Vincent Bernat

Author Archives: Vincent Bernat

Route-based IPsec VPN on Linux with strongSwan

A common way to establish an IPsec tunnel on Linux is to use an IKE daemon, like the one from the strongSwan project, with a minimal configuration1:

conn V2-1
  left        = 2001:db8:1::1
  leftsubnet  = 2001:db8:a1::/64
  right       = 2001:db8:2::1
  rightsubnet = 2001:db8:a2::/64
  authby      = psk
  auto        = start

The same configuration can be used on both sides. Each side will figure out if it is “left” or “right”. The IPsec site-to-site tunnel endpoints are 2001:db8:­1::1 and 2001:db8:­2::1. The protected subnets are 2001:db8:­a1::/64 and 2001:db8:­a2::/64. As a result, strongSwan configures the following policies in the kernel:

$ ip xfrm policy
src 2001:db8:a1::/64 dst 2001:db8:a2::/64
        dir out priority 399999 ptype main
        tmpl src 2001:db8:1::1 dst 2001:db8:2::1
                proto esp reqid 4 mode tunnel
src 2001:db8:a2::/64 dst 2001:db8:a1::/64
        dir fwd priority 399999 ptype main
        tmpl src 2001:db8:2::1 dst 2001:db8:1::1
                proto esp reqid 4 mode tunnel
src 2001:db8:a2::/64 dst 2001:db8:a1::/64
        dir in priority 399999 ptype main
        tmpl src 2001:db8:2::1 dst 2001:db8:1::1
                proto esp reqid 4 mode tunnel

This kind of IPsec tunnel is a policy-based VPN: encapsulation and decapsulation are governed by these policies. Each of them contains the following elements:

Performance progression of IPv6 route lookup on Linux

In a previous article, I explained how Linux implements an IPv6 routing table. The following graph shows the performance progression of route lookups through Linux history:

IPv6 route lookup performance progression

All kernels are compiled with GCC 4.9 (from Debian Jessie). This version is able to compile older kernels as well as current ones. The kernel configuration is the default one with CONFIG_SMP, CONFIG_IPV6, CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES and CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES options enabled. Some other unrelated options are enabled to be able to boot them in a virtual machine and run the benchmark.

There are three notable performance changes:

  • In Linux 3.1, Eric Dumazet delays a bit the copy of route metrics to fix the undesirable sharing of route-specific metrics by all cache entries (commit 21efcfa0ff27). Each cache entry now gets its own metrics, which explains the performance hit for the non-/128 scenarios.
  • In Linux 3.9, Yoshifuji Hideaki removes the reference to the neighbor entry in struct rt6_info (commit 887c95cc1da5). This should have lead to a performance increase. The small regression may be due to cache-related issues.
  • In Linux 4.2, Martin KaFai Lau prevents the creation of cache entries for most route lookups. The Continue reading

IPv6 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: With its implementation of IPv6 routing tables using radix trees, Linux offers subpar performance (450 ns for a full view — 40,000 routes) compared to IPv4 (50 ns for a full view — 500,000 routes) but fair memory usage (20 MiB for a full view).

In a previous article, we had a look at IPv4 route lookup on Linux. Let’s see how different IPv6 is.

Lookup trie implementation

Looking up a prefix in a routing table comes down to find the most specific entry matching the requested destination. A common structure for this task is the trie, a tree structure where each node has its parent as prefix.

With IPv4, Linux uses a level-compressed trie (or LPC-trie), providing good performances with low memory usage. For IPv6, Linux uses a more classic radix tree (or Patricia trie). There are three reasons for not sharing:

  • The IPv6 implementation (introduced in Linux 2.1.8, 1996) predates the IPv4 implementation based on LPC-tries (in Linux 2.6.13, commit 19baf839ff4a).
  • The feature set is different. Notably, IPv6 supports source-specific routing1 (since Linux 2. Continue reading

Performance progression of IPv4 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: Each of Linux 2.6.39, 3.6 and 4.0 brings notable performance improvements for the IPv4 route lookup process.

