Author Archives: Michelle Zatlyn
Author Archives: Michelle Zatlyn
One theme we've prioritized this year at Cloudflare is how we can “level up” — level up service to our customers, level up the growth of our network, level up speed and creativity as we innovate.
In addition to our products and business, “leveling up” should also apply to the way Cloudflare gives back. Since our founding, giving back has been part of Cloudflare’s DNA, whether it’s through free services like Unmetered DDoS Mitigation or Universal SSL, giving gifts to the Internet every year during Birthday Week, or through free programs like Project Galileo that helps protect at-risk public interest organizations all over the world: for example, human rights activists and journalists. As the capabilities of our network continue to grow, we know there is more we can do. As we started to plan our first Impact Week, it seemed like the right time to figure out how we can level up how we give back to our communities.
To help us get there, I am excited to announce that Cloudflare is joining Pledge 1%. We're joining the more than 12,000 companies in 100 countries that are committed to making a tangible, positive impact in their communities. As part of Continue reading
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Today Cloudflare announced that Toronto will be home to Cloudflare’s first Canadian office and team. While I currently live in San Francisco, I was born and raised in Saskatchewan. As a proud Canadian, today feels like a homecoming. Canada has always been an important part of our history and customer base, and I am thrilled to see Cloudflare make a further commitment of expanding officially in the country and opening an office in Toronto. We are hiring a team locally to help our current customers and future customers, and to support even more great Canadian organizations. I wanted to share more about how Cloudflare works with Canadian businesses, what today’s announcement means, and some personal reflections.
Cloudflare helps ensure anything connected to the Internet is fast, safe, and reliable. We do this by running a distributed global cloud platform that delivers a broad range of network services to businesses of all sizes—making them more secure, enhancing the performance of anything connected online, and eliminating costs and complexity. We help approximately 25M Internet properties around the world—whether you’re a Canadian entrepreneur trying to Continue reading
September has always been a special month for Cloudflare. Nine years ago — on September 27th — we launched Cloudflare. And, each year since, we’ve celebrated our birthday with a week full of new products and innovations that support our mission of helping to build a better Internet.
Our mission guides everything we do. One of the most intentional words in our mission is ‘helping’. Building an Internet that can meet the world’s needs cannot be done by any one company or individual; rather, it takes a global community — from nonprofit organizations and businesses to governments and individuals — collaborating to deliver new standards, technologies, and innovations. We believe Cloudflare should be an active participant in the community and help where we can and should.
Our customers and partners are an active part of the community. I often say that customers are one of my favorite parts of my job (our team is my other favorite part). Our customers give us feedback all the time about what they'd like to see to make their Internet properties more secure, more performant and more reliable. Our partners bring forward standards to help make the Internet run more smoothly. For Birthday Week Continue reading
I have always loved birthdays. It is a chance to get together with loved ones, a chance to have fun and a chance to reflect on anything you want to keep doing or change in the upcoming year. At Cloudflare, we’ve embraced celebrating our birthday as well.
This week, Cloudflare turns 8 years old. It feels like just yesterday that Matthew, Lee, Matthieu, Ian, Sri, Chris, Damon and I stepped on stage at Techcrunch Disrupt to launch Cloudflare to the world. Since then, we have celebrated our birthday every year by giving a gift back to our customers and the Internet. This year, we plan to celebrate each day with a new product benefiting our community. Or in other words, it is a weeklong birthday celebration. Like I said, I love birthdays!
The Cloudflare team when we launched the service at Techcrunch Disrupt during September 27 to 29, 2010 – Matthieu, Chris, Sri, Ian, Lee, Matthew, Michelle and Damon.
While I can’t share exactly what we’re releasing every day — after all who doesn’t like a surprise? — I wanted to share some thoughts on how we decide what to release birthday week.
Our mission at Cloudflare is to help Continue reading
We just turned up Calgary, Saskatoon and Winnipeg - Cloudflare’s 143rd, 144th, and 145th data centers. This brings our Canadian presence to six cities, joining Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. I grew up just outside of Saskatoon, so I couldn’t be happier that Cloudflare’s network has expanded to the Canadian Prairies. My parents still live there and I just booked flights to go and visit them this summer. When I tell people that I grew up in Saskatchewan, most people don’t know a lot about the region, so I wanted to share some of my favorite things about the region, starting from west to east:
About 1 million people live in the province of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon is the Continue reading
Five years ago next week, CloudFlare launched its service to the public. We’re celebrating our birthday in a variety of ways, including holding our first-ever Internet Summit on Thursday, September 24th. As part of the Internet Summit, we’re bringing together policymakers, business executives, cybersecurity experts, and academics from all over the world to discuss the threats and opportunities for the Internet over the next five years.
Through a series of fireside chats and panel discussions, featured speakers will discuss the top technology trends shaping business today, including cyber security, mobility, and the Internet of Things. These compelling perspectives will offer insights into the future of the global Internet and its implications on society.
Featured speakers include: