public cloud and the biggest peddler of server virtualization in the enterprise team up to create a hybrid cloud?

A few things. First, the many VMware partners who have built clouds based on the ESXi hypervisor get nervous. And second, VMware very delicately and carefully prices its software low enough that it can have a scalable public cloud play but not so low that Amazon Web Services doesn’t end up having the pricing leverage that its parent company had with the book business a decade ago. And third, AWS uses the might of a

AWS And VMware Acquaint As Strange Cloudfellows was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Opening Up The Server Bus For Coherent Acceleration

When IBM started to use the word “open” in conjunction with its Power architecture more than three years with the formation of the OpenPower Foundation three years ago, Big Blue was not confused about what that term meant. If the Power architecture was to survive, it would do so by having open specifications that would allow third parties to not only make peripherals, but also to license the technology and make clones of Power8 or Power9 processors.

One of the key technologies that IBM wove into the Power8 chip that differentiates it from Xeon, Opteron, ARM, and Sparc processors is

Opening Up The Server Bus For Coherent Acceleration was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Adapteva Joins The Kilocore Club With Epiphany-V

The computing industry is facing a number of challenges as Moore’s Law improvements in circuitry slow down, and they don’t all have to do with transistor counts and memory bandwidth and such. Another problem is that it has gotten progressively more costly to design chips at the same time that mass customization seems to be the way to provide unique processing capability specifically for precise workloads.

In recent decades, the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency pumped huge sums of money into designing and manufacturing gigascale, terascale, and petascale systems, but in recent years this development arm of the US

Adapteva Joins The Kilocore Club With Epiphany-V was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Raising The Standard For Storage Memory Fabrics

People tend to obsess about processing when it comes to system design, but ultimately an application and its data lives in memory and anything that can improve the capacity, throughput, and latency of memory will make all the processing you throw at it result in useful work rather than wasted clock cycles.

This is why flash has been such a boon for systems. But we can do better, and the Gen-Z consortium announced this week is going to create a new memory fabric standard that it hopes will break down the barriers between main memory and other storage-class memories on

Raising The Standard For Storage Memory Fabrics was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Igneous Melds ARM Chips And Disks For Private S3 Storage

The only companies that want – and expect – all compute and storage to move to the public cloud are those public clouds that do not have a compelling private cloud story to tell. But the fact remains that for many enterprises, their most sensitive data and workloads cannot – and will not – move to the public cloud.

This almost demands, as we have discussed before, the creation of private versions of public cloud infrastructure, which interestingly enough, is not as easy as it might seem. Scaling infrastructure down so it is still cost effective and usable by

Igneous Melds ARM Chips And Disks For Private S3 Storage was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

The Emergence Of Data-Centric Computing

As data grows, a shift in computing paradigm is underway. I started my professional career in the 1990s, during massive shift from mainframe computing to the heyday of client/server computing and enterprise applications such as ERP, CRM, and human resources software. Relational databases like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Informix offered improvements to managing data, and the technique of combining a new class of midrange servers from Sun Microsystems, Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard with storage tiers from EMC and IBM reduced costs and complexity over traditional mainframes.

However, what remained was that these new applications continued to operate

The Emergence Of Data-Centric Computing was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Accelerating Slow Databases That Wear People Down

Todd Mostak, the creator of the MapD GPU-accelerated database and visualization system, made that database because he was a frustrated user of other database technologies, and as a user, he is adamant that accelerating databases and making visualization of queried data is about more than just being a speed freak.

“Analytics is ultimately a creative exercise,” Mostak tells The Next Platform during a conversation that was supposed to be about benchmark results but that, as often happens here, wandered far and wide. “Analysts start from some place, and where they go is a function of the resources that are

Accelerating Slow Databases That Wear People Down was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Applied Micro Finds ARM Server Footing, Reaches Higher

One of the frustrating facts about peddling any new technology is that the early adopters that discover a strategic advantage in that technology want to keep that secret all to themselves. Word of mouth and real-world use cases are big factors in the adoption of any new technology, and anything that hampers this actually causes the adoption to move slower than it otherwise might.

But eventually, despite all of the secrecy, there comes a time when the critical mass is reached and adoption proceeds apace. We have been waiting for that moment for a long time now for 64-bit ARM

Applied Micro Finds ARM Server Footing, Reaches Higher was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Making The Case For Containers

Linux container technology is IT’s shiny new thing. Containers promise to ease application development and deployment, a necessity in a business environment where getting ahead of application demand can mean the difference between staying in business or not. Containers offer many benefits, but they are not a panacea, and it’s important to understand why, where and when to use them.

