Author Archives: Matt Kapko
Author Archives: Matt Kapko
“We don’t necessarily have any ambition in the U.S. market just because this is such a...
Verizon’s market position on 5G is heavily dependent on its ability to use dynamic spectrum...
The operator’s network guru clarified that AT&T will have a nationwide 5G network running on...
"We have to realize that the metric by which IT will be measured is probably going to shift toward...
Unexpected challenges, the pivot to remote work, the lasting impact of the pandemic, and the fight...
CEO Chuck Robbins didn't provide specifics but said Cisco is committed to hiring and promoting...
The operator, as recently as last month, said it was on track to deploy nationwide 5G this summer.
“The elephant in the room with regards to open RAN is, of course, integration,” said Patrick...
5G isn’t a cure all, nor does it somehow build a fortress to blunt any nefarious attempts to do...
Open RAN and the rise of 5G presents an opportunity for Juniper to play in a market it hasn’t...
“There have been some customers that have slightly pushed back their plans, but by and large...
Massive job cuts, which impacted about a fifth of the association’s workforce, hit four months...
Aruba Edge Services Platform is comprised of 35 services, including a dozen new insights that were...
The company is recruiting IT professionals with expertise in networking, database management,...
The vendor's business in China has grown as of late, having inked contracts with the country’s...
“DSS is an important stepping stone on our path to nationwide 5G," AT&T's Igal Elbaz said.
Efforts to develop what comes after 5G are gaining momentum, but it’s more of a rallying cry to...
Huawei, Nokia, and Cisco all saw their respective market share drop, while Ericsson was flat and...
Rakuten Mobile isn’t going far, less than 10 miles in fact, for the procurement of its 5G core.
Early adopting service providers include AT&T, Bestel, Bloomberg, Colt Technology Services,...