
Category Archives for "Docker Blog"

Pro and Team Subscriptions Embrace Docker Desktop

About a month ago we talked about how we planned to make Docker Desktop more first class as part of our Pro and Team subscriptions. Today we are pleased to announce that with the latest release of Docker Desktop we are launching support for Docker Desktop for Pro and Team users. This means that customers on Pro plans or team members on Team plans will be able to get support outside of the community support in our Github repository, this will include installation support, issues in running Desktop and of course the existing support for Docker Hub. 

Along with this, we have our first Pro feature available in Docker Desktop! For Pro and Team users who have scanning enabled in Docker Hub, you will be able to see your scan results directly in the Docker Dashboard. 

This is the first step in releasing unique features for Pro and Team users on Docker Desktop.

Along with this we are pleased to announce that in Docker Desktop 2.5 we have the GA release of the docker scan CLI powered by Snyk! To find out more about scanning images locally have a read of Marina’s blog post. 

For customers Continue reading

What you need to know about upcoming Docker Hub rate limiting

On August 13th, we announced the implementation of rate limiting for Docker container pulls for some users. Beginning November 2, Docker will begin phasing in limits of Docker container pull requests for anonymous and free authenticated users.  The limits will be gradually reduced over a number of weeks until the final levels (where anonymous users are limited to 100 container pulls per six hours and free users limited to 200 container pulls per six hours) are reached. All paid Docker accounts (Pro, Team or Legacy subscribers) are exempt from rate limiting. 

The rationale behind the phased implementation periods is to allow our anonymous and free tier users and integrators to see the places where anonymous CI/CD processes are pulling container images. This will allow Docker users to address the limitations in one of two ways:  upgrade to an unlimited Docker Pro or Docker Team subscription,  or adjust application pipelines to accommodate the container image request limits.  After a lot of thought and discussion, we’ve decided on this gradual, phased increase over the upcoming weeks instead of an abrupt implementation of the policy. An up-do-date status update on rate limitations is available at

Docker users Continue reading

Checking Your Current Docker Pull Rate Limits and Status

Continuing with our move towards consumption-based limits, customers will see the new rate limits for Docker pulls of container images at each tier of Docker subscriptions starting from November 2, 2020. 

Anonymous free users will be limited to 100 pulls per six hours, and authenticated free users will be limited to 200 pulls per six hours. Docker Pro and Team subscribers can pull container images from Docker Hub without restriction as long as the quantities are not excessive or abusive.

In this article, we’ll take a look at determining where you currently fall within the rate limiting policy using some command line tools.

Determining your current rate limit

Requests to Docker Hub now include rate limit information in the response headers for requests that count towards the limit. These are named as follows:

  • RateLimit-Limit    
  • RateLimit-Remaining

The RateLimit-Limit header contains the total number of pulls that can be performed within a six hour window. The RateLimit-Remaining header contains the number of pulls remaining for the six hour rolling window. 

Let’s take a look at these headers using the terminal. But before we can make a request to Docker Hub, we need to obtain a bearer token. We will then Continue reading

Setting Up Cloud Deployments Using Docker, Azure and Github Actions

A few weeks ago I shared a blog about how to use GitHub Actions with Docker, prior to that Guillaume has also shared his blog post on using Docker and ACI. I thought I would bring these two together to look at a single flow to go from your code in GitHub all the way through to deploying on ACI using our new Docker to ACI experience!

To start, let’s remember where we were with our last Github action. Last time we got to a point where our builds to master would be re-built and pushed to Docker Hub (and we used some caching to speed these up).  

name: CI to Docker Hub
     - "v*.*.*"
   runs-on: ubuntu-latest
       name: Checkout
       uses: actions/checkout@v2
       name: Set up Docker Buildx
       id: buildx
       uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
       name: Cache Docker layers
       uses: actions/cache@v2
         path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
         key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }}
         restore-keys: |
           ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-
       uses: docker/login-action@v1
         username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
         password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
       name: Build and push
       id: docker_build
       uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
         context: ./
         file: ./Dockerfile
         builder: ${{  Continue reading

Docker’s Next Chapter: Our First Year

2020 has been quite the year. Pandemic, lockdowns, virtual conferences and back-to-back Zoom meetings. Global economic pressures, confinement and webcams aside, we at Docker have been focused on delivering what we set out to do when we announced Docker’s Next Chapter: Advancing Developer Workflows for Modern Apps last November 2019. I wish to thank the Docker team for their “can do!” spirit and efforts throughout this unprecedented year, as well as our community, our Docker Captains, our ecosystem partners, and our customers for their non-stop enthusiasm and support. We could not have had the year we had without you.

This next chapter is being jointly written with you, the developer, as so much of our motivation and inspiration comes from your sharing with us how you’re using Docker. Consider the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM): WUSM’s team of bioinformatics developers uses Docker to build pipelines – consisting of up to 25 Docker images in some cases – for analyzing the genome sequence data of cancer patients to inform diagnosis and treatments. Furthermore, they collaborate with each other internally and with other cancer research institutions by sharing their Docker images through Docker Hub. In the words of WUSM’s Dr. Continue reading

Docker V2 Github Action is Now GA

Docker is happy to announce the GA of our V2 Github Action. We’ve been working with @crazy-max over the last few months along with getting feedback from the wider community on how we can improve our existing Github Action. We have now moved from our single action to a clearer division and advanced set of options that not only allow you to just build & push but also support features like multiple architectures and build cache.

The big change with the advent of our V2 action is also the expansion of the number of actions that Docker is providing on Github. This more modular approach and the power of Github Actions has allowed us to make the minimal UX changes to the original action and add a lot more functionality.

We still have our more meta build/push action which does not actually require all of these preconfiguration steps and can still be used to deliver the same workflow we had with the previous workflow! To Upgrade the only changes are that we have split out the login to a new step and also now have a step to setup our builder. 

        name: Setup Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1

This Continue reading

Docker Hub Image Retention Policy Delayed, Subscription Updates

Today we are announcing that we are pausing enforcement of the changes to image retention until mid 2021. Two months ago, we announced a change to Docker image retention policies to reduce overall resource consumption. As originally stated, this change, which was set to take effect on November 1, 2020, would result in the deletion of images for free Docker account users after six months of inactivity. After this announcement, we heard feedback from many members of the Docker community about challenges this posed, in terms of adjusting to the policy without visibility as well as tooling needed to manage an organization’s Docker Hub images. Today’s announcement means Docker will not enforce image expiration enforcement on November 1. Instead, Docker is focusing on consumption-based subscriptions that meet the needs of all of our customers. In this model, as the needs of a developer grow, they can upgrade to a subscription that meets their requirements without limits.

This change means that developers will get a base level of consumption to start, and can extend their subscriptions as their needs grow and evolve, only paying for what is actually needed. The community of 6.7 million registered Docker developers is incredibly diverse–the Continue reading

Understanding Inner Loop Development and Pull Rates

We have heard feedback that given the changes Docker introduced relating to network egress and the number of pulls for free users, that there are questions around the best way to use Docker as part of your development workflow without hitting these limits. This blog post covers best practices that improve your experience and uses a sensible consumption of Docker which will mitigate the risk of hitting these limits and how to increase the limits depending on your use case. 

If you are interested in how these limits are addressed in a CI/CD pipeline, please have a look at our post: Best Practices for using Docker Hub for CI/CD. If you are using Github Action, have a look at our Docker Github Actions post.


To complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

Determining Number of Pulls

Docker defines pull rate limits as the number of manifest requests to Docker Hub. Rate limits for Docker pulls are based Continue reading

Docker and Snyk Extend Partnership to Docker Official and Certified Images

Today we are pleased to announce that Docker and Snyk have extended our existing partnership to bring vulnerability scanning to Docker Official and certified images. As the exclusive scanning partner for these two image categories, Snyk will work with Docker to provide developers with insights into our most popular images. It builds on our previous announcement earlier this year where Snyk scanning was integrated into the Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. This means that developers can now incorporate vulnerability assessment along each step of the container development and deployment process.

Docker Official images represent approximately 25% of all of the pull activity on Docker Hub. Docker Official images are used extensively by millions of developers and developer world wide teams to build and run tens of millions of containerized applications. By integrating vulnerability scanning from Snyk users are now able to get more visibility into the images and have a higher level of confidence that their applications are secure and ready for production.

Docker Official images that have been scanned by Snyk will be available early next year.

You can read more about it from Snyk here and you can catch Docker CEO Scott Johnson and Snyk CEO Peter McKay Continue reading

Docker at SnykCon 2020

We are excited to be a gold sponsor of the inaugural SnykCon virtual conference, a free online event from Snyk taking place this week on October 21-22, 2020. The conference will look at best practices and technologies for integrating development and security teams, tools, and processes, with a specific nod of the secure use of containers, from images used as a starting point to apps shared with teams and the public.

At Docker, we know that security is vital to successful app development projects, and automating app security early in the development process ensures teams start with the right foundation and ship apps that have vulnerability scanning and remediation included by default. This year we announced a broad partnership with Snyk to incorporate their leading vulnerability scanning across the entire Docker app development lifecycle. At Snykcon, attendees will learn how to successfully incorporate security scanning into their entire Docker app delivery pipeline.

