Warnessa Weaver

Author Archives: Warnessa Weaver

Improving Data Loss Prevention accuracy with AI-powered context analysis

We are excited to announce our latest innovation to Cloudflare’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution: a self-improving AI-powered algorithm that adapts to your organization’s unique traffic patterns to reduce false positives. 

Many customers are plagued by the shapeshifting task of identifying and protecting their sensitive data as it moves within and even outside of their organization. Detecting this data through deterministic means, such as regular expressions, often fails because they cannot identify details that are categorized as personally identifiable information (PII) nor intellectual property (IP). This can generate a high rate of false positives, which contributes to noisy alerts that subsequently may lead to review fatigue. Even more critically, this less than ideal experience can turn users away from relying on our DLP product and result in a reduction in their overall security posture. 

Built into Cloudflare’s DLP Engine, AI enables us to intelligently assess the contents of a document or HTTP request in parallel with a customer’s historical reports to determine context similarity and draw conclusions on data sensitivity with increased accuracy.

In this blog post, we’ll explore DLP AI Context Analysis, its implementation using Workers AI and Vectorize, and future improvements we’re developing.