It is hard to take on either Intel or Nvidia in their respectively dominant CPU and GPU markets, and credit is due to AMD for taking on both companies at the same time to try to carve itself a larger slice of the datacenter pie. …
AMD Takes A Bigger Bite Out Of The Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Like the large enterprises they sell gear to, the big OEMs are a conservative lot and they take a paced, methodical approach to introducing new technologies into the datacenter. …
IBM Bookends AI With New Accelerated Power9 System was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Europe is trailing the other major HPC powers in its quest to field exascale supercomputers. …
European Processor Initiative Readies Prototype was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
Storage systems are inherently data intensive. But the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence as a standard datacenter workload has storage vendors scrambling to design platforms that better meet the more stringent performance needs of these applications. …
AI Is Driving Storage Down New Avenues was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and parent company Alphabet, generated a lot of buzz recently with an op-ed he wrote for the The Financial Times calling for greater regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, adding a high-profile voice into a debate that has been simmering as innovation around AI, machine learning and deep learning have advanced rapidly. …
The Debate Over Regulating AI Ramps Up was written by Jeffrey Burt at The Next Platform.
Let’s face it. As far as we knew, given how poorly the server market was doing in the final quarter of 2018 and the first two quarters of 2019, we had no idea how well or poorly it might end up. …
Intel Fills In The First Half Server Pothole – And Then Some was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
When talking about auto racing, everything eventually boils down to speed. …
Dallara Races To The Future Of HPC was written by Jeffrey Burt at The Next Platform.
As we roll into 2020, it’s shaping up to be a banner year for cloud-based high performance computing. …
HPC In 2020: The Cloud’s Growth Spurt Begins in Earnest was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
A decade or so before the GPU started storming the datacenter thanks to Nvidia’s Tesla GPU accelerators and their CUDA parallel programming environment and CPU offload model, FPGAs were starting to gain traction as accelerators in their own right. …
The GPU Is The Worst – And Best – Thing To Happen To The FPGA was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
The University of Michigan is one of the top academic centers in the United States with over $1.5 …
The University of Michigan Gets Serious About Supercomputing ROI was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
The field programmable gate array has always been a different sort of animal in the semiconductor market. …
The Three Eras Of Programmable Logic was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
The gap between the performance of processors, broadly defined, and the performance of DRAM main memory, also broadly defined, has been an issue for at least three decades when the gap really started to open up. …
Cache Is King was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
After a decade of vendor consolidation that saw some of the world’s biggest IT firms acquire first-class HPC providers such as SGI, Cray, and Sun Microsystems, as well as smaller players like Penguin Computing, WhamCloud, Appro, and Isilon, it is natural to wonder who is next. …
HPC In 2020: Acquisitions And Mergers As The New Normal was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
Intel has spent more than three decades evolving from the dominant provider of CPUs for personal computers to the dominant supplier of processors for servers in the datacenter. …
Covering All The Compute Bases In A Heterogeneous Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
You don’t have to be a chip designer to program an FPGA, just like you don’t have to be a C++ programmer to code in Java, but it probably helps in both cases if you want to do them well. …
The Inevitability Of FPGAs In The Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Weather forecasting in Europe is going to get a big boost later this year when the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) installs its next-generation supercomputer. …
European Weather Center Breaks Tradition With Upcoming Supercomputer was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
Sometimes markets need a particular technology and they are impatient for it, and sometimes technologies get ahead of the immediate needs of customers and their creators have to hang on until the time is right. …
On The Spearpoint Of FPGA And The Cloud was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
The choice of processors available for high performance computing has been on growing for a number of years. …
HPC In 2020: Compute Engine Diversity Gets Real was written by Michael Feldman at The Next Platform.
Best of breed and vertical integration are two opposing forces that have been part of the datacenter since mainframes first fired up six decades ago in a room with a glass windows in it so companies could show off their technical prowess and financial might. …
Vertical Integration Is Eating The Datacenter, Part One was written by Paul Teich at The Next Platform.
Things get a little wonky at exascale and hyperscale. Things that don’t matter quite as much at enterprise scale, such as the cost or the performance per watt or the performance per dollar per watt for a system or a cluster, end up dominating the buying decisions. …
The Supercomputing Efficiency Curve Bends In The Right Direction was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.