Author Archives: Valter Popeskic
Author Archives: Valter Popeskic
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
This story will be a turning point for my blog future starting with a change in writing methods and changing those methods to a more causal fashion. INTRO For now all my text here where somehow depersonalized and tech oriented in a way that it was all written like in some book. User manual to me concise. Maybe this […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Static floating route is static route like any other but with added administrative distance in the configuration R1(config)#ip route 200 Defining the packets route using Static Floating Routes is very interesting topic so I decided to give you a short description of Static floating routes with an example. Static floating route is the […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Simply said, time difference in packet inter-arrival time to their destination can be called jitter. Jitter is specific issue that normally exists in packet networks and this phenomenon is usually not causing any communication problems. TCP/IP is responsible for dealing with the jitter impact on communication. On the other hand, in VoIP network environment, or better […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
I see a % ## in my IPv6 address… what is it?? Because all Link-Local Addresses share the same network identifier (fe80::), you cannot determine which interface an LLA is bound to merely by looking at the address. Therefore, if a computer running Windows has multiple network adapters connected to different network segments, it distinguishes the networks by using a numeric zone ID following a percent sign after the IP address.
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
In short RADIUS means Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service server or proxy. This is the best technology and as far as I know the only technology for all centralized accounting and authorization for connecting to networks. It is a standard. This technology will help you control who will be able to connect to your network and who will not […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
As you will see here there are two kinds of IPv6 address autoconfiguration. One of them is the old well know way to automatically configure IP address from IPv4 world, DHCP. The other way to make the autoconfiguration in IPv6 world in new and really interesting as it leaves the host the ability to make the autoconfiguration by […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Policy-Based Routing Configuration Here we will show different examples for configure specific PBR types: Enabling PBR on the Router Fast-Switched PBR Local PBR CEF-Switched PBR Enabling PBR This command will define that the router will use PBR and that the PBR will use route-map named TEST. R1(config)# route-map TEST permit 10 Defines a route map […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
About Policy-Based Routing Policy-Based Routing – PBR gives you very simple way of controlling where packets will be forwarded before they enter in the destination-based routing process of the router. It’s a technology that gives you more control over network traffic flow because you will not always want to send certain packets by the obvious […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
This will be a short Reverse Proxy Caching Overview that will explain what proxy is and what is reverse proxy all about. Normal proxy cache topology is one where the server called proxy server will be some kind of intermediate device between client and server. Proxy will receive all requests from clients and it will […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
What is Wildcard Masking? Wildcard mask is like any other computer IP address basically a group od zeroes and ones (o and 1). To be short, in wildcard mask all number one (1) mean “I don’t care about that position”, and all zeroes (0) mean “I care about that position in binary address”. Let’s take an example where Access list with […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Cisco device will not send log messages to your terminal session by default. That means that you will see log messages in putty only if you are connected to console port but if you connect with telnet or SSH you will not get log messages. Here’s how to resolve this: There are three types of logging: […]
When I connect to device with telnet or SSH I don’t see logging?
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Stateless autoconfiguration or SLAAC SLAAC is another method in which the host or router interface is assigned a 64-bit prefix, and then the last 64 bits of its address are derived by the host or router with help of EUI-64 process which is described here. SLAAC uses NDP protocol to work. As the format of the EUI-64 format […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
L2TP Attributes Summary Projected L2TP standard was made available in the year 1999 by means of RFC 2661. It was originated primarily from two different tunneling protocols, named as: Point-to-Point communication protocol and PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling protocol). In other words, L2TP (Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol) is an up-and-coming IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol It’s the way the IPv6 hosts learn the addresses as well as about the neighbors around himself. That includes learning about other hosts and routers on local network. That is the biggest difference between IPv4 and IPv6. The Neighbor Discovery Protocol is also called ND or NDP, makes this and other […]
NDP – Neighbor Discovery Protocol: IPv6 Stateless address autoconfiguration SLAAC
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
PNRP name resolution protocol uses this two steps: Endpoint determination – In this step the peer is determining the IPv6 address of the computer network card on which the PNRP ID service is published. PNRP ID resolution – After locating and testing the reachability of the peer with the PNRP ID with desired PNRP service, […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
PNRP – The Peer Name Resolution Protocol is new protocol made by Microsoft which is one of the first technology that will change the way we think about naming resolution in computer networking and possibly be the next DNS – Domain Name System like technology. PNRP is the new DNS but there are so much […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Next project was one of my first networking Science articles. It is a short look at latest achievements from some of the biggest networking scientists today with some short comments from my mentor and me. The work was presented at 19. International scientific conference of International Federation of Communication Associations. International scientific conference “DIT 2012″ accepts […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
If you work in networking sooner or later there will be a situation where someone will bring you a device that you must connect to your network that was used somewhere else before. That can be something like switch, Fiber channel switch, some security appliance, different controllers etc. In that case this device will often […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
Session Announcement Protocol as an experimental protocol designed for the purpose of multicasting a session’s information. IETF issued it as RFC 2974. SDP (Session Description Protocol) is being used by SAP as real-time transport protocol’s session depiction arrangement. With SAP use, correspondent can transmit SDP descriptions from time to time to an acknowledged multicast address […]
How does the internet work - We know what is networking
This is a movie based on a true story. Is the issue you will have sooner or later if you are into networking and managing devices? Perhaps you will manage to upgrade hundreds of devices before you will see this happening but maybe it will be one of the first devices in production environment to […]
Recovery From Corrupt or Missing Software Image on Cisco device