Most IT pros recognize that application containers can provide a technological edge, one that translates into a clear business advantage. Containers unify and streamline application components – including the libraries and binaries upon which individual applications depend. Combining isolation with

Making The Case For Containers was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Server Encryption With An FPGA Offload Boost

Everyone talks about security on infrastructure, but it comes at a heavy cost. While datacenters have been securing their perimeters with firewalls for decades, this is far from sufficient for modern applications.

Back in the early days of the Internet, all traffic was from the client in through the web and application servers to the back-end database that fed the applications – what is known as north-south traffic in the datacenter lingo. But these days, an application is a collection of multiple services that are assembled on the fly from all over the datacenter, across untold server nodes, in what

Server Encryption With An FPGA Offload Boost was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Amazon Gets Serious About GPU Compute On Clouds

In the public cloud business, scale is everything – hyper, in fact – and having too many different kinds of compute, storage, or networking makes support more complex and investment in infrastructure more costly. So when a big public cloud like Amazon Web Services invests in a non-standard technology, that means something. In the case of Nvidia’s Tesla accelerators, it means that GPU compute has gone mainstream.

It may not be obvious, but AWS tends to hang back on some of the Intel Xeon compute on its cloud infrastructure, at least compared to the largest supercomputer centers and hyperscalers like

Amazon Gets Serious About GPU Compute On Clouds was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Windows Server 2016: End Of One Era, Start Of Another

What constitutes an operating system changes with the work a system performs and the architecture that defines how that work is done. All operating systems tend to expand out from their initial core functionality, embedding more and more functions. And then, every once in a while, there is a break, a shift in technology that marks a fundamental change in how computing gets done.

It is fair to say that Windows Server 2016, which made it formal debut at Microsoft’s Ignite conference today and which starts shipping on October 1, is at the fulcrum of a profound change where an

Windows Server 2016: End Of One Era, Start Of Another was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

A Rare Tour Of Microsoft’s Hyperscale Datacenters

If you want to study how datacenter design has changed over the past two decades, a good place to visit is Quincy, Washington. There are five different datacenter operators in this small farming community of around 7,000 people, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Intuit, Sabey Data Centers, and Vantage Data Centers, and they have located there thanks to the proximity of Quincy to hydroelectric power generated from the Columbia River and the relatively cool and arid climate, which can be used to great advantage to keep servers, storage, and switches cool.

All of the datacenter operators are pretty secretive about their glass

A Rare Tour Of Microsoft’s Hyperscale Datacenters was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Pushing Database Scalability Up And Out With GPUs

What is good for the simulation and the machine learning is, as it turns out, also good for the database. The performance and thermal limits of traditional CPUs have made GPUs the go-to accelerator for these workloads at extreme scale, and now databases, which are thread monsters in their own right, are also turning to GPUs to get a performance and scale boost.

Commercializing GPU databases takes time, and Kinetica, formerly known as GPUdb, is making a bit of a splash ahead of the Strata+Hadoop World conference next week as it brags about the performance and scale of the parallel

Pushing Database Scalability Up And Out With GPUs was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

IBM Builds A Bridge Between Private And Public Power Clouds

Two years ago, when Big Blue put a stake through the heart of its impartial attitude about the X86 server business, it was also putting a stake in the ground for its Power systems business.

IBM bet that it could make more money selling Power machinery to its existing customer base and while at the same time expanding it out to hyperscalers like Google through the OpenPower Foundation while at the same time gradually building out a companion public cloud offering of Power machinery on its SoftLayer cloud and through partners like Rackspace Hosting. This is a big bet, and

IBM Builds A Bridge Between Private And Public Power Clouds was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Modern Storage Software Erodes Resistant Data Silos

With the record-breaking $60 billion Dell/EMC acquisition now complete, both of these companies and their customers now have more options than ever before to meet evolving storage needs. Joining forces helps the newly minted Dell Technologies combine the best of both worlds to better serve customers by blending EMC storage and support with Dell pricing and procurement.

But there is some trouble in paradise. Even when sold by the same vendor, most storage systems have been designed as secluded islands of data, meaning they aren’t terribly good at talking to each other.

In fact, this silo effect is exacerbated

Modern Storage Software Erodes Resistant Data Silos was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

The Server At Peak X86

One of the reasons why Dell spent $60 billion on the EMC-VMware conglomerate was to become the top supplier of infrastructure in the corporate datacenter. But even before the deal closed, Dell was on its way – somewhat surprisingly to many – to toppling Hewlett Packard Enterprise as the dominant supplier of X86 systems in the world.

But that computing world is set to change, we think. And perhaps more quickly – some might say jarringly — than any of the server incumbents are prepared to absorb.

After Intel, with the help of a push from AMD a decade ago,

The Server At Peak X86 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

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