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The post On the ‘net: The future of networking appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Ten years of Cisco Live appeared first on 'net work.
I was recently a guest on the Packet Pushers Podcast, where I talked with Ethan for a bit about the concept of layered control planes, and how the idea related to complexity.
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The post Worth Reading: One second warning appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Learning from email breaches appeared first on 'net work.
We often think the entire Internet, as we know it, just popped out of “thin air,” somehow complete and whole, with all the pieces in place. In reality, there have been many side roads taken, and many attempts to solve the problem of pushing the maximum amount of data across a wire along the way. One of these ways came to mind this last week, when I ran across this story—
Pulling layer 2 into the network to centralize the edge—where have I heard this before? Maybe it was all those years ago, when I was in TAC, and we used to support Cisco 1001’s, or the LEX—LAN Extenders. The promise then was the same as the promise now: a lightweight, easy to manage device that would relocate all the intelligence from the network edge into the access layer of the “mother ship,” where it could be properly managed.
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With deep, purple bags under his eyes, Beagin Tiredly plops down into his swivel chair with a loud whoosh. His unsweetened, black coffee sloshes onto the desk as he sets it down, adding new spots to the coffee stains from previous mornings. Despite being at the ripe, young age of 25, this early hour has him looking twenty years older. —Nenshou Fire Continue reading
In our last post on BGP code, we unraveled the call chain snaproute’s Go BGP implementation uses to bring a peer up. Let’s look at this call chain a bit more to see if we can figure out what it actually does—or rather, how it actually works. I’m going to skip the actual beginning of the FSM itself, and just move to the first state, looking at how the FSM is designed to move from state to state. The entire thing kicks off here—
func (st *IdleState) processEvent(event BGPFSMEvent, data interface{}) {
st.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintln("Neighbor:", st.fsm.pConf.NeighborAddress, "FSM:",,
"State: Idle Event:", BGPEventTypeToStr[event]))
switch event {
case BGPEventManualStart, BGPEventAutoStart:
What we need to do is chase down each of these three calls to figure out what they actually do. The first is simple—it just sets a retry counter (connectRetryCounter)
to 0, indicating we haven’t tried to restart this peer at all. In other words, this is the first attempt to move from idle to a full peering relationship. This counter is primarily used for telemetry, which means it’s a counter used to show you, Continue reading
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The post Worth Reading: How to Interpret Cisco math appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Sniffing and censoring in real life appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Google Site Reliability appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: The History of the URL appeared first on 'net work.