Dora Korbar and Siphon Bou

Author Archives: Dora Korbar and Siphon Bou

DockerCon Cool Hack Challenge: Tyrion Cannister Neural Style GUI

As students at Holberton School, a software engineering school based in San Francisco, Siphan and I are exposed to lots of exciting technology! The main goal of the school is to produce full-stack engineers in two years. Although we are only four months into the program, we are already learning how to use the Docker platform.

A few weeks ago, we held our very first hackathon at school – and of course it was focused on Docker! The school’s founders (one of whom was an original member of the Docker marketing #boomteam) thought now was the perfect time for us to participate in a hackathon, so they teamed up with Docker to make it happen.

In the spirit of DockerCon, our guidelines were basically the same as those of DockerCon Cool Hack Challenge: make the most awesome things we could think of using Docker, and do it in ten hours. Cue the intense music.

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