
Category Archives for "Coding Packets Blog"

CI/CD For Networking Part 3

Gitlab is an open source platform for collaborating around code development that is managed via Git. Gitlab presents a nice and friendly web interface that makes it easy to view and track the changes made to a code base. Gitlab have a SAAS offering at and also release a...

CI/CD For Networking Part 2

When using PKI certificates is critical that both DNS is working correctly and that hosts have their time synced via a reliable NTP server. In this part of the series I will build a utility server that will act as the DNS, NTP and root certificate authority. The utility server will use...

CI/CD For Networking Part 1

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment was traditionally reserved for the software development space. With the push towards infrastructure as code now making it to the networking space the idea of bringing CI/CD methodologies down to the network is gaining alot of...

Salt From The Start To The Beginning

As described by their website; Salt is "Event-driven automation for a software-defined world". You gotta love marketing :) Salt is a large project with many features including; configuration management, an event based reactor, cloud management and network automation. Salt can do ALOT but...

Openstack Packstack Install

Building an Openstack environment can be a daunting, error riddled process. To help alleviate this pain the RDO project provides an "easy button" to install Openstack in an all in one VM for testing purposes called Packstack. RDO is the community supported distribution of Openstack for...

Salt Overview

Salt is open source software for infrastructure automation. Salt was initially an agent based system but the team have since implemented an ssh based connector for devices that do not support or have the ability to install an agent. This agent/agentless feature give you the ability...continue reading

Linux Routing On The Host With FRR

We've all been there, it's supposed to be a relatively simple change and then BOOM! Spanning tree topology change blows up the network :( There is a movement in the data centre space to push the layer 2 boundary down into the host to avoid the bandwidth waste of spanning tree link blocking and...
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