Hyperconverged infrastructure has grown up quite a bit from its early days, when it was seen primarily as a way of supplying an affordable and easy-to-deploy solution for supporting virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments. …
Getting Edgy About Hyperconverged Storage was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
History and economics – as if you could separate the two – are burgeoning with examples of products being developed for one task and then being used, perhaps after some tweaking, for an entirely new and usually unexpected task. …
Will The Harmonic Convergence Of HPC And AI Last? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Earlier this week, the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) announced that in August it will pull the plug on its flagship HPC system, the K computer. …
Japan’s K Computer Shutdown Marks the End of an Era was written by Michael Feldman at .
Going forward, there is little question that containers have become firmly established as the technology of choice for application deployment – at least until such a time as alternative approaches like serverless computing outgrow them in popularity. …
Microsoft Is Not The Only Way To Shrink Wrap SQL Server In Containers was written by Daniel Robinson at .
Disaggregated storage has become the norm in large-scale infrastructure and we expect that in 2019 those who are pushing the limits with NVMe will have quite a successful year—vendors as well as their hyperscale and high performance computing users. …
Why NVMe Will Flash Forward in 2019 was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
In 2018 the Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee installed Summit, the world’s most powerful supercomputer ever built, to help it break new ground in scientific research. …
Summit Supercomputer Boldly Goes to Where the Stars Die was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Moore’s Law has underwritten a remarkable period of growth and stability for the computer industry. …
The Era of General Purpose Computers is Ending was written by Michael Feldman at .
TensorFlow, probably the most popular of the dozen or so deep learning frameworks, is typically used to develop neural networks on small or medium-sized clusters, and sometimes on just a single GPU-accelerated node. …
Running TensorFlow at Petascale and Beyond was written by Michael Feldman at .
The center of gravity for data is continuing to shift from core datacenters to other parts well beyond the walls of those facilities. …
Staking A Claim In The Cloud And At The Edge was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
While there is no question that Amazon Web Services is the largest and most profitable public cloud on planet earth, and that it provides the best subsidy imaginable for a cut-throat online retail business that is its parent company, AWS has not taken over the entire IT world any more than Amazon has become the sole place to buy stuff. …
When Does AWS Break Through $100 Billion? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Enterprises that are betting the massive amounts of data that they are collecting will deliver the insights they need to make better and faster businesses are finding that they could just as easily be overwhelmed by them. …
AI And The Further Automation Of IT was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
A research collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is demonstrating the value of using machine learning to overcome daunting computational challenges. …
Stage Set for Richer Machine Learning-Infused HPC was written by Michael Feldman at .
There hardly seems to be a month that doesn’t go by without a different IT supplier being rumored to want to acquire network chip and system provider Mellanox Technologies, which has an intense focus on the high end, scale out, low latency segment of the datacenter switching market. …
Acquisition Rumors Abound As Mellanox Rings Up Record Sales was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Generative adversarial neural networks are the next step in deep learning evolution and while they hold great promise across several application domains, there are major challenges in both hardware and frameworks. …
A Reality Check on the Future of GANs was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
The second 5 percent chunk of server shipment market share for chip maker AMD is probably going to come easier than the first 5 percent share, which was attained as AMD exited the fourth quarter and, significantly, was a stake in the ground that chief executive officer Lisa Su drove into the ground in late 2016 as the “Naples” Epyc ramp got under way. …
AMD Nails Its Epyc Server Targets For 2018 was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Ayar Labs, a silicon photonics startup based in Emeryville, California, is getting set to tape out its electro-optical I/O chip, which will become the basis of its first commercial product. …
First Silicon for Photonics Startup with DARPA Roots was written by Michael Feldman at .
“We build the most powerful and efficient computer possible and make it available to scientists based on the quality of their proposals,” says Jack Wells, director of science at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing facility in Tennessee. …
Take a Peek Inside ORNL’s GPU-Powered “Summit” Supercomputer was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
Machine learning, arguably the most interesting and successful form of artificial intelligence, only worked because of the confluence of enormous amounts of data to train models and tremendous amounts of compute to chew on that data with many-layered statistical algorithms. …
What is The Next AI Platform? was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .
In the deep learning inferencing game, there are plenty of chipmakers, large and small, developing custom-built ASICs aimed at this application set. …
AI Chip Startup Puts Inference Cards on the Table was written by Michael Feldman at .
Computing power and big data are fundamental to the bioinformatic research being carried out by the Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) in Tennessee. …
ORNL’s Summit Supercomputer Targets Opioid Addiction was written by Nicole Hemsoth at .