Vu Long Tran

Author Archives: Vu Long Tran

Happy Pink Dot SG from the Proudflare team!

Happy Pink Dot SG from the Proudflare team!

Pink Dot SG is an event which takes place every June in Singapore to celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride! Cloudflare participated this year, on June 21st. We’re a little late, but wanted to share what we got up to. Pink Dot SG started in 2009, as a way for queer people and allies alike to demonstrate their belief that everyone deserves the “freedom to love.”

Proudflare at Pink Dot ‘18

Proudflare, Cloudflare's LGBTQIA+ employee resource group, finds ways to support and provide resources for the LGBTQIA+ community, both within Cloudflare and in the larger community.

Proudflare started in 2017 in our San Francisco headquarters and in 2018, the Proudflare Singapore chapter was formed. We were excited to participate in our first public-facing event and demonstrate Cloudflare’s commitment to equality and dignity for all people!

We took to the streets this year to celebrate, but more importantly demand equality for our community in Singapore. It was an exciting event, with heaps of buzz, cheer, and joy amongst the crowd! Pink Dot SG included LGBTQIA+-themed events, information tents, a concert, and onstage were 10 Declarations for Equality, a list of changes the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies are ready for and Continue reading