
Category Archives for "Keeping It Classless"

[CCIE] Spanning-Tree Part 1 – Nerd Knobs

I wrote this post not only to put out some information on one of the least-understood facets of networking (especially in data center, as most technology today is aimed at making STP irrelevant) but also to help get something on paper for me, seeing as I am going down the CCIE path full force now, and this has always been a weak area of mine. This post will assume you have CCNP-level knowledge about Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).

Host Interfaces on UCS FEX 2204 vs FEX 2208

I mentioned in a previous post regarding the connectivity options to each blade if you’re using the appropriate hardware. If you’re using a 2208 FEX, you have 8 upstream ports, each at 10GbE. This means the FEX can support up to 80 Gbps total. You can provide potentially 4:1 oversubscription (math later) to each blade by connecting a 2208 FEX into a blade chassis with blades that can also support 80Gbps each.

Host Interfaces on UCS FEX 2204 vs FEX 2208

I mentioned in a previous post regarding the connectivity options to each blade if you’re using the appropriate hardware. If you’re using a 2208 FEX, you have 8 upstream ports, each at 10GbE. This means the FEX can support up to 80 Gbps total. You can provide potentially 4:1 oversubscription (math later) to each blade by connecting a 2208 FEX into a blade chassis with blades that can also support 80Gbps each.

Cisco UCS Port-Channeling

Cisco UCS offers a few policies that are applied globally to all equipment in a given UCS domain. These policies are found by selecting the “Equipment” node under the “equipment” tab. (You can also change on an individual chassis basis but the default behavior is for all chassis to inherit this global policy) This is specifically referring to the connectivity between the Fabric Interconnects and the Chassis FEX modules or I/O modules (IOM).

Powerless Words and Technology

I was introduced by a colleague and mentor a few years ago to the concept of powerless words. Words like “try”, “but”, and “maybe/might”, among others, seem to be our mind’s way of protecting itself against the unknown. After all, we’re only human, right? We can’t control what the world throws at us, right? I encourage you to read the article I linked to as well as this one, which the first article refers to.

Cisco UCS Port-Channeling

Cisco UCS offers a few policies that are applied globally to all equipment in a given UCS domain. These policies are found by selecting the “Equipment” node under the “equipment” tab. (You can also change on an individual chassis basis but the default behavior is for all chassis to inherit this global policy) This is specifically referring to the connectivity between the Fabric Interconnects and the Chassis FEX modules or I/O modules (IOM).

Powerless Words and Technology

I was introduced by a colleague and mentor a few years ago to the concept of powerless words. Words like “try”, “but”, and “maybe/might”, among others, seem to be our mind’s way of protecting itself against the unknown. After all, we’re only human, right? We can’t control what the world throws at us, right? I encourage you to read the article I linked to as well as this one, which the first article refers to.

Why We Want to Kill Spanning Tree

To say that Ethernet as a L2 protocol is well-known is an understatement - it’s in every PC network card, and every network closet. Back during the inception of Ethernet, the world needed an open, efficient, standardized method of communicating between nodes on a LAN. Widely regarded as the “mother of the Internet” for many reasons - not the least of which is the invention of the Spanning Tree Protocol - Radia Perlman equated the wide proliferation of Ethernet to the same events that have made English such as popular language on Earth.

[Code] UltimateUCSBuild

Name: UltimateUCSBuild.ps1 Author: Matthew Oswalt Created: 6/10/2013 Current Version: v0.2 (ALPHA) Revision Date: 6/18/2013 Description: –THIS SCRIPT IS VERY NEW, EXPECT FREQUENT CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS– A script that starts with a completely blank UCS system and configures it to completion. This version of the script is very non-modular and static, but that will change in future versions. My long-term vision for this script is to be simple, yet powerful. I want it to have the ability to provision lots of stuff very quickly, with minimal code changes.

Why We Want to Kill Spanning Tree

To say that Ethernet as a L2 protocol is well-known is an understatement - it’s in every PC network card, and every network closet. Back during the inception of Ethernet, the world needed an open, efficient, standardized method of communicating between nodes on a LAN. Widely regarded as the “mother of the Internet” for many reasons - not the least of which is the invention of the Spanning Tree Protocol - Radia Perlman equated the wide proliferation of Ethernet to the same events that have made English such as popular language on Earth.

[Code] UltimateUCSBuild

Name: UltimateUCSBuild.ps1 Author: Matthew Oswalt Created: 6/10/2013 Current Version: v0.2 (ALPHA) Revision Date: 6/18/2013 Description: –THIS SCRIPT IS VERY NEW, EXPECT FREQUENT CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS– A script that starts with a completely blank UCS system and configures it to completion. This version of the script is very non-modular and static, but that will change in future versions. My long-term vision for this script is to be simple, yet powerful. I want it to have the ability to provision lots of stuff very quickly, with minimal code changes.


