Author Archives: Dan London
Author Archives: Dan London
The Red Hat Services blog shared a demo on how to automate the provisioning and configuration of Red Hat Mobile Application Platform using Ansible and OpenShift Enterprise Container Platform.
The video contains great information on the creation of MBaaS on OSE3, Set up of RHMAP, and using a Jenkins Pipeline and a demonstration of deployed components.
To view the original Red Hat Services post and read related resources, click here.
Red Hat Summit 2016 was the largest gathering of customers, partners and open source contributors yet with Ansible users and executives contributing in various sessions throughout Summit. These sessions covered topics on DevOps, Automation, Management, Best Practices and more.
Did you miss us at Summit in San Francisco? Well good news, we've compiled a list of all Ansible related sessions below. Also, AnsibleFest 2016 in San Francisco is also right around the corner on July 28th. But if you want to start digging deeper into Ansible now, see below:
DevOps Lessons Automating the Deployment of J.Crew's Website with Ansible (PDF)
Oscar Gonzalez
Ansible Best Practices For Startups to Enterprises (PDF)
Tim Appnel and James Martin
Red Hat Satellite and Ansible Tower by Red Hat: Doing More Together (Video)
Justin Nemmers and Chris Wells
When Flexibility Met Simplicity: The Friendship of OpenStack and Ansible (PDF)
Robyn Bergeron and Major Hayden
Reduce Complexity and Increase Optimization with Ansible Automation (PDF)
Jon Davila
Ansible Accelerates Deployment at Société Générale (Blog)
Fabrice Bernhard and Justin Nemmers
Using Ansible to Install Containers On Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host (Blog)
Matt Micene and Greg DeKoenigsberg
Ansible Essentials: Deploy Apps, Manage Systems, and Securely Continue reading
Need some summer reading for your trip to the beach? We are pleased to offer three free ebook previews from our friends at Packt Publishing featuring their most popular Ansible books.
Mastering Ansible by Jesse Keating
Design, develop, and solve real world automation and orchestration needs by unlocking the automation capabilities of Ansible
Excerpt includes:
Chapter 1 - System Architecture and Design of Ansible: A detailed in and out view of Ansible's task performance
Chapter 3 - Unlocking the Power of Jinja2 Templates: Usage of the Jinja2 templating engine within Ansible
Download Mastering Ansible by Jesse Keating
OpenStack Administration with Ansible by Walter Bentley
Design, build, and automate 10 real-world OpenStack administrative tasks with Ansible
Excerpt includes:
Chapter 1 - An Introduction to OpenStack: A level setter on OpenStack components, concepts, and verbiage
Chapter 8 - Deploying OpenStack Features: Adding Docker to OpenStack with Ansible
Download OpenStack Administration with Ansible by Walter Bentley
Extending Ansible by Rishabh Das
Discover how to efficiently deploy and customize Ansible in the way your platform demands
Excerpt includes:
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Ansible: Introduction to Ansible as a tool
Chapter 4 - Exploring API: The Python API for Ansible
Download Extending Ansible by Rishabh Das
We broke records last week with over 500 people attending AnsibleFest London last week. If you were able to attend, we hope you enjoyed the event and will come again in 2017. If you couldn't attend, don't worry, we plan on 2 more events this year.
Follow Ansible on Twitter to get the latest news and details.
Deploying a Mesos Based Visual Effects Studio, Industrial Light and Magic
Continuous Deployment for an Order System, Atlassian
Ansible 2.0 and Windows, M*Modal
Ansible Accelerates Deployment at Societe Generale, Theodo
Managing Your Cisco Data Center Network with Ansible, Cisco
Immutable Infrastructure at Scale with Ansible, Beamly
View all of the presentations here.
As an eventful 2015 draws to a close we wanted to take a look back at the top posts of 2015.
Red Hat Acquires Ansible, The Open Source It Automation Company.
The title should come as no surprise, as many have predicted such an acquisition in the past. The similar open source ideologies, the technology fit, the executive team's open source background and the rapid adoption of Ansible in the enterprise certainly draw parallels to the world's leader in open source technology.
