2020 was a bit of a write off.
2021 is the year that the empire of Brad strikes back.
2021 Goals
Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness
This year I will continue the healthy lifestyle and
I am setting myself some ambitous...
My number one certification goal for 2021 is the PCNSA 10
certification. I require it for my new role so I am getting
stuck right in.
In this post I will document the resources and links to my
personal notes for the PCNSA 10 certification.
I will update this document as I go up until...
In 2021 I am starting a new role were I will be working
with Palo Alto products. In preperation for that I want
to get familiar with Palo Alto firewalls again after not
using them for about 5 years.
In this post I will show you how to add a Palo Alto
PanOS 10.0 VM to EVE-NG.
2020. WAS. A. SHIT. SHOW. Thank you global pandemic. /RANT
At the start of the year I set
myself a few goals outlined in this post.
Some went to plan, some did not. Head down below for a recap.
2020 Goals
10% body fat
I was committed to continuing the healthy lifestyle and I definitely...
Forms allow you to receive data from your users via the
webapp and store that information in your database and/or
send it off for external processing to something like an
In this post I will go over the process of using forms
in rails 6 and styling them with the Bootstrap 5 CSS
Kaminari is a
Gem that can be used with Rails to make paginating records
super simple.
In this post I will show you how to add pagination to your
rails app using the Kaminari gem and style the paginator
with Bootstrap and Font Awesome.
The following software was used in...
Font Awesome
is a collection of great looking icons that
we can use to spice up the look of our app.
The following software versions were used in this post.
Rails -
Font Awesome (Free) - 5.15.1
Firstly add the fontawesome-free
package via yarn.
In this post I will show you how to add the
CSS framework to your Rails 6 application.
Bootstrap is a solid CSS framework that allows us to make
our app look really nice and work across a multitude of
device types and browsers without having to get bogged down
in the...
Opengear is a terminal
server that is commonly used to connect to infrastructure
devices via an out of band network or console/serial port.
This post covers some of the common commands and operations
that I usually undertake with opengear devices.
SSH to an opengear and open...
Docker and
are a very common tools for developing and deploying applications.
In this post I will cover the process of installing Docker
engine and Docker compose on Debian 10 minimal.
Software Versions Used In This Post
Debian Minimal - 10.7 Buster
Docker Engine CE -...