Jacob Bednarz

Author Archives: Jacob Bednarz

Lessons from building an automated SDK pipeline

In case you missed the announcement from Developer Week 2024, Cloudflare is now offering software development kits (SDKs) for Typescript, Go and Python. As a reminder, you can get started by installing the packages.

// Typescript
npm install cloudflare

// Go
go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go/v2

// Python
pip install --pre cloudflare

Instead of using a tool like curl or Postman to create a new zone in your account, you can use one of the SDKs in a language that you’re already comfortable with or that integrates directly into your existing codebase.

import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';

const cloudflare = new Cloudflare({
  apiToken: process.env['CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN']

const newZone = await cloudflare.zones.create({
  account: { id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' },
  name: 'example.com',
  type: 'full',

Since their inception, our SDKs have been manually maintained by one or more dedicated individuals. For every product addition or improvement, we needed to orchestrate a series of manually created pull requests to get those changes into customer hands. This, unfortunately, created an imbalance in the frequency and quality of changes that made it into the SDKs. Even though the product teams would drive some of these changes, not all languages were covered and the SDKs Continue reading