Some of the highlights from Docker at this event include:

  • Docker CEO Scott Scott Johnston will join Snyk CEO Peter McKay in the keynote fireside chat on Thursday, October 22 at 8:30am PDT. Scot and Peter will talk about the partnership between Docker and Snyk and share Continue reading

Improve the Security of Hub Container Images with Automatic Vulnerability Scans

In yesterday’s blog about improvements to the end-to-end Docker developer experience, I was thrilled to share how we are integrating security into image development, and to announce the launch of vulnerability scanning for images pushed to the Hub. This release is one step in our collaboration with our partner Snyk where we are integrating their security testing technology into the Docker platform. Today, I want to expand on our announcements and show you how to get started with image scanning with Snyk. 

In this blog I will show you why scanning Hub images is important, how to configure the Hub pages to trigger Snyk vulnerability scans, and how to run your scans and understand the results. I will also provide suggestions incorporating vulnerability scanning into your development workflows so that you include regular security checkpoints along each step of your application deployment.  

Software vulnerability scanners have been around for a while to detect vulnerabilities that hackers use for software exploitation. Traditionally security teams ran scanners after developers thought that their work was done, frequently sending code back to developers to fix known vulnerabilities. In today’s “shift-left” paradigm, scanning is applied earlier during the development and CI cycles Continue reading

New Collab, Support and Vulnerability Scanning Enhance Docker Pro and Team Subscriptions

Last March, we laid out our commitment to focus on developer experiences to help build, share, and run applications with confidence and efficiency. In the past few months we have delivered new features for the entire Docker platform that have built on the tooling and collaboration experiences to improve the development and app delivery process.

During this time, we have also learned a lot from our users about ways Docker can help improve developer confidence in delivering apps for more complicated use cases and how we can help   larger teams improve their ability to deliver apps in a secure and repeatable manner. Over the next few weeks, you will see a number of new features delivered to Docker subscribers at the free, Pro and Team level that deliver on that vision for our customers. 

Today, I’m excited to announce the first set of features: vulnerability scanning in Docker Hub for Pro and Team subscribers. This new release enables individual and team users to automatically monitor, identify and ultimately resolve security issues in their applications. We will also preview Desktop features that will rollout over the next several months.   

We’ve heard in numerous interviews with team managers that Continue reading

The Docker Dashboard Welcomes Hub and Local Images

Last year we released the Docker Dashboard as part of Docker Desktop, today we are excited to announce we are releasing the next piece of the dashboard to our community customers with a new Images UI. We have expanded the existing UI for your local machine with the ability to interact with your Docker images on Docker Hub and locally. This allows you to: display your local images, manage them (run, inspect, delete) through an intuitive UI without using the CLI. And for you images in Hub you can now view you repos or your teams repos and pull images directly from the UI. 

To get started, Download the latest Docker Desktop release and load up the dashboard (we are also excited that we have given the dashboard an icon?)

You will be able to see that we have also added a new sidebar to navigate between the two areas and we are planning to add new sections in here soon. To find out more about what’s coming or to give feedback on what you would like to see check out our public roadmap

Let’s jump in and have a look at what we can do…

From Continue reading

Docker Names Donnie Berkholz to Vice President of Products

To deepen Docker’s investment in products that make developers successful, we’re pleased to announce that Donnie Berkholz will join the Docker team as VP of Products. Donnie has an extensive background as a practitioner, leader, and advisor on developer platforms and communities. He spent more than a decade as an open-source developer and leader at Gentoo Linux, and he recently served as a product and technology VP at CWT overseeing areas including DevOps and developer services. Donnie’s also spent time at RedMonk, 451 Research, and Scale Venture Partners researching and advising on product and market strategy for DevOps and developer products.

To get to know Donnie, we asked him a few questions about his background and where he plans to focus in his new role:

What got you the most excited about joining Docker? 

I’ve been a big fan of Docker’s technology since the day it was announced. At the time, I was an industry analyst with RedMonk, and I could instantly sense the incredible impact that it would have in transforming the modern developer experience. Recent years have borne that out with the astonishing growth in popularity of containers and cloud-native development. With Docker’s renewed focus on developers, Continue reading

Docker Open Sources Compose for Amazon ECS and Microsoft ACI

Today we are open sourcing the code for the Amazon ECS and Microsoft ACI Compose integrations. This is the first time that Docker has made Compose available for the cloud, allowing developers to take their Compose projects they were running locally and deploy them to the cloud by simply switching context.

With Docker focusing on developers, we’ve been doubling down on the parts of Docker that developers love, like Desktop, Hub, and of course Compose. Millions of developers all over the world use Compose to develop their applications and love its simplicity but there was no simple way to get these applications running in the cloud.