In a previous article, I explained how Linux implements an IPv4 routing table with compressed tries to offer excellent lookup times. The following graph shows the performance progression of Linux through history:

IPv4 route lookup performance

Two scenarios are tested:

  • 500,000 routes extracted from an Internet router (half of them are /24), and
  • 500,000 host routes (/32) tightly packed in 4 distinct subnets.

All kernels are compiled with GCC 4.9 (from Debian Jessie). This version is able to compile older kernels1 as well as current ones. The kernel configuration used is the default one with CONFIG_SMP and CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES options enabled (however, no IP rules are used). Some other unrelated options are enabled to be able to boot them in a virtual machine and run the benchmark.

The measurements are done in a virtual machine with one vCPU2. The host is an Intel Core i5-4670K and the CPU governor was set to “performance”. The benchmark is single-threaded. Implemented as a kernel module, it calls fib_lookup() with various destinations in 100,000 timed iterations and keeps the Continue reading

IPv4 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: With its implementation of IPv4 routing tables using LPC-tries, Linux offers good lookup performance (50 ns for a full view) and low memory usage (64 MiB for a full view).

During the lifetime of an IPv4 datagram inside the Linux kernel, one important step is the route lookup for the destination address through the fib_lookup() function. From essential information about the datagram (source and destination IP addresses, interfaces, firewall mark, …), this function should quickly provide a decision. Some possible options are:

  • local delivery (RTN_LOCAL),
  • forwarding to a supplied next hop (RTN_UNICAST),
  • silent discard (RTN_BLACKHOLE).

Since 2.6.39, Linux stores routes into a compressed prefix tree (commit 3630b7c050d9). In the past, a route cache was maintained but it has been removed1 in Linux 3.6.

Route lookup in a trie

Looking up a route in a routing table is to find the most specific prefix matching the requested destination. Let’s assume the following routing table:

VXLAN: BGP EVPN with Cumulus Quagga

VXLAN is an overlay network to encapsulate Ethernet traffic over an existing (highly available and scalable, possibly the Internet) IP network while accomodating a very large number of tenants. It is defined in RFC 7348. For an uncut introduction on its use with Linux, have a look at my “VXLAN & Linux” post.

VXLAN deployment

In the above example, we have hypervisors hosting a virtual machines from different tenants. Each virtual machine is given access to a tenant-specific virtual Ethernet segment. Users are expecting classic Ethernet segments: no MAC restrictions1, total control over the IP addressing scheme they use and availability of multicast.

In a large VXLAN deployment, two aspects need attention:

  1. discovery of other endpoints (VTEPs) sharing the same VXLAN segments, and
  2. avoidance of BUM frames (broadcast, unknown unicast and multicast) as they have to be forwarded to all VTEPs.

A typical solution for the first point is using multicast. For the second point, this is source-address learning.

Introduction to BGP EVPN

BGP EVPN (RFC 7432 and draft-ietf-bess-evpn-overlay for its application with VXLAN Continue reading

VXLAN & Linux

VXLAN is an overlay network to carry Ethernet traffic over an existing (highly available and scalable) IP network while accommodating a very large number of tenants. It is defined in RFC 7348.

Starting from Linux 3.12, the VXLAN implementation is quite complete as both multicast and unicast are supported as well as IPv6 and IPv4. Let’s explore the various methods to configure it.

VXLAN setup

To illustrate our examples, we use the following setup:

  • an underlay IP network (highly available and scalable, possibly the Internet),
  • three Linux bridges acting as VXLAN tunnel endpoints (VTEP),
  • four servers believing they share a common Ethernet segment.

A VXLAN tunnel extends the individual Ethernet segments accross the three bridges, providing a unique (virtual) Ethernet segment. From one host (e.g. H1), we can reach directly all the other hosts in the virtual segment:

$ ping -c10 -w1 -t1 ff02::1%eth0
PING ff02::1%eth0(ff02::1%eth0) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:8%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:b%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.98 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:9%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from fe80::5254:33ff:fe00:a%eth0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.99 ms (DUP!)

