If I could choose just a handful of skills you must learn to be a successful engineer, being metacognitive would certainly be among them. What is metacognition? OOne of my favorite books on the virtue ethic applied to mental skills defines it thus—
The concept is simple. Implementation, as always, is the hard part. Particularly as engineers, we spend a lot of time thinking about technique. We ask questions like—
These technos focused questions are great for solving day to day, or even no-so-day-to-day problems. But they aren’t so great for mental growth? Why not? Imagine you are tasked with cutting wood for a living. You might start out by simply cutting the wood. You place a piece on the block, swing the axe, and the splits fall off. You can consider this the what of cutting wood (or, for those who are interested in philosophy, the Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: The inconvenience of privacy appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: IBM should buy… appeared first on 'net work.
The post On the ‘net: I2RS Architecture appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Inside the big Supermicro deal appeared first on 'net work.
In the first post on DDoS, I considered some mechanisms to disperse an attack across multiple edges (I actually plan to return to this topic with further thoughts in a future post). The second post considered some of the ways you can scrub DDoS traffic. This post is going to complete the basic lineup of reacting to DDoS attacks by considering how to block an attack before it hits your network—upstream.
The key technology in play here is flowspec, a mechanism that can be used to carry packet level filter rules in BGP. The general idea is this—you send a set of specially formatted communities to your provider, who then automagically uses those communities to create filters at the inbound side of your link to the ‘net. There are two parts to the flowspec encoding, as outlined in RFC5575bis, the match rule and the action rule. The match rule is encoded as shown below—
There are a wide range of conditions you can match on. The source and destination addresses are pretty straight forward. For the IP protocol and port numbers, the operator sub-TLVs allow you to specify a set of conditions to match on, and whether to AND the Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Outage at Git appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Dynamics on emerging spaces appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: There is no “normal” in microservices appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Evolving LTE for 5G appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Security and the Internet of Things appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: IPv6 for the Home Network Nerd appeared first on 'net work.
You are just about to walk into the interview room. Regardless of whether you are being interviewed, or interviewing—what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about winning? Are you thinking about whining? Or are you thinking about engaging? I have noticed, on many mailing lists, and in many other forums, that interviews in our world have devolved into a contest of egos.
The person on the other side of the table has some certification I don’t care about—how can I prove they are dumb, not as smart as their certification might indicate, or… The person on the other side of the table claims to know some protocol, can I find some bit of information they don’t know? These kinds of questions are really just ego questions—and you need to leave them at the door. This is particularly acute with certifications right now—a lot of people doubt the value of certifications, claiming folks who have them don’t know anything, the certifications are worthless, they don’t reflect the real world, etc.
I will agree that we have a problem with the depth and level of knowledge of network engineers at the moment. We all need to grow up a little, learn Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: ARM challenges x86 in the cloud appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Addressing in 2016 appeared first on 'net work.
Shawn Zandi and I are doing a two part webinar over at ipspace.net—
Most modern data centers are still using vendor-driven “future proof” routers and switches with offering lots of (often unnecessary) capabilities. To build large, however, it is often better to build simple—radically simple. This webinar will cover the design components involved in building a data center or cloud fabric using a single, disaggregated device—the way some hyperscale and web scale operators build their networks. The first live session of the webinar will consider the benefits of disaggregated switch, focusing on the components, sources, and challenges in using disaggregated hardware and software in data center fabrics. The second live session will focus on the topologies and design concepts used in large scale data center fabrics using a single switching device as a leaf, spine and superspine switch.
Jump over to ipspace if you want to learn more.
The post Upcoming Webinar: Open Networking for Large Scale Networks appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Shopping for tax information appeared first on 'net work.