In this article, we describe how we orchestrate Kafka, Dataflow and BigQuery together to ingest and transform a large stream of events. When adding scale and latency constraints, reconciling and reordering them becomes a challenge, here is how we tackle it.
In digital advertising, day-to-day operations generate a lot of events we need to track in order to transparently report campaign’s performances. These events come from:
- Users’ interactions with the ads, sent by the browser. These events are called tracking events and can be standard (start, complete, pause, resume, etc.) or custom events coming from interactive creatives built with Teads Studio. We receive about 10 billion tracking events a day.
- Events coming from our back-ends, regarding ad auctions’ details for the most part (real-time bidding processes). We generate more than 60 billion of these events daily, before sampling, and should double this number in 2018.
In the article we focus on tracking events as they are on the most critical path of our business.