IBM has announced that it has achieved a new high-water mark in “quantum volume,” a metric the company is using to assess the capability of its quantum computers. …
IBM Pumps Up The Volume On Its Quantum Computing Effort was written by Michael Feldman at .
As server racks become more thermally dense, the costs and logistics of conventional cooling becomes ever-more challenging. …
Lighting a Fire Under Liquid Immersion Cooling was written by Michael Feldman at .
When it comes to making swift pivots to keep pace with the newest architectural innovations, organizations like weather and climate prediction-focused NOAA have major constraints. …
NOAA Faces Winds of Architectural Change was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
A group of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed a tool that can cross-train standard convolutional neural networks (CNN) to a spiking neural model that can be used on neuromorphic processors. …
One Step Closer to Deep Learning on Neuromorphic Hardware was written by Michael Feldman at .
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has officially inaugurated its four newest supercomputers in a ribbon cutting ceremony at the AFRL DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DRSC). …
U.S. Air Force Adds to Supercomputer Arsenal was written by Michael Feldman at .
Mellanox has become a leading provider of networking hardware, particularly at the high performance end of the market where the company accounts for more than 70 per cent of ports shipped with speeds above 10GbE according to Crehan Research. …
An Introduction to SmartNICs was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
“The goal is to image the earth’s interior on a 3D scale,” says Jeroen Tromp, Blair Professor of Geology at Princeton University, leader of a team carrying out seismic research at the Oak Ridge Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee. …
Summit Supercomputer Clears Path to Seismic Discoveries was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
The amount of rejiggering among the IT vendors serving enterprise customers (as distinct from hyperscalers, cloud builders, and HPC centers) in the past decade and a half has been astounding. …
The New Bellwether For Enterprise IT was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
For the past decade, we have documented the attempted rise of ARM processors in the datacenter, specifically in general purpose servers. …
Arm Sharpens Its Edge With The “Helios” Neoverse E1 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
As the definition of high performance computing has morphed into some a lot broader than that just supercomputing, nearly every IT sector is adopting the technology as one of its own. …
AMD Takes High Performance Computing to the Edge was written by Michael Feldman at .
VMware is not the first company that comes to mind when you think of GPU computing, but the company has quietly been developing technologies that enables performance-minded users to get the most out of these born-again vector processors. …
Making Performance A Priority With Virtualized GPUs was written by Michael Feldman at .
NVM-Express has been on a steady roll for the past several years, a hot technology in a storage industry that is looking for ways to best address the insatiable demand for higher performance and throughput and lower latency driven by the need to process data faster and more securely. …
Bringing NVMe Over Fabrics Into The Storage Big Tent was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
For the past decade, flash has been used as a kind of storage accelerator, sprinkled into systems here and crammed into bigger chunks there, often with hierarchical tiering software to make it all work as a go-between that sits between slower storage (or sometimes no other tier of storage) and either CPU DRAM or GPU HBM or GDDR memory. …
Stretching GPU Database Performance With Flash Arrays was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
As server chips have evolved from simple processors into complex, heterogeneous SoCs, it has become a lot more challenging to optimize the software running on them. …
On-Chip Wizardry To Optimize Performance At Scale was written by Michael Feldman at .
Sometimes, a startup takes such a new and profound approach to a problem that it is hard to know where to begin to describe how radical of a change that company has made in developing its product. …
Vast Data Clustered Flash Storage Bans The Disk From The Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Any on premises HPC cluster has its own limits of scale and throughput. …
Western Digital Drives HPC Simulation Scale On AWS was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
There aren’t a whole lot of HPC companies in Japan these days, especially when you consider how prominently the country figures in the global supercomputing community. …
Japanese Startup Floats Bare Metal And Hybrid HPC Cloud was written by Michael Feldman at .
There are two camps of server makers in the world. Those that are aimed at hyperscalers and cloud builders, which buy in lots of 50,000 or 100,000 servers and which therefore have enough leverage for the tail to wag the manufacturing dogs. …
The Transformation Of The Next HPE Continues was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The diverse set of applications and algorithms that make up AI in its many guises has created a need for an equally diverse set of hardware to run it. …
The Art Of Tailoring The System For An AI Application was written by Michael Feldman at .
One of the big problems of servers, storage, and networking, oddly enough, is that in the individual elements in which they are sold, there is a perception that they are not all that expensive. …
The Long Road Back To Utility Pricing For Systems was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .