
Category Archives for "Russ White"

Docker Forks the Open Source Bubble

The magic of open source.

If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it a thousand times.

Put the software “out there,” and someone, somewhere, will add features because they need or want them, fix bugs because they’ve run into them, and generally just add value to the software you’ve created for free.

This is why, I’m told, open source is so much better than open standards—isn’t open standards just another name for a bogged down, broken process where vendors try to run in fourteen different directions at once? Where customers really aren’t heard for the din of careers being made, and technical solutions far too often take a back seat to political considerations? Open source is going to ride in and save the day, I’m told, making all complex software free and better.

reaction-02Unicorns. No, seriously. Or maybe you prefer frogs on stilts. It doesn’t work this way in the real world. If any project, whether it be an open source project or an open standard, gains enough community buy-in, it will succeed. If any project, whether it be an open source project or an open standard, doesn’t gain community buy-in, it is dead—no matter which company supports it, Continue reading

An I2RS Overview

What is the Interface to the Routing System (I2RS), and why do we need it? To get a good I2RS overview, consider the following illustration for a moment—


What does the interface between, say, BGP and the routing table (RIB) actually look like? What sort of information is carried over this interface, and why? A short (and probably incomplete) list might be—

  • Routes being installed by the routing protocol into the RIB—this is the most obvious bit of information, allowing the device to actually build a forwarding table
  • Routes being overwritten—this isn’t as obvious as installed routes, but BGP (for instance), can only advertise what is installed in the local table; hence if a route it has installed is overwritten, the process needs to know to stop advertising the route
  • Routes being removed from the routing table—perhaps even less obvious, but some routing protocols (BGP is one) allow for multihop routes; when the next hop is removed, any routes using that next hop need to be removed as well
  • Connected interfaces removed—this is often handled as a route removal, but it impacts more than just multihop routes; removing a connected route implies loss of reachability to a specific set of Continue reading

On the ‘net: BGP—the most successful virus

This Weekly Show episode was recorded live at IETF 96 in Berlin in July 2016. Greg Ferro and several guests discuss the state of routing protocols such as BGP, and explore different approaches to routing, like Facebook’s Open/R initiative. They also debate issues around telemetry, network disaggregation, and whether enterprises should participate in the IETF to influence vendor product development.

Listen to the podcast over at Packet Pushers


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snaproute Go BGP Code Dive (9): Moving to Open

a href=””>In the last session of snaproute BGP code dive—number 8, in fact— I started looking at how snaproute’s BGP moves from connect to open. This is the chain of calls from that post—

  • st.fsm.StopConnectRetryTimer()
  • st.fsm.SetPeerConn(data)
  • st.fsm.sendOpenMessage()
  • st.fsm.SetHoldTime(st.fsm.neighborConf.RunningConf.HoldTime, st.fsm.neighborConf.RunningConf.KeepaliveTime)
  • st.fsm.StartHoldTimer()
  • st.BaseState.fsm.ChangeState(NewOpenSentState(st.BaseState.fsm))

The past post covered the first two steps in this process, so this post will begin with the third step, st.fsm.sendOpenMessage(). Note the function call has in the front, so this is a call by reference. Each FSM that is spun up (think of them as threads, or even processes, if you must, to get this concept in your head, even though they’re not) can have its own copy of this function, with its own state. When reading the code to sort out how it works, this doesn’t have much practical impact, other than telling us the sendOpenMessage function we’re looking for is going to be in the FSM file. The function is located around line 1233 in fsm.go:

func (fsm *FSM) sendOpenMessage() {
  optParams := packet.ConstructOptParams(uint32(fsm. Continue reading

Worth Reading: Stream Processing’s Hard Problems

Before we dive into why data access is a hard problem in stream processing, here is some background information. At LinkedIn, we develop and use Apache Samza as our stream processing framework, Apache Kafka as our durable pub-sub messaging pipe, and Databus (and its next generation replacement) for capturing change events from our databases. Our streams infrastructure team gets feedback from application developers across the company (and from the open source community) on scalability, reliability, usability, and other problems that they encounter in their production applications. —LinkedIn Engineering Blog


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Reaction: Forced Updates

The controversy over Microsoft forcing upgrades on users is in the news again, as the EFF has posted an article once again about the forced upgrades to Windows 10, and the various data collection schemes Microsoft has put in place. I understand the concern, but… A couple of points to consider, starting with forced upgrades—

When I worked in customer support I sometimes wished we had forced upgrades (rather than paid ones, in fact). There are so many times someone doesn’t upgrade past an obvious bug. We would spend hours working around the bug because they didn’t want to upgrade. It probably cost the company I worked for millions of dollars in support a year so we could refrain from saying, “take two upgrades and call me in the morning.”

As an operator, I see the other side of this story—if I don’t need the upgrade, or I’m not hitting the bug, I shouldn’t need to upgrade.

The world of IoT—in fact, the world in which we live, where millions of machines are used as botnets without the knowledge of their owners—is pretty frightening without forced upgrades. I wonder how many millions of dollars a year machines with Continue reading