
Category Archives for "The Next Platform"

One Supercomputer’s HPC And AI Battle Against The Coronavirus

Normally, supercomputers installed at academic and national laboratories get configured once, acquired as quickly as possible before the money runs out, installed and tested, qualified for use, and put to work for a four or five or possibly longer tour of duty.

One Supercomputer’s HPC And AI Battle Against The Coronavirus was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Pandemic Compute Needs Drive Intel’s Data Center Group

The first half of last year was relatively weak for Intel’s Data Center Group last year, but despite the coronavirus pandemic – and in some cases, we think because of it – the world’s largest datacenter chip manufacturer is looking to not only have a good first quarter, as it just turned in, but could see growth across its various data-centric businesses well into the second half of the year.

Pandemic Compute Needs Drive Intel’s Data Center Group was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

The Next IBM Platform, Revisited

When IBM announced that it was acquiring Red Hat for $34 billion eighteen months ago, one of the things we said that Big Blue needed most and would get from taking over – but not messing with – the world’s largest commercial open source software company was a coherent story that it could tell to its customers about how IBM, which more than any other company helped define data processing, was still relevant to the future.

The Next IBM Platform, Revisited was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Changing Conditions for Neural Network Processing

Over the last few years the idea of “conditional computation” has been key to making neural network processing more efficient, even though much of the hardware ecosystem has focused on general purpose approaches that rely on matrix math operations that brute force the problem instead of selectively operate on only the required pieces.

Changing Conditions for Neural Network Processing was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.

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