
Category Archives for "Pushkar Bhatkoti’s Blog"

4 years has passed and no blog post?

Wow,, I just noticed I have not been logged into this blog portal since 2012. Its almost 4 years!! where have I been to, must been hibernating somewhere behind the wet slab of beer or inside the close wall? Well, I have been bit busy with doing so many other things with my full time […]

ISDN error codes

000 0001 1 Unallocated (unassigned) number 000 0010 2 No route to specified transit network 000 0011 3 No route to destination 000 0110 6 Channel Unacceptable 000 0111 7 Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel 001 0000 16 Normal call clearing 001 0001 17 User busy 001 0010 18 No user […]

ISDN error codes

000 0001 1 Unallocated (unassigned) number 000 0010 2 No route to specified transit network 000 0011 3 No route to destination 000 0110 6 Channel Unacceptable 000 0111 7 Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel 001 0000 16 Normal call clearing 001 0001 17 User busy 001 0010 18 No user […]

Another Quad CCIE in downunder

Is it possible to study a PhD, CCIE Data Center with a full time job? Absolutely YES, I have been there and done that. I also went on 5 work related overseas trips  and 2-3 weeks on holiday, driven around the country town in Australia. If someone tells you that they saw a ghost and […]

BIGDATA BUBBLE – Infinite Possibilities

If you live in Australia you probably have heard about the Mining Boom, so was the famous “DotCOM bubble” in way back in 199x . Recently, this new buzzword “BigData” in IT data mining space seems to be a new technology trend for many enterprises and Telco’s. They need bigdata to be implemented to solve […]

Cisco CUBE v8.5 vs. v8.6 Features

Surprisingly, there is a lot of difference between these 2 CUBE versions. If you are an ITSP and providing SIP trunks to your customer. Make sure you choose the right IOS!! SR# FEATURE CUBE 8.5 CUBE 8.6 1. Support for Updating codecs dynamically X    YES 2. Media DO-EO flow around X YES 3. High […]