What was once a prediction is now reality, in just a little more than two years since Ansible, Inc., opened its doors, and we are thrilled! READ MORE
Managing VMware vSphere Guests With Ansible Tower
There are lots of ways to enable self-service VMs within an organisation - what some might call 'a private cloud'. However, these usually require layers and layers of complex software. What if you could leverage your existing hypervisor and 15 lines of code to do the same? And what if those 15 lines became an even simpler single click?
Ansible Core contains a module for managing virtual machines in VMware vSphere environments called vsphere_guest. Using this one module we can Continue reading
As an eventful 2015 draws to a close we wanted to take a look back at the top posts of 2015.
Red Hat Acquires Ansible, The Open Source It Automation Company.
The title should come as no surprise, as many have predicted such an acquisition in the past. The similar open source ideologies, the technology fit, the executive team's open source background and the rapid adoption of Ansible in the enterprise certainly draw parallels to the world's leader in open source technology.
What was once a prediction is now reality, in just a little more than two years since Ansible, Inc., opened its doors, and we are thrilled! READ MORE
Managing VMware vSphere Guests With Ansible Tower
There are lots of ways to enable self-service VMs within an organisation - what some might call 'a private cloud'. However, these usually require layers and layers of complex software. What if you could leverage your existing hypervisor and 15 lines of code to do the same? And what if those 15 lines became an even simpler single click?
Ansible Core contains a module for managing virtual machines in VMware vSphere environments called vsphere_guest. Using this one module we can talk Continue reading
If you missed our latest AnsibleFest in San Francisco you missed out connecting with over 450 members of the Ansible community and some amazing presentations from Splunk, NEC, Riot Games, J.Crew, SparkCentral and others.
Tickets are on sale now for AnsibleFest London and we are busy planning our New York event (details coming soon).
AnsibleFest San Francisco 2015 Presentations
Kevin Jones (@WebOpsX) wrote a nice post over on the NGINX blog about installing NGINX and NGINX Plus with Ansible.
One of my favorite features of Ansible is that it is completely clientless. To manage a system, a connection is made over SSH, using either Paramiko (a Python library) or native OpenSSH. Another attractive feature of Ansible is its extensive selection of modules. These modules can be used to perform some of the common tasks of a system administrator. In particular, they make Ansible a powerful tool for installing and configuring any application across multiple servers, environments, and operating systems, all from one central location.
Here are a few NGINX Ansible Galaxy Roles
Read the full post here: Installing NGINX and NGINX Plus With Ansible
We are happy to announce that AnsibleFest will be returning to San Francisco this November. After a sell-out AnsibleFest in New York City, we have moved the West Coast event to an even larger location.
If you are new to Ansible, AnsibleFest is a day-long conference bringing together hundreds of Ansible users, developers and industry partners to share best-practices, case studies and Ansible news. AnsibleFest is for anyone who is passionate (or becoming passionate) about Ansible.
Attendees include DevOps engineers, operations engineers, open source fans, systems engineers, system administrators, operations staff, release engineers, DBAs, network engineers and security professionals.
Again, we are offering Super Early Bird pricing for just $275 a ticket through August 31st. Don't miss out as we are only offering a limited number of Super Early Bird tickets at this time.
We are also accepting speaker applications here.
Here is a sample of what to expect at AnsibleFest San Francisco 2015.
See all of the presentations here.
The Federal Cloud First policy mandates that agencies take full advantage of cloud computing benefits to maximize capacity utilization, improve IT flexibility and responsiveness, and minimize cost. But how can you safely and reliably begin to deploy and manage your Red Hat instances at cloud scale? With IT automation, you can more easily deploy and manage your Red Hat instances in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud.
In this webinar, we’ll demonstrate how to:
Who Should Attend: Those in the public sector who are working to move to the cloud
Why Attend: Regardless of where you are in the cloud adoption process, leveraging IT automation can help smooth the transition to the cloud.
Presenter: Justin Nemmers, director public sector at Ansible
Date & Time: Thursday, July 23, at 2PM Eastern
If you haven't signed up for any of our FREE Ansible trainings or webinars, head over to our Webinar page to register today.
