Author Archives: Veronica Marin
Author Archives: Veronica Marin
At Cloudflare, we believe in the power of open source. It’s more than just code, it’s the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and shared knowledge that drives the Internet forward. Open source is the foundation upon which the Internet thrives, allowing developers and creators from around the world to contribute to a greater whole.
But oftentimes, open source maintainers struggle with the costs associated with running their projects and providing access to users all over the world. We’ve had the privilege of supporting incredible open source projects such as Git and the Linux Foundation through our open source program and learned first-hand about the places where Cloudflare can help the most.
Today, we're introducing a streamlined and expanded open source program: Project Alexandria. The ancient city of Alexandria is known for hosting a prolific library and a lighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Lighthouse of Alexandria served as a beacon of culture and community, welcoming people from afar into the city. We think Alexandria is a great metaphor for the role open source projects play as a beacon for developers around the world and a source of knowledge that is core to making a Continue reading
What AI applications can you build with Cloudflare? Instead of us telling you we reached out to a small handful of the numerous AI companies using Cloudflare to learn a bit about what they’re building and how Cloudflare is helping them on their journey.
We heard common themes from these companies about the challenges they face in bringing new products to market in the ever-changing world of AI ranging from training and deploying models, the ethical and moral judgements of AI, gaining the trust of users, and the regulatory landscape. One area that is not a challenge is trusting their AI application infrastructure to Cloudflare.
Azule, based in Calgary, Canada, was founded to apply the power of AI to streamline and improve ecommerce customer service. It’s an exciting moment that, for the first time ever, we can now dynamically generate, deploy, and test code to meet specific user needs or integrations. This kind of flexibility is crucial to create a tool like Azule that is designed to meet this demand, offering a platform that can handle complex requirements and provide flexible integration options with other tools.
The AI space is evolving quickly and that applies to the Continue reading
In 2018, we first launched our Open Source Software Sponsorships program, and since then, we've been listening to your feedback, and realized that it's time to introduce a fresh and enhanced version of the program that's more inclusive and better addresses the needs of the OSS community.
Previously, our sponsorship focused on engineering tools, but we're excited to announce that we've now opened it to include any non-profit and open source projects.
To qualify for our Open Source Sponsorship Program, projects must be open source and meet the following criteria:
Please keep in mind that this program isn't intended for event sponsorships, but rather for project-based support.
As part of our sponsorship program, we offer the following benefits to projects:
Can Cloudflare help your open source project be successful and sustainable? Fill out the application form to submit your project Continue reading