Author Archives: John Donmoyer
Author Archives: John Donmoyer
The Workers team here at Cloudflare has been hard at work shipping a bunch of new features in the last year and we’ve seen some amazing things built with the tools we’ve provided. However, as my uncle once said, with great serverless platform growth comes great responsibility.
One of the ways we can help is by ensuring that deploying and maintaining your Workers scripts is a low risk endeavor. Rotating a set of API keys shouldn’t require risking downtime through code edits and redeployments and in some cases it may not make sense for the developer writing the script to know the actual API key value at all. To help tackle this problem, we’re releasing Secrets and Environment Variables to the Wrangler CLI and Workers Dashboard.
As we started to design support for secrets in Workers we had a sense that this was already a big concern for a lot of our users but we wanted to learn about all of the use cases to ensure we were building the right thing. We headed to the community forums, twitter, and the inbox of Louis Grace, business development representative extraordinaire, for some anecdotes about Secrets usage. We also sent Continue reading