Eddie Cole, VP of engineering, Scribe Software

Author Archives: Eddie Cole, VP of engineering, Scribe Software

How to overcome 3 hybrid cloud integration challenges

This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter’s approach.

Companies adopting cloud technologies often end up with a public/private hybrid approach that balances business needs with infrastructure goals, and while the end result provides numerous benefits, hybrid clouds can result in integration challenges. But with the right planning and the strategies below, connecting cloud applications can be done easily and effectively:

1. Understand and work around individual SaaS API limitations

Surprisingly, not all APIs offer full create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations on all of their entities, often exposing just a subset of the full data model. Always be sure to know what data entities are available and what operations you can perform on them before committing to any hybrid integration project, even when the API exposes the entity you are looking for and the operation you want.

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