Michael Tremante

Author Archives: Michael Tremante

Encrypting your WAF Payloads with Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)

Encrypting your WAF Payloads with Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)
Encrypting your WAF Payloads with Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)

The Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) blocks more than 72B malicious requests per day from reaching our customers’ applications. Typically, our users can easily confirm these requests were not legitimate by checking the URL, the query parameters, or other metadata that Cloudflare provides as part of the security event log in the dashboard.

Sometimes investigating a WAF event requires a bit more research and a trial and error approach, as the WAF may have matched against a field that is not logged by default.

Not logging all parts of a request is intentional: HTTP headers and payloads often contain sensitive data, including personally identifiable information, which we consider a toxic asset. Request headers may contain cookies and POST payloads may contain username and password pairs submitted during a login attempt among other sensitive data.

We recognize that providing clear visibility in any security event is a core feature of a firewall, as this allows users to better fine tune their rules. To accomplish this, while ensuring end-user privacy, we built encrypted WAF matched payload logging. This feature will log only the specific component of the request the WAF has deemed malicious — and it is encrypted using a customer-provided key Continue reading

CVE-2020-5902: Helping to protect against the F5 TMUI RCE vulnerability

CVE-2020-5902: Helping to protect against the F5 TMUI RCE vulnerability

Cloudflare has deployed a new managed rule protecting customers against a remote code execution vulnerability that has been found in F5 BIG-IP’s web-based Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI). Any customer who has access to the Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) is automatically protected by the new rule (100315) that has a default action of BLOCK.

Initial testing on our network has shown that attackers started probing and trying to exploit this vulnerability starting on July 3.

F5 has published detailed instructions on how to patch affected devices, how to detect if attempts have been made to exploit the vulnerability on a device and instructions on how to add a custom mitigation. If you have an F5 device, read their detailed mitigations before reading the rest of this blog post.

The most popular probe URL appears to be /tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp followed by /tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/util/getTabSet.jsp, /tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/system/user/authproperties.jsp and /tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/tmshCmd.jsp. All contain the critical pattern ..; which is at the heart of the vulnerability.

On July 3 we saw O(1k) probes ramping to O(1m) yesterday. This is because simple test patterns have been added to scanning tools and small test programs made available by Continue reading

Logs from the Edge

Logs from the Edge

With Cloudflare Workers, our JavaScript environment at the edge, it is possible to send traffic logs to arbitrary locations. In this post we are going to discuss an example Worker implementation on how to achieve this. So if you are building or maintaining your own traffic logging/analytics environment, read on.

To build the underlying script we are going to leverage sub requests. Sub requests, which can be spawned from the initial HTTP/S request, can be used to aggregate and compose a response from several back end services, or, like in the example discussed here, to post data to a specific endpoint. Sub requests can be made asynchronously and after the initial request has been fully served to avoid adding unnecessary latency to the main request.

Logs from the Edge

The Worker Code

In this example we assume an Elastic stack has been set up at elk.example.com and has been configured to receive via HTTP/S PUT requests a number of fields for each log line. The full script that we are going to look at can be found below:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function fetchAndLog(event) {
  const response = await fetch(event.request);
  event.waitUntil(logToElk(event.request, response));
  return response;
 Continue reading

Token Authentication for Cached Private Content and APIs

While working to make the Internet a better place, we also want to make it easier for our customers to have control of their content and APIs, and who has access to them. Using Cloudflare’s Token Authentication features, customers can implement access control via URL tokens or HTTP request headers without having to build complex back-end systems.

Cloudflare will check these tokens at the edge before any request is relayed to an origin or served from cache. If the token is not valid the request is blocked. Since Cloudflare handles all the token validation, the origin server does not need to have complex authentication logic. In addition, a malicious user who attempts to forge tokens will be blocked from ever reaching the origin.

Cloudflare Private Content CC BY 2.0 image by zeevveez

Leveraging our edge network of over 100 data centers, customers can use token authentication to perform access control checks on content and APIs, as well as allowing Cloudflare to cache private content and only serve it to users with a valid token tied specifically to that cached asset.

Performing access control on the edge has many benefits. Brute force attempts and other attacks on private assets don't ever reach Continue reading