As the industry grapples with the unfulfilled potential of 5G and waits for more distinct use cases...
From innovative startups like Lightbits Labs and RackTop Systems to new super-fast, low-latency...
SDxCentral Weekly Wrap for March 15, 2019: Nvidia usurps rivals with Mellanox deal. Virtualization...
Catchpoint found that the social media site’s widespread outages were preceded by a micro-outage...
The companies contributed both Minipack and the Arista 7368X4 switch to OCP.
OCP announced four other new projects at the summit: Inspur-led OpenRMC (stands for “rack...
Open Rack will increase the environmental sustainability of the vendor’s future data centers and...
Behind the scenes, Verizon engineers have been preparing for 5G by migrating network core and edge...
Exatel has been pushing for a 5G model that would see all operators share the same network. Dutch...
“Much of Linkerd’s recent momentum is from folks coming to Linkerd after struggling with...
The company released a new service that accelerates access to data lakes and warehouses to simplify...
Marvell announced its 400 Gb/s silicon for edge data centers, Netronome unveiled new SmartNICs for...
Just when you thought the waters were safe ...
During this session, ACG Research’s Chris Nicoll will share some key insights from the...
The platform provides a more consistent way for enterprises to manage their applications across...
Both new groups formed just days before the granddaddy of open source hardware groups, Open Compute...
This round brings CloudFlare’s total funding to $330 million. Its investors include CapitalG...
The ability to put core network functions on software so AT&T can control, improve, and...
The European Parliament calls for action at the EU level on security threats linked to China.
Nginx’s open-source web server for multi-cloud architecture powers more than 374 million...