
Category Archives for "Network Heresy"

Friends Hard to Find These Days? These Surprising Insights May Help

Finding true friends who we can trust in life is becoming increasingly more difficult with the advent of technology and its ability to create distance between people. We may think that having a large circle of acquaintances is great, but this does not equate to having real friends. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as being overly connected in the digital world versus taking time away from our screens to interact face-to-face with those around us. But, there is surprisingly some insight into the current climate that may help foster meaningful connections and relationships that last. Here are some of the surprising insights that may help you find true friends in today’s world:

Start with yourself

If you want to make meaningful connections and develop real friendships, it is important to start by looking inward. Investing in your own emotional well-being and self-confidence will ensure that you are comfortable interacting with others on a deeper level. Taking time to reflect on your own identity, what you need from friends and how you can be a good friend will make all the difference in your ability to form lasting relationships.

Get out of your comfort zone

Connecting with people Continue reading

Handwashing Techniques to Teach Your Employees

National handwashing awareness week is an annual event celebrated in December to focus on the importance of proper hand hygiene and general health. It is designed to remind everyone that clean hands can help prevent illness, disease, and the spread of germs. Encouraging hand hygiene among your employees is essential for workplace safety. Teaching handwashing techniques can help provide an extra layer of protection, lessen the spread of germs, and show employees that you care about their health and well-being. To ensure hand hygiene at work, here’s what you should teach your employees:

Use warm water and soap when washing hands

Warm water helps to remove more dirt, oils, and germs from the skin than cold water. Employees should use hot water if it’s available and always make sure to wet their hands with clean running water before applying soap. All surfaces of the hands should be washed thoroughly, including the backs of the hands, wrists, between fingers, and under fingernails.

Scrub for at least 20 seconds

After wetting their hands with clean running water, employees should apply soap and lather up their hands while scrubbing them together in a back-and-forth motion for at least 20 seconds. This includes scrubbing Continue reading

How to Support Cholesterol and Cardiometabolic Health

Supporting cholesterol and cardiometabolic health is important for everyone, at any age. Generally speaking, the best way to do this involves making healthy lifestyle choices, such as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet and weight, reducing stress levels and refraining from unhealthy habits like smoking. Here are some tips to help you get started on your journey towards better cholesterol and cardiometabolic health.

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol, decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol, and improve overall cardiovascular health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. By mixing it up with different types of exercises you can help keep your body fit and healthy.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet low in saturated fat, trans fats, and cholesterol can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins like fish and chicken, whole grains, and healthy fats like nuts and seeds.

Reduce stress levels

Stress can negatively impact cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health, so it is important to reduce or manage stress levels as much as possible. This could include activities such as mindfulness, yoga, or even just taking a few minutes each day for yourself to relax and Continue reading

Data Visualization Solutions for Small Businesses

Data visualization is the process of representing data in graphical or pictorial format. It helps to communicate complex information in a clear and concise way, allowing people to better understand the structure and meaning of data. Small businesses need data visualization solutions to gain valuable insights from their data, identify trends and patterns, make informed decisions and optimize processes. 

The best data visualization software for small businesses can help to make sense of large amounts of data quickly and easily. These tools provide powerful visuals with interactive features and allow users to create custom dashboards that represent their data in an easy-to-understand format. Visuals created using these tools are also sharable, so multiple people can access the same information at the same time. 

Data Visualization Software


Canva is a great tool for small businesses. It offers an intuitive interface and a wide variety of templates that enable users to create custom visuals with just a few clicks. Canva’s drag-and-drop features make it easy to quickly build data visualizations, such as graphs, charts, tables, infographics and more. 


Tableau is another popular data visualization tool. It enables users to create complex visuals with ease and provides an Continue reading

Cute Best Friend Halloween Costume Ideas

Best friends are the family that we get to choose. We share secrets, inside jokes, and a bond that is unbreakable. So it only makes sense that we want to dress up with our BFFs come Halloween!

Dressing up as each other is the perfect way to show off your BFF bond! You can either go for a traditional look by twinning your outfits, or get creative and put your own spin on it. 

If you need some inspiration for your costume this year, check out our list of the best friend Halloween costumes below.

PowerPuff Girls

The PowerPuff Girls are the perfect example of best friends who also happen to be sisters. If you and your BFF are looking for a cute costume idea, consider dressing up as Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup! You can even add a little bit of flair by carrying around a stuffed animal or wearing temporary tattoos.

2 Broke Girls

If you and your bestie are fans of the TV show 2 Broke Girls, then this costume idea is for you! Dress up as the titular characters, Max and Caroline. They may not have much money, but they sure do have a lot of Continue reading

How to Reduce Varicose Veins from a Sedentary Lifestyle

Varicose veins are a common condition that occurs when the valves in the veins become damaged and allow blood to flow backwards. This can cause the veins to become enlarged and twisted. Although varicose veins can occur at any age, they are more common in people over the age of 50 and in women who have been pregnant. People who have a sedentary lifestyle are also at increased risk for developing varicose veins. The good news is that there are several things you can do to reduce your risk of developing varicose veins.

Ways to Reduce Varicose Veins from a Sedentary Lifestyle

Exercise regularly

Doing regular physical activity helps keep the blood flowing throughout your body. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five days a week. Walking, jogging and swimming are all good activities to help reduce your risk of developing varicose veins.

Wear compression stockings

Compression stockings are tight-fitting stockings that help reduce the pressure in your veins, which can help prevent varicose veins from developing. Your doctor can recommend the best type of stocking for you.

Elevate your legs

Lying down and propping your legs up above your heart can help reduce the pressure in Continue reading

Does My Business Need an AI-powered Writing Tool?

When it comes to writing, there are many challenges that can make the process difficult or time-consuming. For example, drafting and proofreading long pieces of content can take hours or even days, and if you’re working on a tight deadline, this can put a strain on your productivity. Additionally, things like grammar mistakes or awkward sentence structure can make your writing hard to understand, lowering the quality of your work and making it less effective.

Reasons Why You Should Consider Using an AI-powered Writing Tool

AI-powered writing tools offer a great solution to these challenges. The following are reasons why you should use AI to make your writing easier and more efficient:

Automated proofreading

AI-powered writing tools use sophisticated algorithms to scan your content for errors, helping you catch mistakes before they go out to your readers. This not only saves you time, but also ensures that your writing is error-free and professional.

Increased productivity

Because AI-powered writing tools are able to quickly analyze and identify patterns in your writing, they can help you draft and edit content much more efficiently. This gives you more time to focus on the aspects of content creation that require your expertise, like researching Continue reading

Why You Should Read Intent-Based Networking for Dummies

When it comes to networking, there’s no shortage of technical jargon and complicated concepts. In order to fully understand the inner workings of modern networking systems, you need to have a solid foundation in basic networking principles and a clear understanding of how new advances and developments are changing the face of the industry.

The Intent-Based Networking for Dummies by Jeff Doyle and Cisco is the perfect resource for anyone looking to learn more about the principles of modern networking.

Why You Should Read Intent-Based Networking for Dummies

The following are just a few of the reasons why Intent-Based Networking for Dummies is essential reading for anyone looking to understand and master the intricacies of modern networking systems:

It provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices that lie at the heart of modern networking systems.

The book breaks down the key concepts of networking in simple, easy-to-understand language so that anyone can grasp them. This is perfect for people who want to learn more about the basics of networking without having to wade through dense technical jargon.

It offers practical insights and advice on how to effectively apply these principles in real-world scenarios.

It explains the concepts of Continue reading

Natural Vitamins to Help You Stay Alert

When it comes to staying alert throughout the day, many people turn to caffeine or sugary snacks for a quick energy boost. However, these foods can cause spikes and drops in blood sugar that ultimately lead to feelings of fatigue and low energy. To help keep you feeling energized and focused throughout the day, consider incorporating natural vitamins into your diet.

Vitamins That Help Promote Alertness

There are many vitamins that keep you feeling awake and energized. Here are a few of the most effective supplements to try:

Vitamin B6

The B vitamins are key for supporting brain health, and vitamin B6 in particular is known for its ability to help boost energy levels. This nutrient helps increase the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which promotes feelings of calm and well-being. It can also help improve sleep quality, making it an excellent choice for those who struggle with fatigue and low energy levels.


Iron is another essential nutrient that helps support brain health and energy levels. It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body and to the brain. When your blood is low in Continue reading

How Can a Leadership Coach Help Me?

A leadership coach is someone who helps you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective leader. A leadership coach can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and create a plan to improve your leadership skills.

Benefits of Working With a Leadership Coach

Think about what coaches can do for you. If you’re wondering how they can help, there are many benefits of working with a leadership coach. Here are some of the ways a leadership coach can help you:

Improve your self-awareness

A leadership coach can help you become more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as your triggers and what motivates you. This increased self-awareness can help you make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and set better boundaries.

Set goals and create a plan

A leadership coach can help you identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them. They can also help you troubleshoot any roadblocks you may encounter along the way.

Build your confidence

A leadership coach can help you build your confidence by providing feedback and helping you practice your leadership skills.

Get feedback and accountability

A leadership coach can provide you with honest feedback and Continue reading

How to Get Over a Friendship Breakup

Losing a friend can be just as painful as any other breakup. You may feel betrayed, rejected, and even like you’re grieving the loss of a relationship. If you’re struggling to cope with a friendship breakup, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.

