As enterprises shift more of their workloads into public clouds and grow out their multicloud strategies – many are using three or more public clouds for their applications and data to as much protect them against problems with the cloud provider as to take advantage of particular strengths that each cloud provider offer – there can be the tendency to think that many will end up putting everything in the cloud. …
Dell, VMware Team Up To Tackle The Hybrid Cloud was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The edge has caught the imagination of IT vendors, who envision a place well outside of the confines of the central datacenter but not quite in the cloud where the vast amounts of data that are being generated by billions of devices, systems and sensors can be quickly captured, stored, processed and analyzed in as close to real time as possible. …
Common Componentry Is The Key to Edge Architectures was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The market for servers used to be a lot more predictable in the past, with a portion of the tens millions of companies worldwide buying machinery in their own cycles that more or less coincided with the global gross domestic product. …
Is That Canary In The Datacenter Feeling Dizzy? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
It is no accident that quantum computing is being undertaken by some of the biggest IT companies in the world. …
An Entirely Different Kind of Quantum Computer was written by Michael Feldman at .
Multi socket servers have been around since the dawn of enterprise computing. …
Why Single-Socket Servers Could Rule the Future was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Businesses and government agencies are deploying AI at breakneck speeds. But in the rush to stay ahead, or at least not fall too far behind, organizations are having to confront some hard truths. …
Why AI Adoption Leaves Customers Dazed and Confused was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
It is easy to focus on the specific accelerators and processors for deep learning training and inference and herald these as the enablers of what is next in AI. …
The AI I/O Bottleneck Pushes Creative Approaches to Storage was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
If this is truly the age of heterogeneous supercomputers, then the system installed earlier this month at the University of Tsukuba is its poster child. …
Supercomputer Mixes Streams with CPU, GPU, and FPGA was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
It is difficult not to be impressed with the rapid adoption of OpenStack since the open source cloud infrastructure software platform was first released almost 10 years ago, and that adoption has accelerated over the past few years. …
OpenStack Follows The Datacenter Out To The Edge was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Given its checkered history with acquisitions like the deal to buy the ill-fated Autonomy for its data analytics software, there was a bit of apprehension in 2015 when the pre-breakup Hewlett-Packard announced it was buying wireless networking vendor Aruba Networks for $3 billion. …
Applications Will Drive Infrastructure At The Edge was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Like all major server-focused tech companies, HPE has been keeping close tabs on where quantum computing might go in the future. …
Why HPE Abandoned Quantum Computing Research was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
In theory, customers running HPC simulation and modeling applications want to cram as much compute in as small of a space as they can. …
Stacking Up Cascade Lake Xeons Against AMD Epyc For HPC was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Even though the race to the exascale computing is based entirely on an arbitrary milestone, it does serve to focus the attention of the HPC community to think about advancing the state-of-the-art for supercomputer hardware. …
Exascale Is An Opportunity To Advance The HPC Software Stack was written by Michael Feldman at .
RIKEN and Fujitsu announced that they have finished the design of the Post-K exascale platform, paving the way for production of the hardware, followed by shipping and installation. …
Japan Strikes First in Exascale Supercomputing Battle was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Incremental change is the secret to the success of the human race, and it is also its most difficult aspect in some regards. …
The Long View On The Intel Xeon Architecture was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Over the last two decades, hyperscale datacenters have reshaped the computing industry, making possible cloud computing, online retail, and media streaming on vast scales. …
Building Out The Edge One Datacenter At A Time was written by Michael Feldman at .
Google hiring of longtime Oracle executive Thomas Kurian to take over for Diane Greene as the head its cloud unit was a signal that the hyperscale company was serious about generating more enterprise businesses in hopes of better competing with larger public cloud providers Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. …
Google Turns To Partners In Cloud Tangle was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The advent of scalable analytics in the form of Hadoop and Spark seems to be moving to the end of the Technology Hype Cycle. …
Big Data In Little Spaces: Hadoop And Spark At The Edge was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
According to Hyperion Research’s latest market update, the high performance computing business boomed last year. …
High Performance Computing Racks Up The Bucks was written by Michael Feldman at .
The emergence of machine learning has forced computer architects to realize the way they’ve been developing hardware for the last 50 years will no longer suffice. …
GPUs Setting the Pace for the Machine Learning Age was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .