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I was at Cisco Live in Berlin last week, and I came away with a question: why no YANG?
Here is a YANG model represented in YIN—this one describes an interface in Quagga, and is easy to read:
YANG can be expressed in many ways, such as YIN, or in a model format (which is still easy to read), or in json format. This is an example of HTML, taken from the Vimeo site:
The YIN representation of YANG is XML, and XML is also a superset of HTML.
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Most engineers focus on purely technical mechanisms for defending against various kinds of cyber attacks, including “the old magic bullet,” the firewall. The game of cannons and walls is over, however, and the cannons have won; those who depend on walls are in for a shocking future. What is the proper response, then? What defenses are there The reality is that just like in physical warfare, the defenses will take some time to develop and articulate.
One very promising line of thinking is that of active defense. While the concept is often attributed to some recent action, active defense has been one form of warfare for many centuries; there are instances of what might be called active defense outlined in the Bible and in Greek histories. But it is only recently, in light of the many wars around Israel, that defense in depth has taken on its modern shape in active defense. What about active defense is so interesting from a network security perspective? It is primarily this: in active defense, the defender seeks to tire an attacker out by remaining mobile, misdirecting the attacker, and using every opportunity to learn about the attacker’s techniques, aims, and resources to reflect Continue reading
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Perfect and good: one is just an extension of the other, right?
When I was 16 (a long, long, long time ago), I was destined to be a great graphis—a designer and/or illustrator of some note. Things didn’t turn out that way, of course, but the why is a tale for another day. At any rate, in art class that year, I took an old four foot spool end, stretched canvas across it, and painted a piece in acrylic. The painting was a beach sunset, the sun’s oblong shape offsetting the round of the overall painting, with deep reds and yellows in streaks above the beach, which was dark. I painted the image as if the viewer were standing just on the break at the top of the beach, so there was a bit of sea grass scattered around to offset the darkness of the beach.
And, along one side, a rose.
I really don’t know why I included the rose; I think I just wanted to paint one for some reason, and it seemed like a good idea to combine the ideas (the sunset on the beach and the rose). I entered this large painting in a local Continue reading
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The post Worth Reading: Making connections in disparate data appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Security in a box appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: AI and being left out appeared first on 'net work.
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