Author Archives: Greg Ferro
Author Archives: Greg Ferro
This is “The Coffee Break”. A podcast on state of the networking business where we discuss vendors moves and news, analysis on product and positioning, and look at the business of networking. It's like a soundtrack for the network industry.
In the time it takes to have coffee break. Or so.
The post The Coffee Break – Show 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers.
A place for anyone to start a podcast with the Packet Pushers.
The post Introducing Community Channel – Insert Your Podcast Here appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
A place for anyone to start a podcast with the Packet Pushers.
The post Introducing Community Channel – Insert Your Podcast Here appeared first on Packet Pushers.
Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switch for Microsoft Hyper-V and integrates with your existing Nexus 1000V deployment. In this episode we talk with Appaji Malla and Balaji Sivasubramanian from the Hyper-V Product team on the architecture of the product and platform.
The post Show 178 – Cisco Nexus 1000v and Microsoft Hyper-V appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
More Engineers talking about their day-to-day problems. We found Justin Seabrook Rocha and Shawn McGuire lurking in the #PacketPushers ITC channel complaining about stuff. Now they are doing it in front to a microphone. Bring the real world to your real world. Guests Shawn McGuire bigbash on the #Packetpushers channel on irc.freenode.net Twitter : @mcguiresm Blog: http://8bitsbytes.com […]
The post Show 177 – Current Practices appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
This week Greg and Ethan go back and forth on a bunch of current happenings. Data Networking is full of releases, updates and progress. In 80 minutes we will discuss the topics that look important to us.
The post Show 175 Dying Desktops, Insecure Firewalls, Networking The Internet of Things appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
This week it’s Greg was configuring spanning tree in the data centre and had a problem with a switch cluster that didn’t work proper. How much networking do you need in a data centre ? Lets say you purchases 2 x 32 port 40GbE switches (common Trident2 configuration) for USD$30K and you use QSFP breakouts […]
The post Show 170 – The Spanning Tree Story and More SDN Analysis appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Ethan and Greg got together to talk over the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) announcement this week. From the information that we have available to us, we look at some of the early concepts and technology that we know about. 40 GB BiDir optics and what it means for data centre design Nexus 9000 hardware […]
The post Show 167 – Cisco ACI Software Defined Networking – A First Look appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
We know that networking for last few months is all about SDN Unicorns and other Applications. This week we are joined by Mike Dvorkin and Brent Salisbury to talk about the science of building SDN controller application. It's not easy to decide how to build a model that allows for business policy to map onto flow management, virtual server and physical devices so we gathered in the virtual boardroom to discuss the fundamental nature of SDN Controller and basic concepts of what you want to build and why.
The post Show 166 – SDN Controller Strategies appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Deep diving on VMware NSX ? You bet. Download the PDF file and read along with us as we unpack how VMware NSX works with Brad Hedlund and Scott Lowe. Network Virtualization is the certainly the biggest architecture shift in our careers and probably yours. And make no mistake, this is about networking. Greg Ferro often says that […]
The post Show 161 – VMware NSX – Real World SDN – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
Palo Alto Networks are big fans of the show and they are excited to geek out about next-generation firewalls in this podcast. What you’ll hear about on this show is the unique technologies that help you deliver visibility, control and safe application enablement of applications in your network. This show was specifically planned to have zero […]
The post Show 160 – Palo Alto Networks and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Next-Gen Firewalls – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
When planning your career you need to make several path choices. A career direction, the right attitude, respect for co-workers are all easy. Some people forget that everyday work is part of taking a single step down that path, tomorrow you will take another couple of steps and again the day after. But some people […]
The post You Don’t Have To Hit The Ball Out Of The Park To Hit A Home Run appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
A welcome return to the Packet Pushers of old where we get where we get a bunch of engineers around the table to generally poke sticks into a box of networking problems and laugh at the noises. Topics What VMware do with networking at VMworld Mentoring in the Day Job – how and what you do to […]
The post Show 159 – Finding a Way To Test It appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
We’ve done many podcasts now on Software Defined Whatever. Most of those shows are focused on diving deep into SDN technology and how protocols such as OpenFlow are meant to work. Let’s face it - this is fascinating stuff to a bunch of engineers. But over and beyond just being cool technology – SDN must solve a problem.
The post Show 158 – Avaya – Software Defined Data Centre & Fabric Connect appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
I got this email from Joel which made my day. It is email like this that keep us motivated and feel that Ethan & I are creating something worthwhile. Sometimes ‘packet pushing’ is just a lot of work, sometimes it is great fun, sometime we make a bit of money from sponsors too. But knowing […]
The post Why We Do Packet Pushers – Email From a Listener appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
ManageEngine is a well known vendor of Network Management tools with tens of thousands of customers worldwide with a portfolio covering the full spectrum including Performance, Server/Application, Help Desk, Desktop Management. Sign up here
The post Webinar: ManageEngine on Log Analysis and Netflow appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
This show was recorded by Brent Salisbury at Open Networking Summit in April 2013 http://www.opennetsummit.org where he got a bunch of folks around a microphone to talk about OpenFlow/SDN and the progress being made in the organisations. Show topics How is OpenFlow progressing ? Open Daylight foundation and its inception. Is the future of OpenFlow assured and what […]
The post Show 157 – ONS Roundup – SDN,Enterprise, Wireless and More appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
This episode (re-)introduces Carl Moberg and dives into Tail-f’s Network Control System (NCS). We talk through the moving parts of Network Control System at a technical level and discuss why you should care about this product. If you have been interested in tools that do multivendor automation of the network then you will be interested in this discussion.
The post Show 156 – Tail-f Network Control System – Sponsored appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.
There are two proposals floating around that are trying to address BGP origination hijacks (aka Pakistan vs. YouTube): RPKI and DNSSEC-based system. Ivan Pepelnjak joins Greg Ferro to talk about what is means for Networking. This show was recorded in January 2013 and it’s been delayed publishing. Please accept my apologies. Show Links Opinionated background […]
The post PQ Show 30 – RPKI DNSEC and Internet Security with Ivan Pepelnjak appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.