--- ff02::1%eth0 ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, +3 duplicates,  Continue reading

Proper isolation of a Linux bridge

TL;DR: when configuring a Linux bridge, use the following commands to enforce isolation:

# bridge vlan del dev br0 vid 1 self
# echo 1 > /sys/class/net/br0/bridge/vlan_filtering

A network bridge (also commonly called a “switch”) brings several Ethernet segments together. It is a common element in most infrastructures. Linux provides its own implementation.

A typical use of a Linux bridge is shown below. The hypervisor is running three virtual hosts. Each virtual host is attached to the br0 bridge (represented by the horizontal segment). The hypervisor has two physical network interfaces:

  • eth0 is attached to a public network providing various services for the virtual hosts (DHCP, DNS, NTP, routers to Internet, …). It is also part of the br0 bridge.
  • eth1 is attached to an infrastructure network providing various services to the hypervisor (DNS, NTP, configuration management, routers to Internet, …). It is not part of the br0 bridge.

Typical use of Linux bridging with virtual machines

The main expectation of such a setup is that while the virtual hosts should be able to use resources from the public network, they should not be able to access resources from the infrastructure network (including resources hosted on the hypervisor itself, like a Continue reading

Netops with Emacs and Org mode

Org mode is a package for Emacs to “keep notes, maintain todo lists, planning projects and authoring documents”. It can execute embedded snippets of code and capture the output (through Babel). It’s an invaluable tool for documenting your infrastructure and your operations.

Here are three (relatively) short videos exhibiting Org mode use in the context of network operations. In all of them, I am using my own junos-mode which features the following perks:

  • syntax highlighting for configuration files,
  • commit of configuration snippets to remote devices, and
  • execution of remote commands.

Since some Junos devices can be quite slow, commits and remote executions are done asynchronously1 with the help of a Python helper.

In the first video, I take some notes about configuring BGP add-path feature (RFC 7911). It demonstrates all the available features of junos-mode.

In the second video, I execute a planned operation to enable this feature in production. The document is a modus operandi and contains the configuration to apply and the commands to check if it works as expected. At the end, the document becomes a detailed report of the operation.

In the third video, a cookbook has been prepared to execute Continue reading

Integration of a Go service with systemd

Unlike other programming languages, Go’s runtime doesn’t provide a way to reliably daemonize a service. A system daemon has to supply this functionality. Most distributions ship systemd which would fit the bill. A correct integration with systemd is quite straightforward. There are two interesting aspects: readiness & liveness.

As an example, we will daemonize this service whose goal is to answer requests with nifty 404 errors:

package main

import (

func main() {
    l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8081")
    if err != nil {
        log.Panicf("cannot listen: %s", err)
    http.Serve(l, nil)

You can build it with go build 404.go.

Here is the service file, 404.service1:

Description=404 micro-service




The classic way for an Unix daemon to signal its readiness is to daemonize. Technically, this is done by calling fork(2) twice (which also serves other intents). This is a very common task and the BSD systems, as well as some other C libraries, supply a daemon(3) Continue reading

Write your own terminal emulator

I was an happy user of rxvt-unicode until I got a laptop with an HiDPI display. Switching from a LoDPI to a HiDPI screen and back was a pain: I had to manually adjust the font size on all terminals or restart them.

VTE is a library to build a terminal emulator using the GTK+ toolkit, which handles DPI changes. It is used by many terminal emulators, like GNOME Terminal, evilvte, sakura, termit and ROXTerm. The library is quite straightforward and writing a terminal doesn’t take much time if you don’t need many features.

Let’s see how to write a simple one.

A simple terminal

Let’s start small with a terminal with the default settings. We’ll write that in C. Another supported option is Vala.

#include <vte/vte.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    GtkWidget *window, *terminal;

    /* Initialise GTK, the window and the terminal */
    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
    terminal = vte_terminal_new();
    window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "myterm");

    /* Start a new shell */
    gchar **envp = g_get_environ();
    gchar **command = (gchar * Continue reading