
Category Archives for "Russ White"

Hedge 243: The Open Radio Area Network (RAN)

The cellular network world is similar enough to the IP networking world to feel familiar, but different enough to require learning new terms and ideas. Tom Nadeau joins Tom Ammon and Russ White to discuss one element of this networking world, the RAN network, and the current move towards open source and white box disaggregated solutions.


August Rule 11 Academy Update

I’ve been working on new material over at Rule 11 Academy. This month’s posts are:

  • BGP Route Reflector Lab
  • The Clos Fabric (history)
  • The Default Free Zone
  • Network Addresses
  • BGP Policy Entrance Selection (2)
  • Interview Rubric Sample
  • BGP Policy Entrance Select (1)
  • Interviewing Background
  • This brings us up to a total of 39 lessons. Each lesson should be about 15 minutes, so about 10 hours of material so far. The trial membership will take you through the end of the year. After the first of the year, the trial membership will last 2 months.