Leandro Navarro

Author Archives: Leandro Navarro

The Internet, Homemade

The following post originally appeared on the APNIC blog.

The Internet can enhance social inclusion and participation and can contribute to economic development. Therefore, it should be a commodity for every citizen, but, as RFC3271 says, ‘it will only be such if we make it so.’

Internet infrastructure and services do not even reach 50% of the global population. The three main issues affecting Internet growth are: not everyone wants or needs it, not everyone has access to it, and not everyone can provide it.

I respect people’s choices with the first issue since the Internet is not a natural thing that we need to sustain or protect ourselves. However, for many, they don’t want or need the Internet because there is a lack of locally relevant content and services or training on how to use it. Metaphorically speaking: Shall I eat the same fast food made far away when I like my local tasty food not offered here?

Without content and services adapted to my local taste and language, it may not be attractive or digestible. At the same time, local access and education are necessary primers to produce such relevant and meaningful content.

The second and third Continue reading