Author Archives: Justin Cormack
Author Archives: Justin Cormack
We are happy to announce that Docker has contributed Docker Distribution to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Docker is committed to the Open Source community and open standards for many of our projects, and this move will ensure Docker Distribution has a broad group maintaining what is the foundation for many registries.
Distribution is the open source code that is the basis of the container registry that is part of Docker Hub, and also many other container registries. It is the reference implementation of a container registry and is extremely widely used, so it is a foundational part of the container ecosystem. This makes its new home in the CNCF highly appropriate.
Docker Distribution was a major rewrite of the original Registry code which was written in Python and was a much earlier design not using content addressed storage. This new version, written in Go, was designed to be an extensible library, so that different backends and subsystems could be designed. Docker formed the Open Container Initiative (OCI) in 2015, in the Linux Foundation, in order to standardise the specifications for the container ecosystem, including the registry and image formats.
In a few weeks, August 17-20, lots of us at Docker in Europe were looking forward to hopping on the train down to Amsterdam for KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe. But like every other event since March, this one is virtual so we will all be at home joining remotely. Most of the sessions are pre recorded with live Q&A, the format that we used at DockerCon 2020. As a speaker I really enjoyed this format at DockerCon, we got an opportunity to clarify and answer extra questions during the talk. It will be rather different from the normal KubeCon experience with thousands of people at the venue though!
Chris Crone has been closely involved with the CNAB (Cloud Native Application Bundle) project since the launch in late 2018. He will be talking about how to Simplify Your Cloud Native Application Packaging and Deployments, and will explain why CNAB is a great tool for developers. Packaging up entire applications into self contained artifacts is a really useful tool, an extension of packaging up a single container. The tooling, especially Porter has been making a lot of progress recently so if you heard about CNAB before and are wondering what Continue reading
We are really excited that Docker and Snyk are now partnering together to engineer container security scanning deeply into Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. Image vulnerability scanning has been one of your most requested items on our public roadmap.
Modern software uses a lot of third party open source libraries, indeed this is one of the things that has really raised productivity in coding, as we can reuse work to support new features in our products and to save time in writing implementations of APIs, protocols and algorithms. But this comes with the downside of working out whether there are security vulnerabilities in the code that you are using. You have all told us that scanning is one of the most important roadmap issues for you.
Recall a famously huge data breach from the use of an unpatched version of the Apache Struts library, due to CVE 2017-5638. The CVE was issued in March 2017, and according to the official statement, while the patch should have been applied within 48 hours, it was not, and during May 2017 the websites were hacked, with the attackers having access until late July. This is everyone’s nightmare now. How can we help Continue reading
Last Wednesday, the CNCF released the KubeCon Europe 2020 schedule. There are so many talks at KubeCon it can be daunting even to decide what to go to see! Here are some talks by the team at Docker, and some others we think will be particularly interesting. Looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!
Chris is an engineer in our Paris office and is also co-executive director of the CNAB project. CNAB (Cloud Native Application Bundle) is a specification for bundling up cloud-native applications, which can consist of multiple containers, into a single object that can be pushed to a registry. Open source projects using CNAB, like Docker App or Porter allow you to package apps that would normally require multiple tools like Terraform, Helm, and shell to deploy, into a single tooling agnostic packaging format. These packages can then be shared using existing container registries and used with other CNAB compliant tools. This can really simplify cloud-native development.
Did you know that you can store anything into a container registry? Continue reading
One of the most productive meetings I had KubeCon in San Diego last November was a meeting with Docker, Amazon and Microsoft to plan a collaboration around a new version of the CNCF project Notary. We held the Notary v2 kickoff meeting a few weeks later in Seattle in the Amazon offices.
Emphasising that this is a cross-industry collaboration, we had eighteen people in the room (with more dialed in) from Amazon, Microsoft, Docker, IBM, Google, Red Hat, Sylabs and JFrog. This represented all the container registry providers and developers, other than the VMware Harbor developers who could unfortunately not make it in person. Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture of everyone!
The consensus and community are important because of the aims of Notary v2. But let’s go back a bit as some of you may not know what Notary is and what it is for.
The Notary project was originally started at Docker back in 2015 to provide a general signing Continue reading
In case you’ve missed it, this week we’re highlighting the top five most popular Docker blogs in 2017. Coming in the third place is the announcement of LinuxKit, a toolkit for building secure, lean and portable Linux Subsystems.
LinuxKit includes the tooling to allow building custom Linux subsystems that only include exactly the components the runtime platform requires. All system services are containers that can be replaced, and everything that is not required can be removed. All components can be substituted with ones that match specific needs. It is a kit, very much in the Docker philosophy of batteries included but swappable. LinuxKit is an open source project available at https://github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit.
To achieve our goals of a secure, lean and portable OS,we built it from containers, for containers. Security is a top-level objective and aligns with NIST stating, in their draft Application Container Security Guide: “Use container-specific OSes instead of general-purpose ones to reduce attack surfaces. When using a container-specific OS, attack surfaces are typically much smaller than they would be with a general-purpose OS, so there are fewer opportunities to attack and compromise a container-specific OS.”
The leanness directly helps with security by removing parts not Continue reading
Last year, one of the most common requests we heard from our users was to bring a Docker-native experience to their platforms. These platforms were many and varied: from cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, to server platforms such as Windows Server, desktop platforms that their developers used such as OSX and Windows 10, to mainframes and IoT platforms – the list went on.
We started working on support for these platforms, and we initially shipped Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows, followed by Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure. Most recently, we announced the beta of Docker for GCP. The customizations we applied to make Docker native for each platform have furthered the adoption of the Docker editions.
One of the issues we encountered was that for many of these platforms, the users wanted Linuxcontainer support but the platform itself did not ship with Linux included. Mac OS and Windows are two obvious examples, but cloud platforms do not ship with a standard Linux either. So it made sense for us to bundle Linux into the Docker platform to run in these places.
What we needed to bundle was a secure, lean and portable Linux Continue reading