
Category Archives for "Russ White"

Securing BGP: A Case Study (3)

To recap (or rather, as they used to say in old television shows, “last time on ‘net Work…”), this series is looking at BGP security as an exercise (or case study) in understanding how to approach engineering problems. We started this series by asking three questions, the third of which was:

What is it we can actually prove in a packet switched network?

From there, in part 2 of this series, we looked at this question more deeply, asking three “sub questions” that are designed to help us tease out the answer this third question. Asking the right questions is a subtle, but crucial, part of learning how to deal with engineering problems of all sorts. Those questions can be summed up as:

  • Is the path through this peer going to pass through someone I don’t want it to pass through?
  • Is the path this peer is advertising a valid route to the destination?

Let’s quickly look at the first of these two to see why it’s not provable in the context of a packet switched network, using the network diagram below.


When working with BGP at Internet scale, we tend to think of an autonomous system as one “thing”—we Continue reading

Research ‘net 0x1339ED3: Traffic engineering versus network complexity

Since spending quality time with complexity theory when writing Navigating Network Complexity, I’ve started seeing the three sided complexity problem crop up all over the place. Remember this? Fast, high quality, cheap: choose two. We face this problem in a number of ways in network design. A recent (last year) paper by researchers from University of Louvain, ETH Zürich and Princeton have figured out how to engineer traffic in a straight IP network (no MPLS) by injecting false nodes into the shortest path tree. You can read the paper here, and listen to Ivan’s podcast with one of the authors here.research-net

What’s interesting to me is the direct tradeoff this paper represents between the amount of state in the control plane and optimal traffic flow through the network. Adding state does, in fact, allow you to optimize traffic flow—at the cost of calculating the state and injecting it into your control plane (in this case OSPF). This state must be carried through the network, increasing the amount of state in the network, and it must change as traffic flows change, increasing the speed at which the state changes in the network. Finally, this idea opens up a new interaction surface Continue reading

Security ‘net 0x1339ED2: Security begins with you

I’m a couple of days late with this post for Data Privacy Day,, but not too late for Data Privacy Month (February). I wanted to highlight it anyway (and maybe I’ll put it on my calendar so I don’t forget next year). The point, of course (“you don’t need to have a point to have a point”) is that each and every one of us—that’s you and I, in case you’ve not gotten it yet—need to take security seriously. Security begins with you. To this end, the Cloud Security Alliance has a good post up on what you can do to improve data privacy.

Why are end users so mistake-prone? Because, frankly, most don’t care. They think data security is IT’s problem—that if IT does its “job” and filters out the threats, they have nothing to worry about. Moreover, when they do something stupid, they think it’s IT’s job to come to the rescue. They don’t understand the risks they create for the company or the fact that once rung they can’t unring the bell. So, they go on ignoring security policies and finding creative workarounds for security measures that inconvenience them—such as utilizing “shadow IT.”

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Technology ‘net 0x1339ED1: Cloudy Business Cycles

The cloud is definitely having an impact on business cycles, but how much? There are at least two sides to this story; let’s take a look at both. First there is the continued growth of Amazon Web Services (AWS). According to the Next Platform, this chart represents the various options for the growth of AWS over the next decade or so:


It looks like, based on this projection, that AWS can keep growing at a fairly strong pace for a while yet longer. Of course, there are many factors that might impact this growth. For instance, one thing the original post points out is that recessions slow down spending in fixed IT and drive up spending in flexible IT. A recession, then, might improve the bottom line for AWS. The opposite of this, however, is that when companies can afford to build infrastructure, they tend to. There are, believe it or not, still justifications for building your own data center, especially if you can afford it.

There are other points to consider, however, as well, in the relationship between the network and business cycles. For instance, if open source and white box start bleeding out of the largest networks into Continue reading