
Category Archives for "phpIPAM IP address management"

phpipam API clients

To simplify API calls etc. I created a separate GitHub repository to have a collection of phpipam API clients for different languages etc. If you created a client and want to share it head over to and share yours !


To start I created a php class to work as API client, now available in repo in php-client folder.

It supports all API calls, also encrypted requests are supported by setting $api_key variable in config file. Supported output formats are json/xml/array/object.


Here is a short example of working with client.

  1. Copy config.dist.php to config.php and enter details for you installation / API to provided variables. You can also specify each parameter when initialising client directly.
  2. Make calls ?

Here is a short example how to get details for specific section:
include config file and api client class file

# init object with settings from config file or specify your own
$API = new phpipam_api_client ($api_url, $api_app_id, $api_key, $api_username, $api_password, $result_format);
# debug - output curl headers it some problems occur
$API->set_debug (false);
# execute call
$API->execute ("GET", "sections", array(5), "", $token_file);
# ger result
$result = $API->get_result();

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phpipam 1.2.1 bugfix release

phpipam version 1.2.1 was released today. This is a bugfix release, addressing the following issues:

 + French translation updated to verson 1.2;
 + German translation updated to verson 1.2;

 + Fixed upgrade bug that selected invalid auth method for AD/LDAP users;
 + Fixed LDAP problems after 1.2 upgrade;
 + Fixed PowerDNS Slave with multiple masters delimiter error;
 + Fixed owerDNS PTR records not being updated automatically;
 + Fixed csrf cookie bug when editing folder;
 + Fixed csrf cookie bug when truncationg subnet;
 + Fixed invalid code for API crypt method;
 + Fixed strange headings font display in Firefox;
 + Fixed invalid proxy settings in config.dist.php;
 + Fixed search same hostnames in db link form address table;
 + Fixed import subnet bug caused by fw object;
 + Fixed Subnet Import (Preview button > no action);

 Security Fixes:
 + Fixed security issues introduced in 1.2;

There is no database change, so just replace phpipam directory and copy over config.php.


phpipam v1.2 released

Dear all, I am happy to announce new release of phpipam IP address management – version 1.2.

For this release backend code was completely rewritten, for database connections now pdo has replaced mysqli, so make sure you php supports pdo and pdo_mysql before upgrading. It also fixes lots of bugs, parametized SQL queries and brings lots of new features, most important are:

  • Multiple simultaneous authentication methods
  • PowerDNS integration
  • Mark subnet as full
  • L2 domains
  • ICMP check enhancements (fping support)
  • Firewall zones and nameservers

And much more. You can find full changelog below, please read it.

If you find phpIPAM useful for your company donations would be highly appreciated :)

You can demo it here:
You can download it on sourceforge site: phpipam-1.2 or on github.


Before upgrading make sure you first backup current database, you can follow upgrade guide on our site.


Some screenshots:

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.12.45 Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.12.39 Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.12.32 Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.12.19 Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.13.39 Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 20.15.53

Special thanks to all the people submitting bug reports, translators and feature testers!

Full changelog for this release is:

== 1.20

	New features:
	+ Added multiple simultaneous authentication methods (Apache, AD, LDAP, Radius, NetIQ);
	+ Added fping scanning support;
	+ Added selectable scanning type (ping/pear/fping);
	+ Added L2  Continue reading
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