It has been our position from the beginning, when Google first open sourced the Kubernetes container controller, that it wanted for this to be the controller that ruled the datacenter. …
Google Wants Cloud Services Platform To Borg Your Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
When Arm Holdings, the division of the Softbank conglomerate that designs and licenses the core component of the processor architecture that bears its name, launched its Neoverse revamping of the Arm architecture for the datacenter and the edge last October, the company put the architecture on a strict annual cadence and promised to deliver 30 percent performance increases at the system level with each generation. …
ARM Goes To War In The Datacenter With “Aries” Designs was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
As enterprises continue to embrace hybrid and multicloud models, they are looking for fast access to the data that can be stored both on-premises or in public clouds, and often in more than one cloud. …
Unifying On Premises And Clouds With Flash And NVM-Express was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The need to host, process, and transmit more data, in less time and more securely, is putting huge strain on existing datacenter network, server, and storage architectures, with the demands of specific applications like artificial intelligence, machine learning, image recognition, and data analytics exacerbating the problem. …
Ethernet And The Future Of Data Networking was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Quantum computing hardware tends to garner the lion’s share of the attention from the press, but it’s the software toolkits for these devices that will be key to moving this technology out of the research lab. …
A Multi-Faceted Toolkit for Quantum Computing was written by Michael Feldman at .
To a certain way of looking at it, Nvidia has always been engaged in the high performance computing business and it has always been subject to the same kinds of cyclical waves that affect makers of supercomputers and enterprise systems. …
The Computing Needs Of Earth Are Not Yet Satisfied was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Earlier in this decade, when the hyperscalers and the academics that run with them were building machine learning frameworks to transpose all kinds of data from one format to another – speech to text, text to speech, image to text, video to text, and so on – they were doing so not just for scientific curiosity. …
IBM Mashes Up PowerAI And Watson Machine Learning Stacks was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
If you look at the very long history of Cray, the company has done a remarkable job expanding its market, not just participating in it. …
Shasta Sets Up Cray For Commercial HPC And Supercomputing Expansion was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
When it comes to weather forecasting and climate modeling, supercomputer maker Cray has plenty of stories to tell. …
Weather Service Doubles Up on Cray Supercomputer was written by Michael Feldman at .
IBM, which arguably has the largest remaining big iron server business in the world, is one step closer to making systems based on its own Power processors peers to the Xeon-based machinery that utterly dominates its IBM Cloud public cloud. …
IBM Puffs Up Power Iron On Its Public Cloud was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Applications do not need to use all elements of a system all the time, and usually not all at the same time for that matter. …
PCI-Express Lends Server Composability A Hand was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Historically, high performance computing has operated in a closed loop, enclosed in its own software cocoon. …
Bursting the HPC Bubble was written by Michael Feldman at .
Constructing a processor from an entire silicon wafer might seem like a strange idea, but a new study demonstrated that a waferscale chip can outperform an equivalent multi-chip module MCM by an order of magnitude, while delivering much better energy efficiency. …
Giving Waferscale Processors Another Shot was written by Michael Feldman at .
Hyperconverged infrastructure has grown up quite a bit from its early days, when it was seen primarily as a way of supplying an affordable and easy-to-deploy solution for supporting virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments. …
Getting Edgy About Hyperconverged Storage was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
History and economics – as if you could separate the two – are burgeoning with examples of products being developed for one task and then being used, perhaps after some tweaking, for an entirely new and usually unexpected task. …
Will The Harmonic Convergence Of HPC And AI Last? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Earlier this week, the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) announced that in August it will pull the plug on its flagship HPC system, the K computer. …
Japan’s K Computer Shutdown Marks the End of an Era was written by Michael Feldman at .
Going forward, there is little question that containers have become firmly established as the technology of choice for application deployment – at least until such a time as alternative approaches like serverless computing outgrow them in popularity. …
Microsoft Is Not The Only Way To Shrink Wrap SQL Server In Containers was written by Daniel Robinson at .
Disaggregated storage has become the norm in large-scale infrastructure and we expect that in 2019 those who are pushing the limits with NVMe will have quite a successful year—vendors as well as their hyperscale and high performance computing users. …
Why NVMe Will Flash Forward in 2019 was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
In 2018 the Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee installed Summit, the world’s most powerful supercomputer ever built, to help it break new ground in scientific research. …
Summit Supercomputer Boldly Goes to Where the Stars Die was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Moore’s Law has underwritten a remarkable period of growth and stability for the computer industry. …
The Era of General Purpose Computers is Ending was written by Michael Feldman at .