Author Archives: Keeping It Classless
Author Archives: Keeping It Classless
I have a predominantly technical background. You can show me all the slide decks you want but until I can get my hands on it, it’s not real to me. This has greatly influenced what I’m focusing on now that I’m doing more than just technical work - how to reduce the barrier to entry for people to become acquainted with a project or product.
As a result, I’ve been getting more involved with Tungsten Fabric (formerly OpenContrail). Tungsten is an open source Software-Defined Networking platform, and is a healthy candidate for building some tutorials. In addition, I’m new to the project in general - so, even if only for my own benefit, a blog post summarizing a quick and hopefully easy way to get up and running with it seems quite appropos.
We’re going to spin up a 3-node cluster in AWS EC2 running Kubernetes, and using Tungsten Fabric for the networking. Why AWS instead of something like Vagrant? Simply put, a lot of advanced networking software require a lot of system resources - more than most laptops are able to provide. In this case, a total of four virtual machines (three-node cluster plus Continue reading
When I got started in networking, my education (like so many network engineers) was all about Cisco. All my networking courses in college, as well as my early networking jobs all used Cisco curricula and equipment, and valued Cisco certifications like the CCNA/CCNP/CCIE above all.
It wasn’t until I had already been in the industry for about three years or so before I even got my hands on a Juniper device, and by that time, my IOS habits had taken root in my muscles, which made the new set/delete style of Junos configurations even more strange. While my Junos experience never came close to exceeding my IOS/NXOS experience, I grew to appreciate some of the subtle advantages that Juniper bakes into its software. However, getting this experience meant I had to work that much harder to get my hands on lab gear to make it more a part of my day-to-day experience.
These days, it’s way easier to get started with Junos. You don’t have to wait for someone to get you some lab gear - you can set up a virtual lab right on your laptop. While there are a few places you can do this, one of the Continue reading
I’ve been passionate about the idea of proactively testing network infrastructure for some time. I revived and added to these ideas in my last post. In that post’s video, I lay out three types of network testing in my presentation:
In the same way a software developer might write tests in Python or Go that describe and effect desired behavior, the network engineer now has a growing set of tools they can use to make assertions about what “should be” and constantly be made aware of deviations. One of those tools popped up on my radar this week - jsnapy
JSNAPy describes itself as the python version of the Junos snapshot administrator. While this isn’t untrue, I think it’s a huge undersell. In my view, the assertions you can make on the data retrieved via these snapshots is where JSNAPy really shines. So in order to conceptually understand JSNAPy, I’d recommend you think of it as as a generic assertion engine for Junos, and the snapshots Continue reading
I gave a presentation at the recent Network Field Day 17 (on my 3rd day working for Juniper). My main goal for this presentation was just to get people excited about building stuff.
We tend to focus on vendor-provided solutions in this industry, and there’s a lot of good reasons for that, but it’s also good to stay sharp and be able to build your own solution to fill gaps where necessary. One reason I joined Juniper is that much of what we offer is built on a highly programmable foundation. So you get the best of both worlds - high-level products to solve the hard problems, but you still have the ability to insert your own custom tooling at various points in the stack.
In the above video, I outlined a simple Github-available demo for applying policies to a vSRX based on the existing services running in Kubernetes, and then verifying those policies are actually working by again using Kubernetes to determine what applications should be available.
My demo is designed to be self-sufficient, meaning you should be able to follow the README and get a working demo. Feel free to watch the above video first for context, then Continue reading