Training classes are free, held online and run approximately 2 hours and held on the 2nd (10am EST) and 4th (1pm EST) Thursday each month.
June Training Recordings
AnsibleFest in NYC was an amazing day filled with everything Ansible. If you missed the presentations, we've compiled them all here.
First, we'd like to thank EVERYONE who attended, was a sponsor, or just followed along online via the AnsibleFest hashtag. While we will have a more in-depth recap, which will include video, we wanted to make sure the speaker's slides were easily available to everyone.
From Ansible:
Bill Nottingham - Ansible Tower 2.2
James Cammarata - Ansible V2 and beyond
Brian Coca - Ansible Tips & Tricks
Irakli Nadareishvili - API Academy- Building a Docker-ized Microservice In Node, Using Ansible
We held another free Ansible Training session today. These trainings are held online and are scheduled twice a month. If you haven't attended one yet, please register here. The trainings are free, run about two hours and cover a number of Ansible basics.
Here is the recording from today's session:
To celebrate the release of O'Reilly's Ansible Up and Running: Automating Configuration Management and Deployment the Easy Way by Lorin Hochstein we are offering a special package for Ansible fans. Buy an Ansible Tower Starter Kit and get a physical copy of the book, 2 Ansible t-shirts, 2 Ansible hats, stickers, pins and an Ansibull.
To take advantage of this offer simply purchase an Ansible Tower Starter Kit here and enter ansiblefan at checkout. Offer expires on 6/5/15 or while supplies last. Quantities are limited so act fast.
*Offer available to NEW Ansible Tower customers only.
* Fixed a bug related to Kerberos auth when using winrm with a domain account.
* Fixing several bugs in the s3 module.
* Fixed a bug with upstart service detection in the service module.
* Fixed several bugs with the user module when used on OSX.
* Fixed unicode handling in some module situations (assert and shell/command execution).
* Fixed a bug in redhat_subscription when using the activationkey parameter.
* Fixed a traceback in the gce module on EL6 distros when multiple pycrypto installations are available.
* Added support for PostgreSQL 9.4 in rds_param_group
* Several other minor fixes.
As always, this update is available via PyPi and releases.ansible.com now, and packages for distros will be available as soon as possible.
* Fixed a bug related to Kerberos auth when using winrm with a domain account.
* Fixing several bugs in the s3 module.
* Fixed a bug with upstart service detection in the service module.
* Fixed several bugs with the user module when used on OSX.
* Fixed unicode handling in some module situations (assert and shell/command execution).
* Fixed a bug in redhat_subscription when using the activationkey parameter.
* Fixed a traceback in the gce module on EL6 distros when multiple pycrypto installations are available.
* Added support for PostgreSQL 9.4 in rds_param_group
* Several other minor fixes.
As always, this update is available via PyPi and releases.ansible.com now, and packages for distros will be available as soon as possible.
James Cammarata spoke at PyCon 2015 this past week and presented his talk, Achieving Continuous Delivery: An Automation Story.
And his slides:
When: June 4th
Where: Conrad Hotel NYC - 102 North End Ave, New York, NY 10282
AnsibleFest is a day-long conference bringing together Ansible users, developers and industry partners to share best-practices, case studies and Ansible news. If you are a developer, sysadmin, operations director or devops practioner, AnsibleFest is for you.
Past speakers have included Twitter, Google, Rackspace, EdX, HP, Twilio, Cumulus Networks, Telescope.tv and many more - as well as members of the Ansible Team.
SPECIAL OFFER: Buy an Ansible Tower Starter Kit and get 4 free tickets. Simply enter the promo code festnyc at checkout. BUY NOW
If you are interested in speaking, please contact [email protected]
If you are interested in sponsoring, please email [email protected] for details
Be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay informed of all of the AnsibleFest news. We'll be announcing some special surprises in the weeks leading up to the event.
If you missed our Ansible Training webinar today, or were not able to sign-up before it filled up, we were able to record the session. If you were able to attend, we hope you enjoyed it and learned about how to use Ansible.
We'll be announcing the next session soon, so follow us on Twitter for updates.
Skip ahead to 11:24 to view the training.
We also have an Ansible Tower webinar scheduled for later this month.