Getting Over a Friendship Breakup

Acknowledge your feelings.

It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or even hurt after a friendship ends. Allow yourself to experience these emotions instead of pushing them away. This can help you come to terms with the loss and start to move on.

Talk about what happened.

If you’re feeling up to it, try talking to your former friend about what happened. This can be a difficult conversation, but it can help you understand their side of the story and closure.

Focus on your other relationships.

It’s important to remember that you still have other friends in your life. Spend time with them and pour your energy into these relationships. They can help you feel better and remind you that you’re not alone.

Do something for yourself.

A friendship breakup can be a chance to focus on your own needs for a while. Do something that makes Continue reading

Can a Weighted Eye Mask Relieve Tired Eyes?

If you’re anything like most people, you probably spend a lot of time staring at screens. Whether you’re working on a computer, scrolling through your phone, or watching TV, all that screen time can take a toll on your eyes. If you’re looking for a way to relieve tired eyes, you may want to try a weighted eye mask.

Weighted eye masks are filled with a material, such as plastic beads, that add a gentle pressure to the eyes. This pressure can help to relax the muscles around the eyes and reduce tension headaches. Additionally, the weight of the mask can help to block out light, which can further improve relaxation.

Different Types of Weighted Eye Masks and Their Benefits

There are a few different types of weighted eye masks on the market, each with its own benefits.

Pure hydration eye masks

Pure hydrating eye masks are filled with gel or liquid, rather than beads. These masks are often used to help with dry eyes, as the gel can help to increase moisture around the eyes.

Warming eye masks

Warming eye masks are filled with a material that retains heat. These masks can help to soothe tired eyes and reduce Continue reading

What is a Lifestyle Brand and Does It Make Sense for Your Business?

The term “lifestyle brand” is often used to describe a company or product that is associated with a certain lifestyle or set of values. A lifestyle brand may target a specific demographic, such as millennials, or it may be more broadly appealing.

Some companies embrace the lifestyle brand label while others shy away from it, preferring to focus on their product or service rather than any sort of perceived image. 

So, what exactly is a lifestyle brand? And does it make sense for your business? Let’s take a closer look.

What is a lifestyle brand?

A lifestyle brand can be defined as a company or product that is associated with a certain lifestyle or set of values. The key word here is “associated.” A lifestyle brand doesn’t necessarily produce products that are directly related to the lifestyle in question. Rather, the connection is more abstract.

For example, consider the clothing brand Levi’s. Levi’s isn’t explicitly a “lifestyle brand,” but it is often associated with the “casual cool” lifestyle. This is because Levi’s has built its image around being a relaxed, comfortable, and stylish brand. As a result, people who identify with the “casual cool” lifestyle are more likely Continue reading

Computer-Related Neck Pains? Try an Acupressure Pillow

Do you ever get neck pains after sitting in front of the computer for too long? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent study, nearly two-thirds of Americans experience some form of neck pain each year. And with the average person spending over eight hours a day staring at a screen, it’s no wonder that so many of us are suffering.

But there is some good news. If you’re looking for a way to relieve your computer-related neck pain, you may want to try an acupressure pillow. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. And according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are certain points on the neck that can help relieve pain.

The best part about acupressure is that it’s completely safe and there are no side effects. So if you’re looking for a natural way to ease your neck pain, an acupressure pillow may be just what you need. 

Symptoms of Computer-Related Neck Pain

There are a few different symptoms that are associated with computer-related neck pain. If you’re experiencing any of the following, it may be time to try an acupressure pillow:

Neck stiffness

This Continue reading

What is Liposomal Curcumin (and How Can It Help You Live a Better Life?)

Liposomal curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been shown to be effective in a wide range of inflammatory diseases. It is also a potent antioxidant and has been shown to protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Liposomal curcumin is thought to be more effective than regular curcumin because it is better absorbed by the body. One study showed that liposomal curcumin was absorbed into the bloodstream four times better than regular curcumin.

Liposomal curcumin has been shown to be effective in treating inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. It is also thought to be helpful in managing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

How does it work?

Liposomal curcumin works by inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules called cytokines. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Benefits of Liposomal Curcumin

There are many potential benefits of liposomal curcumin. Some of the most well-studied benefits include:

Reduced inflammation

Liposomal curcumin has been shown to reduce inflammation in a wide range of inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. It is thought to work by inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules called Continue reading

Nashville Professional Women’s Networking Meetups

Nashville is home to a vibrant professional women’s networking scene. There are meetups for women in a variety of industries, including tech, healthcare, and entrepreneurship. These meetups provide a great opportunity for women to connect with others in their field, share resources and best practices, and build relationships. In addition to networking, these meetups often feature guest speakers, workshops, and other events that can help professional women further their careers. Whether you’re new to town or looking to expand your network, attending a professional women’s networking meetup is a great way to connect with like-minded women in Nashville.

Popular Women’s Networking Meetups in Nashville

Women in Technology Nashville

A women’s business networking organization with a mission to connect, inspire, and empower women in the tech industry. WiTT hosts monthly events featuring guest speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights from women leaders in the tech industry, learn about new technology trends, and build meaningful connections with other women in the field. WiTT also offers membership levels for individuals and corporate partners, providing access to exclusive resources and benefits. Whether you’re looking to learn more about technology or connect with like-minded women in the industry, women Continue reading

Free Online Games You Can Play With Your Friends

Whether you’re looking for a way to stay connected with friends during quarantine or you’re just looking for a fun way to pass the time, playing online games is a great option. But with so many games out there, it can be tough to choose which one to play. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best online games to play with friends. From classic games like Monopoly and Scrabble to newer favorites like Among Us and Jackbox Party Pack, there’s something for everyone on this list.

Free Online Games to Play With Friends


One of the most classic board games out there, Monopoly is a great option for online play. You can find a Monopoly app for both iPhones and Android devices, or you can play the game on your browser.

Words With Friends

Another classic board game, Words with Friends is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. You can play the game on your browser or download the app for both iPhones and Android devices.


Like Words with Friends, Scrabble is a great option for those looking for a classic board game experience. You can play Scrabble on your Continue reading

Share This Protein Shake Recipe with Your Gym Friends!

What goes into a perfect protein shake? If you’re looking for an answer to that question, you’ll find it in Protein and Greens by Vega. This convenient powder provides a perfect blend of protein, greens, and other nutrients to help support optimal health.

Protein and Greens by Vega is a great way to get your daily greens and protein. It’s a convenient powder that can be added to water or your favorite beverage. It’s also a good source of fiber and antioxidants.

If you’re looking for a convenient way to get your daily greens and protein, Protein and Greens by Vega is a perfect choice. It’s a convenient powder that can be added to water or your favorite beverage. It’s also a good source of fiber and antioxidants.

Vega Blueberry Vanilla Smoothie Recipe

This Vega Blueberry Vanilla Smoothie recipe is the perfect way to start your day! It’s packed with healthy ingredients like Vega Protein and Greens, almond milk, banana, and blueberries. Plus, it’s super easy to make – just blend and go!


– 1 scoop Protein and Greens by Vega

– 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

– 1/2 banana

– 1 cup frozen blueberries

– 1 teaspoon vanilla Continue reading

Pros and Cons of Radio Networking

Radio networking is a wireless communication method that uses radio waves to connect devices. It is commonly used in computer networks, cell phone networks, and other devices that need to communicate wirelessly.

Radio networking is often used in situations where it is not possible or convenient to use wired networking, such as in mobile or portable applications. Radio networking can be either peer-to-peer or infrastructure. 

In peer-to-peer networking, each device acts as both a transmitter and receiver, and there is no central access point. Infrastructure networking uses one or more access points that act as repeaters, amplifiers, and signal boosters to extend the range of the network. 

Advantages of radio networking

Radio networking has many advantages over other types of wireless communication. It is very reliable and can work in a variety of environments. Radio networking is also very secure and can be encrypted to protect data. Radio networking is also very fast and can support high-speed data transfers.

Low start-up costs

One of the biggest advantages of radio networking is that it has very low start-up costs. All you need is a radio transmitter and receiver, and you can start communicating.

This makes radio networking ideal for Continue reading

The Dangers of 5G Technology for Airplanes

The next generation of wireless technology, 5G, is set to revolutionize the way we live and work. 5G works by using higher frequency signals than previous generations of wireless technology. These higher frequency signals are more easily absorbed by obstacles like buildings and trees, which can cause interference. 

What is 5G technology and how does it work

5G uses a higher frequency of radio waves than previous generations of wireless technology. This means that 5G can carry more data and achieve higher speeds than 4G. However, it also means that 5G signals don’t travel as far as 4G signals and are more easily blocked by obstacles like walls and trees.

To overcome this challenge, 5G networks use a process called beamforming. Beamforming involves using multiple antennas to focus the signal in a specific direction. This allows the signal to travel further and Penetrate obstacles more easily. As a result, beamforming is a key technology that makes 5G possible.

In addition to beamforming, 5G networks also rely on a process called massive MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output). Massive MIMO involves using dozens or even hundreds of antennas to send and receive data. This allows 5G networks to handle large amounts of traffic Continue reading

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