A while back I wrote about the problems with using some of the newer 3rd generation blade hardware from Cisco with older generations of the chassis FEX/IOM. Because of the way that the VIC and the chassis IOM interact, certain combinations yield different amounts of aggregate bandwidth, and certain combinations don’t work at all, as was evidenced in that post. As a reminder, here are the valid combinations (these are still accurate to my knowledge, but may change in a few weeks if any new tech is announced at Cisco Live) of FEX and blade VIC:

[Code] PowerTool: PowerOnUCSBlades

InstallBFS.ps1 # # Very brief and informal PowerShell script to configure a Boot-From-SAN policy and attach it to the relevant service profile templates. Import-Module CiscoUcsPs Disconnect-Ucs Connect-Ucs $organization = "SUBORG_01" #Add Boot Policies $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization -Name "BFS-ESX-PROD" -EnforceVnicName yes $bp | Add-UcsLsBootVirtualMedia -Access "read-only" -Order "1" $bootstorage = $bp | Add-UcsLsbootStorage -ModifyPresent -Order "2" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "primary" -VnicName "ESX-PROD-A" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "secondary" -VnicName "ESX-PROD-B" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization -Name "BFS-ESX-NONP" -EnforceVnicName yes $bp | Add-UcsLsBootVirtualMedia -Access "read-only" -Order "1" $bootstorage = $bp | Add-UcsLsbootStorage -ModifyPresent -Order "2" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "primary" -VnicName "ESX-NONP-A" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "secondary" -VnicName "ESX-NONP-B" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization -Name Continue reading

[Code] PowerTool: PowerOnUCSBlades

# InstallBFS.ps1 # # Very brief and informal PowerShell script to configure a Boot-From-SAN policy and attach it to the relevant service profile templates. Import-Module CiscoUcsPs Disconnect-Ucs Connect-Ucs $organization = "SUBORG_01" #Add Boot Policies $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization -Name "BFS-ESX-PROD" -EnforceVnicName yes $bp | Add-UcsLsBootVirtualMedia -Access "read-only" -Order "1" $bootstorage = $bp | Add-UcsLsbootStorage -ModifyPresent -Order "2" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "primary" -VnicName "ESX-PROD-A" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "secondary" -VnicName "ESX-PROD-B" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization -Name "BFS-ESX-NONP" -EnforceVnicName yes $bp | Add-UcsLsBootVirtualMedia -Access "read-only" -Order "1" $bootstorage = $bp | Add-UcsLsbootStorage -ModifyPresent -Order "2" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "primary" -VnicName "ESX-NONP-A" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage = $bootstorage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImage -Type "secondary" -VnicName "ESX-NONP-B" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "primary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bootsanimage | Add-UcsLsbootSanImagePath -Lun 0 -Type "secondary" -Wwn "50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" $bp = Add-UcsBootPolicy -Org $organization Continue reading


A while back I wrote about the problems with using some of the newer 3rd generation blade hardware from Cisco with older generations of the chassis FEX/IOM. Because of the way that the VIC and the chassis IOM interact, certain combinations yield different amounts of aggregate bandwidth, and certain combinations don’t work at all, as was evidenced in that post. As a reminder, here are the valid combinations (these are still accurate to my knowledge, but may change in a few weeks if any new tech is announced at Cisco Live) of FEX and blade VIC:

Cisco VM-FEX and the Nexus 1000v

Many of those that have supported a vSphere-based virtualization infrastructure for any length of time have probably heard of the Cisco Nexus 1000v. I’ve written a few posts that mention it, and I’ve been deploying the product quite successfully for the past few years. Even cooler, the Nexus 1000v is now available for Hyper-V as well. For those that are not familiar with the idea of distributed switches in general, I’ll overview the concept briefly.

