
Category Archives for "Dip Singh"

Network Centrality and Robustness


A system is robust if the failure of some components doesn’t affect its function. As network engineers, we face various types of network failures like link, node failures all the time.

Generally, we use various Network modeling tools like Cariden(WAE), WANDL, etc. to model failures and see how the network reacts under a given failure condition. The components which are in play are:

  1. Type and Number of failures. Type: Link, Node. Number of Failures: Single or Double.
  2. Routing protocols running on top of the network and there reaction to the failure. Example: RSVP-TE, Pure IGP, SR-TE etc.
  3. Network flows and their volume.
  4. Network Topology.

In this blog post, we will focus purely on #4 Network topology and certain characteristics of topology, which may make them more robust than other topologies.

Key Idea

The network topology may have some critical nodes. If we can identify them and take them out of the service, they will significantly impact the functionality of the network. For example, in the case of a Hub and Spoke topology, if a Hub is out of service, it affects all the spokes vs. a spoke out of service. We can make this hub and spoke topology more Continue reading

Five Number Summary for Network Topologies


You may or may not have already heard about the Five Number summary for a dataset. It’s basically a set of descriptive statistics for a given dataset, which provides an idea about the dataset. Those are:

  1. Minimum
  2. First quartile
  3. Median
  4. Third quartile
  5. Maximum

Similarly, there are specific statistics about topology, which gives an idea about any network topology. The ones which I think the most essential are:

  1. Density and Sparsity
  2. Average Degree
  3. Assortativity
  4. Average Path Length
  5. Clustering Coefficient

Sample Topology

We will be using Cogent topology, which is publicly available here to follow along with our examples. The map represents the nodes in US + Mexico, and European countries.Each node color represents a specific country.

Cogent Public Topo

Graphml version Cogent Topology

You may have already noticed that in the graph, each city is represented as a Node. In reality, any city will have many routers, which will make the topology a lot bigger and more attractive. For our purposes, the current topology abstraction provides the right balance where it’s not huge to overwhelm the reader but big enough to keep things interesting.

Five Number Summary

Density and Sparsity

A Graph consists of nodes and links connecting those nodes. An obvious thing to Continue reading

Spectral Clustering


Clustering is a way to make sense of the data by grouping similar values into a group. There are many ways to achieve that and in this post we will be looking at one of the way based on spectral method. Spectral clustering provides a starting point to understand graphs with many nodes by clustering them into 2 or more clusters. This clustering technique can also be applied for analyzing general data. This technique is based on Linear algebra and Graph theory.

We will start with a very brief introduction of the prerequisite for the sake of completeness and one can skip the prerequisite topics if they already have the familiarity.

Prerequisite Topic

Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values

One way to interpret when we multiply a vector a matrix is that a matrix transforms the vector. For example: below is a vector \(\begin{pmatrix} 2\\1 \end{pmatrix}\)

Original Vector (3,2)

we apply a transformation by multiplying the above vector to a matrix

\[\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 3 \\ 2 & -2 \end{pmatrix}\]

The resultant vector \(\begin{pmatrix} 1\\2 \end{pmatrix}\) is in orange after transformation. Transformed Vector (1,3)

you can see how the vector changed its direction after the transformation. Now in case of Eigenvectors, which are special kinds of Continue reading

Bayesian Non-Finite Mixture Models


Following up from our previous post on Bayesian Finite Mixture Models, here are my notes on Non-Finite mixture model.

Non-finite Mixture Models

Bayesian finite mixture models can be used when we have a prior knowledge or some good guess on the number of groups present in the dataset. But if we do not know this beforehand, then we can use Non-Finite mixture models. Bayesian solution for this kind of problems is related to Dirichlet process.

Dirichlet Process(DP)

We briefly mentioned about Dirichlet distribution in the previous post Bayesian Finite Mixture Models, which is a generalization of beta distribution, similarly Dirichlet Process is an infinite-dimensional generalization of Dirichlet distribution. The Dirichlet distribution is a probability distribution on the space of probabilities, while Dirichlet Process is a probability distribution on the space of distributions. A Dirichlet Process is a distribution over distributions. When I first read this, my mind went

What this means is, that a single draw from a Dirichlet distribution will give us a probability and a single draw from a Dirichlet Process will give us a Dirichlet distribution. For finite mixture models, we used Dirichlet distribution to assign a prior for the fixed number of clusters, Continue reading

Bayesian Finite Mixture Models


I have been lately looking at Bayesian Modelling which allows me to approach modelling problems from another perspective, especially when it comes to building Hierarchical Models. I think it will also be useful to approach a problem both via Frequentist and Bayesian to see how the models perform. Notes are from Bayesian Analysis with Python which I highly recommend as a starting book for learning applied Bayesian.

Mixture Models

In statistics, mixture modelling is a common approach for model building. A Model built by simpler distributions to obtain a more complex model. For instance,

  • Combination of two Gaussian’s to describe a bimodal distribution.
  • Many Guassian’s to describe any arbitrary distributions.

We can use a mixture of models for modelling sub-populations or complicated distributions which can not be modelled with simpler distributions.

Finite Mixture Models

In Finite mixture models, as the name suggests, we mix a known number of models together with some weights associated for each model. Probability density of the observed data is a weighted sum of the probability density for K subgroups of the data where K is the number of models.

\[p(y|\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^{K} w_{i}p_{i}(y_{i}|\theta_{i})\]

Here, \(w_{i}\) is the weight for each group and all the Continue reading

Colorization of RFC 2992(Analysis of an ECMP Algorithm)


I recently observed a conversation around ECMP/Hash buckets which made me realize on how the end to end concept is not very well understood. So this provided me enough motivation to write about this topic which will be covered in various upcoming blog posts. But while thinking about the subject, I ran into an interesting RFC RFC2992. This RFC goes through a simple mathematical proof which I found impressive due to the fact that someone wrote that in ASCII in 2000. My intent in this blog post is to provide some colorization to the RFC and perhaps cover a bit more in detail.


In the RFC, the focus is on Hash-threshold implementation for mapping hash values to the next-hop. To re-iterate for completeness sake, we all know that a router computes a hash key based on certain fields, like SRC IP, DST IP, SRC Port, DST Port by performing a hash (CRC16, CRC32, XOR16, XOR32 etc.). This hash gets mapped to a region and the next-hop assigned to that region is where the flow get’s assigned.

For example,assume that we have 5-next hops to choose from and we have a key space which is 40 bits wide. Continue reading