Author Archives: Mark Gibbs
Author Archives: Mark Gibbs
The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B was recently released and it’s a serious step up from its predecessors. Before we dive in to what makes it an outstanding product, the Raspberry Pi family tree going from oldest to newest, is as follows:
The + models were upgrades of the previous board versions and the RPi2B is the Raspberry Pi B+’s direct descendent with added muscle. So, what makes the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B great?
Newsletters are a crucial tool of online marketing; get yours right and your audience will pay attention to you and whatever you’re trying to promote. Get it wrong and if you’re lucky people will just route your newsletter straight to the trash. If you really goof up, you’ll be swamped with abuse and unsubscribe requests. So, to help keep you on the path of digital righteousness here's a selection of the best ways for you to screw up your newsletter:
#1. Be boring. This is the simplest path to a failed newsletter. To really be boring ensure that your newsletter is in plain text, short, minimally formatted, and contains absolutely no graphics.
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I’ve always found the tendency of Facebook users to over-share a little strange. You see people exposing their lives in ways that are occasionally charming, often inexplicable, and frequently downright ridiculous or ill-advised (or often both of the latter at the same time).
Probably shouldn't be posted on Facebook.
In the latter category are the posts of people who are obviously in advanced states of inebriation doing things that don’t require a caption to reveal that they are being idiots. These kind of posts are the sort of thing that, once sober, will be regretted and will never, ever disappear becoming fodder for the poster’s mother’s disapproval and unwanted attention from employers both current and future.
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My good friend Chuck Papageorgiou recently wrote a post on his blog he titled Net Neutrality – Policies or Politics in which he argued:
… as a capitalist and free-marketer, I have a hard time reconciling the notion that the Government should just take over privately deployed and owned assets without fairly compensating the TelCo’s and their shareholders for the investment they have made, and continue to make, in internet infrastructure.
Despite the fact that yesterday was Chuck’s birthday I’m going to disagree strongly with my friend.
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