Docker is working to make it easier to get code running in the cloud in two ways. First we moved the Compose specification into a community project. This will allow Compose to evolve with the community so that it may better solve more user needs and ensure that it is agnostic of runtime platform. Second, we’ve been working with Amazon and Microsoft on CLI integrations for Amazon ECS and Microsoft ACI that allow you to use docker compose up to deploy Compose applications directly to the cloud.

While implementing these integrations, we wanted to Continue reading

Docker Github Actions

In our first post in our series on CI/CD we went over some of the high level best practices for using Docker. Today we are going to go a bit deeper and look at Github actions. 

We have just released a V2 of our GitHub Action to make using the Cache easier as well! We also want to call out a huge THANK YOU to @crazy-max (Kevin :D) for the of work he put into the V2 of the action, we could not have done this without him! 

Right now let’s have a look at what we can do! 

To start we will need to get a project setup, I am going to use one of my existing simple Docker projects to test this out:

The first thing I need to do is to ensure that I will be able to access Docker Hub from any workflow I create, to do this I will need to add my DockerID and a Personal Access Token (PAT) as secrets into GitHub. I can get a PAT by going to and clicking ‘new access token’, in this instance I will call my token ‘whaleCI’

I can then Continue reading

Best practices for using Docker Hub for CI/CD

According to the 2020 Jetbrains developer survey 44% of developers are now using some form of continuous integration and deployment with Docker Containers. We know a ton of developers have got this setup using Docker Hub as their container registry for part of their workflow so we decided to dig out the best practices for doing this and provide some guidance for how to get started. To support this we will be publishing a series of blog posts over the next few weeks to answer the common questions we see with the top CI providers.

We have also heard feedback that given the changes Docker introduced relating to network egress and the number of pulls for free users, that there are questions around the best way to use Docker Hub as part of CI/CD workflows without hitting these limits. This blog post covers best practices that improve your experience and uses a sensible consumption of Docker Hub which will mitigate the risk of hitting these limits and how to increase the limits depending on your use case. 

To get started, one of the most important things when working with Docker and really any CI/CD is to work out when Continue reading

A Chat With Docker’s New Community Manager

Community is a backbone of all sustainable open source projects and so at Docker, we’re particularly thrilled to announce that William Quiviger has joined the team as our new Head of Community. 

William is a seasoned community manager based in Paris, having worked with open source communities for the past 15 years for a wide range of organizations including Mozilla Firefox, the United Nations and the Open Networking Foundation. His particular area of expertise is in nurturing, building and scaling communities, as well as developing mentorship and advocacy programs that help push leadership to the edges of a community. 

To get to know William a bit more, we thought we’d ask him a few questions about his experience as a community manager and what he plans to focus on in his new role: 

What motivated you most about joining Docker? 

I started following Docker closely back in 2016 when I joined the Open Networking Foundation. There, I was properly introduced to cloud technologies and containerization and quickly realised how Docker was radically simplifying the lives of our developers and was the de-facto standard for anything deployed in the cloud. I was particularly impressed by the incredible passion Continue reading

Check out the Azure CLI experience now available in Desktop Stable

Back in May we announced the partnership between Docker and Microsoft to make it easier to deploy containerized applications from the Desktop to the cloud with Azure Container Instances (ACI). Then in June we were able to share the first version of this as part of a Desktop Edge release, this allowed users to use existing Docker CLI commands straight against ACI making getting started running containers in the cloud simpler than ever. 

We are now pleased to announce that the Docker and ACI integration has moved into Docker Desktop stable giving all Desktop users access to the simplest way to get containers running in the cloud. 

Getting started 

As a new starter, to get going all you will need to do is upgrade your existing Docker Desktop to the latest stable version (, store your image on Docker Hub so you can deploy it (you can get started with Hub here) and then lastly you will need to create an ACI context to deploy it to. For a simple example of getting started with ACI you can see our initial blog post on the edge experience.

More CLI commands

We Continue reading

ICYMI: From Docker Straight to AWS Built-in

In July we announced a new strategic partnership with Amazon to integrate the Docker experience you already know and love with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with AWS Fargate. Over the last couple of months we have worked with the community on the beta experience in Docker Desktop Edge. Today we are excited to bring this experience to our entire community in Docker Desktop stable, version

You can watch Carmen Puccio (Amazon) and myself (Docker) and view the original demo in the recording of our latest webinar here.

What started off in the beta as a Docker plugin experience docker ecs has been pulled into Docker directly as a familiar docker compose flow.  This is just the beginning, and we could use your input so head over to the Docker Roadmap and let us know what you want to see as part of this integration. 

There is no better time to try it.  Grab the latest Docker Desktop Stable. Then check out my example application which will walk you through everything you need to know to deploy a Python application locally in development and then again directly to Amazon ECS in minutes not Continue reading

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