Eva Leong

Author Archives: Eva Leong

Cisco certified? Join us at VMworld!

No, you’re not a fish out of water. You’re actually in the right place to be exposed to content that will change the way you think about networking and security.

We know you have spent years honing your skills around switching, routing, load balancing and network security so the concepts of NSX will be familiar to you. Get ready! We will dive deeper into new applications of these concepts to support the enterprise shift to cloud-centric networking and security.

Here is a list of the top 10 sessions for CCIEs and other Cisco Certified networking and security professionals to attend at VMworld to help you maximize your professional development into VMware NSX by covering the personal, business and technical benefits.

Make sure to scroll to the bottom for special NSX Mindset activities.


Top 10 Networking and Security Sessions for CCIEs – VMworld 2018

1. The NSX Keynote: Building the Network of the Future with the Virtual Cloud Network
Monday, Aug 27, 1:30-2:30PM
Speaker: Tom Gillis (@_tomgillis)

2. NSX Mindset: Clouds Collide, Opportunity Strikes 
Monday, 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Speaker: Chris McCain (@hcmccain). Stay to the end for a surprise!

3. Deploying NSX Data Center Continue reading