PERFORMANCE NOT YOUR PROBLEM? Then by all means disable ip unreachables in your networks, specially at the edge, whether it’s the WAN or your Transit / Internet connections. There are very few...
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WHAT IS A TRANSPORT VRF? What do I mean be a transport VRF, lets expand on that a bit. The transport VRF is used to carry tunnel source, to tunnel destination traffic. Simplistic example, imagine a...
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I took a few C++ and Visual Basic courses back in high shcool. Now, at that time, they didn’t teach the STL (Standard Template Library), I remember using conio.h allot...
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How a properly formatted data structure and a non-formatted data structure look like. Here, we’re going to convert the output of the popular show ip route..
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Designing fabricpath? Deploying fabricpath? Read on!
summary: FabricPath is a Layer-2 routing architecture (yes L2 routing), using ISIS to build shortest path trees to destination bridges...
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