Ivan Pepelnjak

Author Archives: Ivan Pepelnjak

Is Anyone Using netlab on Windows?

Tomas wants to start netlab with PowerShell, but it doesn’t work for him, and I don’t know anyone running netlab directly on Windows (I know people running it in a Ubuntu VM on Windows, but that’s a different story).

In theory, netlab (and Ansible) should work fine with Windows Subsystem for Linux. In practice, there’s often a gap between theory and practice – if you run netlab on Windows (probably using VirtualBox with Vagrant), I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment, email me, add a comment to Tomas’ GitHub issue, or fix the documentation and submit a PR. Thank you!

Is Anyone Using netlab on Windows?

Tomas wants to start netlab with PowerShell, but it doesn’t work for him, and I don’t know anyone running netlab directly on Windows (I know people running it in a Ubuntu VM on Windows, but that’s a different story).

In theory, netlab (and Ansible) should work fine with Windows Subsystem for Linux. In practice, there’s often a gap between theory and practice – if you run netlab on Windows (probably using VirtualBox with Vagrant), I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment, email me, add a comment to Tomas’ GitHub issue, or fix the documentation and submit a PR. Thank you!

LAN Data Link Layer Addressing

Last week, we discussed Fibre Channel addressing. This time, we’ll focus on data link layer technologies used in multi-access networks: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and other local area- or Wi-Fi technologies.

The first local area networks (LANs) ran on a physical multi-access medium. The first one (original Ethernet) started as a thick coaxial cable1 that you had to drill into to connect a transceiver to the cable core.

Later versions of Ethernet used thinner cables with connectors that you put together to build whole network segments out of pieces of cable. However, even in that case, we were dealing with a single multi-access physical network – disconnecting a cable would bring down the whole network.

LAN Data Link Layer Addressing

Last week, we discussed Fibre Channel addressing. This time, we’ll focus on data link layer technologies used in multi-access networks: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and other local area- or Wi-Fi technologies.

The first local area networks (LANs) ran on a physical multi-access medium. The first one (original Ethernet) started as a thick coaxial cable1 that you had to drill into to connect a transceiver to the cable core.

Later versions of Ethernet used thinner cables with connectors that you put together to build whole network segments out of pieces of cable. However, even in that case, we were dealing with a single multi-access physical network – disconnecting a cable would bring down the whole network.

Git Rebase: What Can Go Wrong?

Julia Evans wrote another must-read article (if you’re using Git): git rebase: what can go wrong?

I often use git rebase to clean up the commit history of a branch I want to merge into a main branch or to prepare a feature branch for a pull request. I don’t want to run it unattended – I’m always using the interactive option – but even then, I might get into tight spots where I can only hope the results will turn out to be what I expect them to be. Always have a backup – be it another branch or a copy of the branch you’re working on in a remote repository.

Git Rebase: What Can Go Wrong?

Julia Evans wrote another must-read article (if you’re using Git): git rebase: what can go wrong?

I often use git rebase to clean up the commit history of a branch I want to merge into a main branch or to prepare a feature branch for a pull request. I don’t want to run it unattended – I’m always using the interactive option – but even then, I might get into tight spots where I can only hope the results will turn out to be what I expect them to be. Always have a backup – be it another branch or a copy of the branch you’re working on in a remote repository.

Open BGP Daemons: There’s So Many of Them

A while ago, the Networking Notes blog published a link to my “Will Network Devices Reject BGP Sessions from Unknown Sources?” blog post with a hint: use Shodan to find how many BGP routers accept a TCP session from anyone on the Internet.

The results are appalling: you can open a TCP session on port 179 with over 3 million IP addresses.

A report on Shodan opening TCP session to port 179

A report on Shodan opening TCP session to port 179

Open BGP Daemons: There’s So Many of Them

A while ago, the Networking Notes blog published a link to my “Will Network Devices Reject BGP Sessions from Unknown Sources?” blog post with a hint: use Shodan to find how many BGP routers accept a TCP session from anyone on the Internet.

The results are appalling: you can open a TCP session on port 179 with over 3 million IP addresses.

A report on Shodan opening TCP session to port 179

A report on Shodan opening TCP session to port 179

Rapid Progress in BGP Route Origin Validation

In 2022, I was invited to speak about Internet routing security at the DEEP conference in Zadar, Croatia. One of the main messages of the presentation was how slow the progress had been even though we had had all the tools available for at least a decade (RFC 7454 was finally published in 2015, and we started writing it in early 2012).

At about that same time, a small group of network operators started cooperating on improving the security and resilience of global routing, eventually resulting in the MANRS initiative – a great place to get an overview of how many Internet Service Providers care about adopting Internet routing security mechanisms.

Rapid Progress in BGP Route Origin Validation

In 2022, I was invited to speak about Internet routing security at the DEEP conference in Zadar, Croatia. One of the main messages of the presentation was how slow the progress had been even though we had had all the tools available for at least a decade (RFC 7454 was finally published in 2015, and we started writing it in early 2012).

At about that same time, a small group of network operators started cooperating on improving the security and resilience of global routing, eventually resulting in the MANRS initiative – a great place to get an overview of how many Internet Service Providers care about adopting Internet routing security mechanisms.

Fibre Channel Addressing

Whenever we talk about LAN data-link-layer addressing, most engineers automatically switch to the “must be like Ethernet” mentality, assuming all data-link-layer LAN framing must somehow resemble Ethernet frames.

That makes no sense on point-to-point links. As explained in Early Data-Link Layer Addressing article, you don’t need layer-2 addresses on a point-to-point link between two layer-3 devices. Interestingly, there is one LAN technology (that I’m aware of) that got data link addressing right: Fibre Channel (FC).

Fibre Channel Addressing

Whenever we talk about LAN data-link-layer addressing, most engineers automatically switch to the “must be like Ethernet” mentality, assuming all data-link-layer LAN framing must somehow resemble Ethernet frames.

That makes no sense on point-to-point links. As explained in Early Data-Link Layer Addressing article, you don’t need layer-2 addresses on a point-to-point link between two layer-3 devices. Interestingly, there is one LAN technology (that I’m aware of) that got data link addressing right: Fibre Channel (FC).

Video: Hacking BGP for Fun and Profit

At least some people learn from others’ mistakes: using the concepts proven by some well-publicized BGP leaks, malicious actors quickly figured out how to hijack BGP prefixes for fun and profit.

Fortunately, those shenanigans wouldn’t spread as far today as they did in the past – according to RoVista, most of the largest networks block the prefixes Route Origin Validation (ROV) marks as invalid.


You need at least free ipSpace.net subscription to watch videos in this webinar.

Video: Hacking BGP for Fun and Profit

At least some people learn from others’ mistakes: using the concepts proven by some well-publicized BGP leaks, malicious actors quickly figured out how to hijack BGP prefixes for fun and profit.

Fortunately, those shenanigans wouldn’t spread as far today as they did in the past – according to RoVista, most of the largest networks block the prefixes Route Origin Validation (ROV) marks as invalid.


You need at least free ipSpace.net subscription to watch videos in this webinar.

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