In this post I will show you how to import the Extrahop Discovery Appliance (EDA) and the Extrahop Explore Appliance (EXA) into Proxmox. The following software was used as part of this post. Proxmox - 7.0-11 Extrahop Discovery Appliance 1100v - Extrahop Explore Appliance...continue reading
In this post I will show you how to import the Extrahop Discovery Appliance (EDA) and the Extrahop Explore Appliance (EXA) into Proxmox. The following software was used as part of this post. Proxmox - 7.0-11 Extrahop Discovery Appliance 1100v - Extrahop Explore Appliance...continue reading
In this post I will cover the process to import and use cloud based images in Proxmox. Cloud based images are handy because they are configurable on boot via cloud-init. I will use the image created in this post in a future post on how to deploy VMs in Proxmox via Terraform. ...continue reading
Proxmox has two kinds of virtual switches that can be utilised. Linux bridges (the default) and Open vSwitch (OVS). Linux Bridges are generally fine unless you want to configure a lot of VLANs and/or do port mirroring. I have a use-case for both, so in this post, I will show you how...continue reading
I recently started working with Extrahop and wanted to make some labs to understand the product portfolio. I have EVE-NG already setup as a lab platform so I decided to build the labs on that. Extrahop VMs do not have an EVE-NG template out of the box. In this post I will show you how...continue reading
I recently migrated my homelab servers from running bare metal KVM/QEMU on Ubuntu, to running Proxmox as a hypervisor. As part of that process I migrated some of the VM's from KVM to Proxmox. In this post I will show you how I imported the qcow2 VM's from KVM/QEMU into...continue reading
Javascript is a dynamically type language. The types of variables are evaluated at runtime based on the contents of the variable. Typescript is a superset of Javascript which adds static typing to the language (amongst other things). There are two kinds of types in Javascript;...continue reading
Like most languages, variables in Javascript are defined with the = operator. There are 3 different keywords that can be used to define a variable. var - Depricated, should not be used for ES6+. let - Variable can be re-assigned. Value can be mutated. const - Variable cannot be...continue reading
Pulumi is an infrastructure as code tool that helps you build and manage environments such as AWS, Azure and GCP with the programming languages you already know. In this post, I will show you how to get up and running with Pulumi. Software The following software was used in this...continue reading
In this post I will cover the process of adding searchable dropdown boxes to your Lucky webapp with the Select2 Javascript library and styling them with Bootstrap 5. Software The following software versions were used in this post. Lucky - 0.28.0 Select2 - 4.1.0-rc.0 Bootstrap -...continue reading
In this post I will show you how to add pagination to a Lucky webapp and also style the pagination links with Bootrap and Font Awesome Icons. Software The following software versions were used in this post. Lucky - 0.28.0 Font Awesome (Free) - 5.15.4 Bootstrap - 5.1.0 Enable...continue reading
In this post I will show you how to add the Font Awesome icons to your Lucky webapp. Software The following software versions were used in this post. Lucky - 0.28.0 Font Awesome (Free) - 5.15.4 Installation Firstly add the fontawesome-free package via yarn. Next, we import the Font...continue reading
This excellent post contains a workaround. Update the src/models/ file. Summary continue reading
By default, new Lucky projects use the Int64 type for primary keys. In this post I will cover the process of changing the Lucky database primary keys type from an Int64 to a UUID. Software Used The following software versions are used in this post. Crystal - 1.1.1 Lucky -...continue reading
In this post, I will show you how to add Bootstrap styling to a Lucky webapp. Software Used The following software versions are used in this post. Lucky - 0.28.0 Bootstrap - 5.1.0 Installation First up, use Yarn to install Bootstrap. Next, import Bootstrap near the top of the ...continue reading
I am a big fan of the web framework Ruby on Rails. Recently, I have been looking into the Crystal programming language and was excited to find out there are a couple of options for web frameworks similar in philosophy to Rails. One of those options is Lucky. "Lucky is a web...continue reading
In this post I will show you how to install Node JS and the Yarn package manager on Ubuntu 2004 server. Software Used Ubuntu - 2004 server Node JS - v16.7.0 Yarn - 22.11 Install Node JS I am installing Node from the node source's distribution. Run the Node JS setup script from...continue reading
I am a big fan of the web framework Ruby on Rails. Recently, I have been looking into the Crystal programming language and was excited to find out there are a couple of options for web frameworks similar in philosophy to Rails. One of those options is Lucky. "Lucky is a web...continue reading
In Crystal, code is imported with the require statement. Considerations The compiler combines all required files together. A file can be required more than once, but only the first require statement has any effect. The standard library on Linux is located in the ...continue reading
Today, my beloved Lenovo P14s Gen 1 had a "computer says noooooo" moment. Since purchasing this machine 6 months ago, it has been rock solid. Then, out of the blue it hits me with a rotating carousel of full screen colours: red, blue, green, white and black. OMG! This is my work...continue reading