Author Archives: Vânia Gonçalves
Author Archives: Vânia Gonçalves
As highlighted yesterday, research efforts at Cloudflare have been growing over the years as well as their scope. Cloudflare Research is proud to support computer science research to help build a better Internet, and we want to tell you where you can learn more about our efforts and how to get in touch.
Cloudflare is built on a foundation of open standards which are the result of community consensus and research. Research is integral to Cloudflare’s mission as is the commitment to contribute back to the research and standards communities by establishing and maintaining a growing number of collaborations.
Throughout the years we have cherished many collaborations and one-on-one relationships, but we have probably been missing a lot of interesting work happening elsewhere. This is our main motivation for this Research hub of information: to help us build further collaborations with industrial and academic research groups, and individuals across the world. We are eager to interface more effectively with the wider research and standards communities: practitioners, researchers and educators. And as for you, dear reader, we encourage you to recognize that you are our audience too: we often hear that Continue reading
As part of Cloudflare’s effort to build collaborations with academia, we host research focused internships all year long. Interns collaborate cross-functionally in research projects and are encouraged to ship code and write a blog post and a peer-reviewed publication at the end of their internship. Post-internship, many of our interns have joined Cloudflare to continue their work and often connect back with their alma mater strengthening idea sharing and collaborative initiatives.
Last year, we extended the intern experience by hosting Thomas Ristenpart, Associate Professor at Cornell Tech. Thomas collaborated for half a year on a project related to password breach alerting. Based on the success of this experience we are taking a further step in creating a structured Visiting Researcher program, to broaden our capabilities and invest further on a shared motivation with academics.
Our current research focuses on applied cryptography, privacy, network protocols and architecture, measurement and performance evaluation, and, increasingly, distributed systems. With the Visiting Researcher program, Cloudflare aims to foster a shared motivation with academia and engage together in seeking innovative solutions to help build a better Internet in the mentioned domains.
We expect to support the operationalization of ideas that emerge Continue reading