
Category Archives for "Russ White"

History of Networking: Quality of Service with Fred Baker

Some folks over at the Network Collective thought it would be cool to sit around with folks who invented various networking technologies and just talk about the where, why, and how of those technologies were invented. Donald Sharp and I, while not officially a part of the collective, are hosting this new video cast, and the first edition just published.

For this videocast, we’re sitting down with Fred Baker to talk about the origins of Quality of Service. Hopefully we will have Fred on again in the future to talk about Raven and some of the history around network surveillance. You can watch it here, or you can jump over to the main Network Collective site and watch it there.

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On the ‘web: Getting Involved with the IETF

I sat with Greg, Kathleen, and Alia to talk about “ordinary engineers” getting involved in the IETF while we were in Prague. Believe it or not, this time I didn’t get out into the city at all other than walking between the hotel I was staying at and the venue hotel. I try to always take “one day off” and do something around the city we are in, but the schedule didn’t allow it this time. Anyway, here is the link—

Greg Ferro attended the IETF 99 meeting in Prauge in July 2017. In this Priority Queue show, he sits down with Kathleen Moriarty, an IETF Security Area Director; Alia Atlas, a Routing Area Director; and Russ White, a co-chair of a variety of working groups and all-around community leader; to discuss opportunities for IT professionals to get directly involved with the IETF in networking, security, and other areas. —Packet Pushers

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Bespoke Processors and the Future of Networks

As I spend a lot of time on Oak Island (not the one on television, the other one), I tend to notice some of those trivial things in life. For instance, when the tide is pretty close to all the way in, it probably is not going to come in much longer; rather, it is likely to start going back out soon. If you spend any time around clocks with pendulums, you might have noticed the same thing; the maximum point at which the pendulum swings is the point where it also begins swinging back. Of course my regular readers are going to recognize the point, because I have used it in many presentations about the centralization/decentralization craze the networking industry seems to go through every few years.

Right now, of course, we are in the craze of centralization. To hear a lot of folks tell it, in ten years there simply are not going to be routing protocols. Instead, we are going to all buy appliances, plug them in, and it is “just going to work.” And that is just for folks who insist on having their own network—for the part of the world that is not completely Continue reading

Contrarian Reading on Net Neutrality

‘net neturality has been much in the news recently; a while back I did a piece for Tech Target on some of the complexities here, and I ran across three other articles that provide a contrarian view—not what you are likely to hear from the major edge providers. Since I am always trying to understand both sides of an issue, I am always looking for solid, well written views on both sides. It is hard to dig behind the hype in our 140 character world, but it is also important.

Hence this post, with pointers to my older post and three other articles of interest. Warning: some of these are more trenchant and contrarian than others.

The primary foundation of net neutrality explained is this: Providers should not be able to give services they offer any advantage over a competing service running over their network. The perfect example might seem to be voice services. Suppose you purchase access to the internet from a company that not only sells internet access, but also voice services. Now, suppose the provider decides to sell its voice service as superior in quality to any other available voice service — and guarantee its service is Continue reading

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