Antonio Bermejo

Author Archives: Antonio Bermejo

Options For Connecting Your Private Cloud

The impulse to move absolute everything to the public cloud is coming to an end. Many companies are re-evaluating their strategies and adopting a hybrid model by bringing or migrating their workloads from the cloud to on-premises, mostly in the IaaS space. The main reasons companies are re-evaluating public cloud are cost, wanting total control […]

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A Journey To The AWS Advanced Networking Certification

There’s a trend to cloudify every aspect of IT. You might think that there’s no need to understand classical networking because “the cloud” solves problems related to routers and switches. The truth is that clouds have massive networks under the hood. Someone needs to connect cloud services and bring users to these clouds in a […]

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An Introduction To Data Center Network Automation: An Onion-Based Architecture

Gone are the days when the data centers had a relatively simple network with VLANs, core switches, and a few firewalls. The network rarely changed. When a change was needed, someone who knew the network like the back of their hand had to configure those changes device per device, config line per config line. Nowadays […]

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