For any given compute engine, there is the vendor who makes the chip and therefore a lot of the money and then there are the downstream system architects, system integrators, original design manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers who add further value to that compute engine in one form or another and make their own revenue stream from that innovation. …
Time For A Compute Rematch Between The FPGA And The GPU was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Quantum computers will continue to fit in the “emerging technologies” category for some time, at least in terms of their ability to handle a large enough number of real-world applications. …
Where Will Quantum Systems Succeed in AI Training? was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
We have been making the case in this three part series that vertical integration is becoming more popular in modern datacenters. …
Vertical Integration Is Eating The Datacenter, Part Three was written by Paul Teich at The Next Platform.
If you squint your eyes, a modern FPGA looks like a programmable logic device was crossbred with the mutt of a switch ASIC and an SoC. …
How Far Can You Push Integration With FPGAs? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Much of what sets The Next Platform apart from other tech publications is depth and analysis. …
The Next AI Platform: 2020 Edition was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
There are many things that the hyperscalers and cloud builders have taught enterprise IT to respect more than perhaps it had in years gone by. …
How To Drive Infrastructure Like Uber Does was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
There are two major opposing forces in the datacenter that create tension in IT budgets. …
The Fundamental Disconnect Between Software Pricing And Moore’s Law was written by Jeffrey Burt at The Next Platform.
If FPGAs are going to take off in the datacenter in their own right, they are going to need their own killer apps. …
The Killer Apps For FPGAs Could Be SmartNICs And Storage was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Ahead of The Next FPGA Platform event that we hosted recently in San Jose, we talked to Manoj Roge, vice president of product planning and business development at Achronix, about the three waves of FPGAs that have occurred over the past three decades, and in the course of our live conversation, we got a little more insight into the addressable market for FPGAs and also talked about the fourth wave, which is just starting now. …
The Fourth Wave Of FPGA Compute was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
From a conceptual standpoint, the idea of embedding processing within main memory makes logical sense since it would eliminate many layers of latency between compute and memory in modern systems and make the parallel processing inherent in many workloads overlay elegantly onto the distributed compute and storage components to speed up processing. …
Putting In-Memory Processing Through The Paces was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
A collaboration including the University of Oxford, University of British Columbia, Intel, New York University, CERN, and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center is working to make it practical to incorporate of Bayesian inference into scientific simulators. …
Using Bayesian Inference To Reverse Engineer Decades Of HPC was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Keeping an eye on how the largest cloud providers choose to invest in hardware is always interesting but it does not often shed much light on how emerging workloads are driving new investments. …
Time in the Sun Coming for Cloud FPGAs was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
It is funny to think of the modern datacenter as an appliance, like an iPhone, but in the cases of the hyperscalers and the very largest public cloud builders, this is more or less what they are building. …
Vertical Integration Is Eating The Datacenter, Part Two was written by Paul Teich at The Next Platform.
While supercomputers are arguably the most exciting segment of the high performance computing market, the majority of systems deployed in any given year do not fit into this elite category. …
Most Of HPC Happens Under The Radar was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
In the long run of the history of International Business Machines, a conglomerate established back in 1911 whose Electric Tabulating System was custom built by Herman Hollerith for the federal government in the United States for the 1890 census and then commercialized, the acquisition of Red Hat by Big Blue might, in hindsight many years from now, turn out to be the most significant of the many transitions that IBM has undergone. …
Making The Red Hat Platform Bet Pay Off For Big Blue was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Over a decade ago we would not have expected accelerators to have be commonplace in the datacenter. …
Could FPGAs Outweigh CPUs In Compute Share? was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Indiana University is the proud owner of the first operational Cray “Shasta” supercomputer on the planet. …
Academia Gets The First Production Cray “Shasta” Supercomputer was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
Neuromorphic computing has garnered a lot of attention over the past few years, largely driven by its potential to deliver low-power artificial intelligence to the masses. …
Neuromorphic Chip Maker Takes Aim At The Edge was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
The term “AIOps” is getting a lot of work these days, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise. …
Sparking The Gap Between AI And DevOps was written by Jeffrey Burt at The Next Platform.
The GPU has become a standard platform for accelerating high performance computing workloads, at least for those that have had their code tweaked to support acceleration at all. …
Oak Ridge Trials Arm-GPU Combo On HPC Testbed was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.