Service Profiles and Service Profile Templates in Cisco UCS PowerTool

I had a few scripts that were written WAY before PowerTool was out of beta, and the only way I knew how to generate a Service Profile Template was to use manual XML calls. For instance: $cmd = "<configConfMos inHierarchical='true'> <inConfigs> <pair key='org-root/org-" + $orgName + "/ls-" + $serviceProfileName + "' > <lsServer agentPolicyName='' biosProfileName='' bootPolicyName='" + $bootPolicyName + "' descr='' dn='org-root/org-" + $orgName + "/ls-" + $serviceProfileName + "' dynamicConPolicyName='' extIPState='none' hostFwPolicyName='' identPoolName='" + $UUID_POOL_NAME + "' localDiskPolicyName='default' maintPolicyName='default' mgmtAccessPolicyName='' mgmtFwPolicyName='' name='" + $serviceProfileName + "' powerPolicyName='default' scrubPolicyName='' srcTemplName='' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' type='initial-template' usrLbl='' uuid='0' vconProfileName=''> <vnicEther adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' mtu='1500' name='" + $VNIC_A_NAME + "' nwCtrlPolicyName='' nwTemplName='" + $VNIC_TEMPLATE_A_NAME + "' order='3' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='ether-" + $VNIC_A_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' switchId='" + $switchId + "'> </vnicEther> <vnicEther adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' mtu='1500' name='" + $VNIC_B_NAME + "' nwCtrlPolicyName='' nwTemplName='" + $VNIC_TEMPLATE_B_NAME + "' order='4' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='ether-" + $VNIC_B_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' switchId='" + $switchId + "'> </vnicEther> <vnicFcNode addr='pool-derived' identPoolName='" + $WWNN_POOL_NAME + "' rn='fc-node' > </vnicFcNode> <vnicFc adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' maxDataFieldSize='2048' name='" + $VHBA_A_NAME + "' nwTemplName='" + $VHBA_TEMPLATE_A_NAME + "' order='1' persBind='disabled' persBindClear='no' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='fc-" + $VHBA_A_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' Continue reading

Cisco VM-FEX and the Nexus 1000v

Many of those that have supported a vSphere-based virtualization infrastructure for any length of time have probably heard of the Cisco Nexus 1000v. I’ve written a few posts that mention it, and I’ve been deploying the product quite successfully for the past few years. Even cooler, the Nexus 1000v is now available for Hyper-V as well. For those that are not familiar with the idea of distributed switches in general, I’ll overview the concept briefly.

Service Profiles and Service Profile Templates in Cisco UCS PowerTool

I had a few scripts that were written WAY before PowerTool was out of beta, and the only way I knew how to generate a Service Profile Template was to use manual XML calls. For instance: $cmd = "<configConfMos inHierarchical='true'> <inConfigs> <pair key='org-root/org-" + $orgName + "/ls-" + $serviceProfileName + "' > <lsServer agentPolicyName='' biosProfileName='' bootPolicyName='" + $bootPolicyName + "' descr='' dn='org-root/org-" + $orgName + "/ls-" + $serviceProfileName + "' dynamicConPolicyName='' extIPState='none' hostFwPolicyName='' identPoolName='" + $UUID_POOL_NAME + "' localDiskPolicyName='default' maintPolicyName='default' mgmtAccessPolicyName='' mgmtFwPolicyName='' name='" + $serviceProfileName + "' powerPolicyName='default' scrubPolicyName='' srcTemplName='' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' type='initial-template' usrLbl='' uuid='0' vconProfileName=''> <vnicEther adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' mtu='1500' name='" + $VNIC_A_NAME + "' nwCtrlPolicyName='' nwTemplName='" + $VNIC_TEMPLATE_A_NAME + "' order='3' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='ether-" + $VNIC_A_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' switchId='" + $switchId + "'> </vnicEther> <vnicEther adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' mtu='1500' name='" + $VNIC_B_NAME + "' nwCtrlPolicyName='' nwTemplName='" + $VNIC_TEMPLATE_B_NAME + "' order='4' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='ether-" + $VNIC_B_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' switchId='" + $switchId + "'> </vnicEther> <vnicFcNode addr='pool-derived' identPoolName='" + $WWNN_POOL_NAME + "' rn='fc-node' > </vnicFcNode> <vnicFc adaptorProfileName='VMWare' addr='derived' adminVcon='any' identPoolName='' maxDataFieldSize='2048' name='" + $VHBA_A_NAME + "' nwTemplName='" + $VHBA_TEMPLATE_A_NAME + "' order='1' persBind='disabled' persBindClear='no' pinToGroupName='' qosPolicyName='' rn='fc-" + $VHBA_A_NAME + "' statsPolicyName='default' status='created' Continue reading

The Software Defined Datacenter Symposium 2013 – Tech Field Day

About a year and a half ago, arguably well before the biggest of all the SDN hype that we’ve come to know and love, Stephen Foskett and company organized a fantastic OpenFlow Symposium aimed at getting deep into the state of the protocol at that time and what was being done with it at some of the leading tech companies like Google, Yahoo, Cisco, Brocade, and others. For those keeping track, Dave Meyer was on the panel at the time representing Cisco but is now CTO and Chief Scientist with Brocade and getting to do some really cool stuff with OpenDaylight.
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