Author Archives: David Lawrence
Author Archives: David Lawrence
As you may have heard, the Notary project has been invited to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Much like its real world namesake, Notary is a platform for establishing trust over pieces of content.
In life, certain important events such as buying a house are facilitated by a trusted third party called a “notary.” When buying a house, this person is typically employed by the lender to verify your identity and serve as a witness to your signatures on the mortgage agreement. The notary carries a special stamp and will also sign the documents as an affirmation that a notary was present and verified all the required information relating to the borrowers.
In a similar manner, the Notary project, initially sponsored by Docker, is designed to provide high levels of trust over digital content using strong cryptographic signatures. In addition to ensuring the provenance of the software, it also provides guarantees that the content is not modified without approval of the author anywhere in the supply chain. This then allows higher level systems like Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) with Docker Content Trust (which uses Notary) to establish clear policy on the usage of content. For instance, a Continue reading
The Docker Security Team was out in force at PyCon 2017 in Portland, OR, giving two talks focussed on helping the Python Community to achieve better security. First up was David Lawrence and Ying Li with their “Introduction to Threat Modelling talk”.
Threat Modelling is a structured process that aids an engineer in uncovering security vulnerabilities in an application design or implemented software. The great majority of software grows organically, gaining new features as some critical mass of users requests them. These features are often implemented without full consideration of how they may impact every facet of the system they are augmenting.
Threat modelling aims to increase awareness of how a system operates, and in doing so, identify potential vulnerabilities. The process is broken up into three steps: data collection, analysis, and remediation. An effective way to run the process is to have a security engineer sit with the engineers responsible for design or implementation and guide a structured discussion through the three steps.
For the purpose of this article, we’re going to consider how we would threat model a house, as the process can be applied to both real world scenarios in addition to software.
Five categories of Continue reading
My colleague colleague Ying Li and I recently blogged about Securing the Software Supply Chain and drew the analogy between traditional physical supply chains and the creation, building, and deployment involved in a software supply chain. We believe that a software pipeline that can be verified at every stage is an important step in raising the security bar for all software, and we didn’t stop at simply presenting the idea.
In the recent release of Docker Datacenter, we announced a new feature that starts to brings these security capabilities together along the software supply chain. Built on Notary, a signing infrastructure based on The Update Framework (TUF), along with Docker Content Trust (DCT), an integration of the Notary toolchain into the Docker client, DDC now allows administrators to set up signing policies that prevent untrusted content from being deployed.
In this release of DDC, the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) now also ships with integrated Notary services. This means you’re ready to start using DCT and the new Signing Policy features out of the box! No separate server and database to install, configure and connect to the registry.
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